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Gravy Train

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Everything posted by Gravy Train

  1. here are a couple more boxes: first off is Carr Currak box Carlisle No8. second box is Dentonholm North jutcn box Carlisle. cheers Peter
  2. Eggsford box and Grampus, thanks for your posts, lovely box Eggsford, that hinged roof must be original :-) Grampus look forward to seeing the box finished you have made a good job of it so far :-) cheers Peter
  3. Hi Ian, many thanks for your comments, I'm very encouraged, Im so glad there are more buildings people such as your self on the RMWeb, I guess we can bounce ideas of each other :-) cheers Peter
  4. Hi there, thanks for the kind comments, it is without doub't a large layout project but not mine, i was encouraged by the owner to post up some photos on RMWeb of which there are many and will post up as time allows. I would just like to point out that the Trackwork is not my work nor are the baseboards but certainly at (this stage) most of the Architecture is all my work. The victoria Viaduct Bridge was particularly difficult to construct as there are different ground levels, in reality the trackbed is on two levels and a lower rd level not to mention a sloping rd that passes under the bridge, so it had to be constructed at its lowest DATUM point with the levels built up around it. The bridge also slopes and rises as well as it not being a stright line but more of a bow shape. the Etched ironwork was commisioned out. cheers Peter
  5. Hi Ian, many thanks for your kind apreciative comments, I must emphasise that the layout is not mine but I have constructed many of the buidings for it as well as the victoria bridge, I will be posting more from my Hard drive as time allows and it is good to see some of your own models of recent on here, not had chance yet to respond on your thread but will do so. cheers Peter A L.
  6. Hi Alan, was on my lunch break, like I am now :-) How did the GIG go? I will post up on Wheeltapers forum musicians then yopu can go straight to it, it will then put you on to my photobucket were there are more videos, Shadows stuff. cheers Peter
  7. Alan, Lol, :-) sorry about the videos they are way back in september 2012 on the Wheeltapers thread, just lokke din my blog. cheers Peter
  8. What I want to know is, how is he going to balance the camera on the loco becaus I don't think there is clearence under the station roof to allow this to work :-) Peter
  9. WOW! Gilbert, those last batch of photos are fantastic, what more can say :-) Peter
  10. Hi jon, cheers for those comments, I must have done something right :-) we had all the elevations re engineers drawings etc, had to construct it to its lowest datum point then the scenery having to be built around it, I must point out that I am only responsible for the structures only, not the layout or trackwork etc.. cheers Peter
  11. Hi Dave, cheers for your kind comments, much apreciated. Peter
  12. A few photos of the Carlisle project in EM Gauge 4mm.
  13. Dave, I have to say, the layout looks superb even at this stage and as Robin pointed out the presence of the buildings in the scene really bring it on and certainly give it identity, I particularly like the second shot with the road gradually rising up, lovely scenic balance. cheers Peter
  14. Hi All, may I also take this opportunity to thank Gilbert for this very absorbing thread and for his time posting up regularly to keep this thread going and with some greart photoshots, to thank everyone for there kind comments , it is much apreciated and very encouraging. May I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New year and look forward to next year to see Peterborough North develope even further. cheers Peter A L
  15. Good morning Gilbert, that is a fantastic photograph, i wish I could take photos that good :-) cheers Peter
  16. Hi , don't know if this helps, A london rd kit on a scratchbuilt body with an interior ( Gresty Lane ) I found it took longer to build the kit as opposed to a scratchbuild? cheers Peter
  17. Hi Mick, that's a brilliant job done on the signal bridge and arms, as I said earlier its never easy to repair a job but you have managed it here and the paint job just brings it up to spek so to speak. cheers Peter
  18. Hi Gilbert, those photos look stunning, uncannily realistic. Karen Rush of 'Karen Rush Art Studios' makes lifelike figures to perfection, animals,birds to the highest details possible. She did one of eric treacey ( rail photographer) complete with tripod to stand on victoria bridge Carlise, she had even got his cheekbone and head shape correct :-) will try to get a photo from her, it has to be seen to be believed. cheers Peter
  19. Hi Mick, a job well done there, not an easy task, look for wrad to the paint job. cheers Peter
  20. Happy Birthday! Gilbert, I think you should treat yourself to a Loco or two or three :-) all the best Peter & Ann
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