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Ian Simpson

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Status Replies posted by Ian Simpson

  1. Is there any way to upload photos to an existing blog entry without having it show up as a newly published post?

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Many thanks! As long as it's not just me, I don't feel so bad about it!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. A drastically reduced service running on the layout over the next few days.

    It's not a strike, we just can't afford the electricity 📈

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson


      To be fair, Thameslink and Southern always do an excellent job with the replacement buses on the Brighton line. (They've had a lot of practice, I guess.) 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Curse the exchange rate!  Every time Boris does something stupid, I have to pay more on Shapeways ...

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      To be fair to the man, it's also my own fault. If I'd only managed to convince myself that I really needed a couple of extra loco bodies 24 hours earlier, I'd have saved a few quid.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Redundancy beckons. :sorry:

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Very sorry to hear this, hope things start looking up soon.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. was saddened when today at his eye test, upon wishing the excellent East European optometrist good wishes for the future was told that they were leaving because "we're not welcome here". A depressing day.

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Working in London I've heard similar comments from a lot of Europeans that I work with. Most of them have lived here for many years and they have never felt like upping sticks in the past. So unfortunately I don't think it is just a few over-sensitive foreigners who can't hack it here - we also have to take a hard look at ourselves. 

      I hope if LFC ever have tens of thousands of season ticket holders handing their tickets back at the same time, the club's staff will have the humility to think that they might be part of the problem themselves.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Does anyone else judge a townscape by whether they'd want to live there?

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Thanks, Sem, I appreciate such a full answer. Yes, that is lovely modelling!

      I guess I usually ask myself something like "Are there the appropriate facilities in this townscape that I would be happy living there?", e.g. is there a corner shop at the end of an Edwardian  terrace? You're right, it's not the quality of the modellling that matters, simply whether it looks as if the area would work as a neighbourhood, especially given the layout's period and location.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. John Actor is Monkfish, a tough, uncompromising railway modeller.

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      I suppose he's the sort of maverick modeller who's not afraid to break Rule 1 when it's necessary.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. It's 10.30 on Monday morning, and I still don't have any Warning Points!  :declare:

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Well if they haven't logged the OP, they'll certainly have spotted the dodgy company I keep now Clive! :)

      EDIT: I've just spotted there's a Edit button on status updates now. That is a nice touch!


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Thameslink, Crossrail, HS2 - not exactly delivered smoothly to time and budget. So a genuine question: did British Rail do any better on large projects such as the WCML?

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Thanks, everyone! I had forgotten the Channel Tunnel link started in BR days. I loved Orion's comment on costings and will now quote it in all sorts of non-railway contexts!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Oh Frack !

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      A bit of a political earthquake, I think.

  11. Learned a Dutch word for "rivet counter" - Miereneuker (literally "ant f*cker")

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Presumably it means someone with a passionate, even obsessive, interest in small and insignificant items?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Are you a man? A man with hair?....

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Yes (just about, to both questions).

      So apparently I should be washing my hair in cold coffee.

  13. Finally visited the Brighton Toy and Model Museum, after 30 years living in the town. Very impressed, an amazing collection.

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      But did the Museum of Erotica have too much early 20th century clockwork?

      Actually, no, don't answer that ...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Must... resist... O Gauge...

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Just keep repeating over and over: "I don't need it, I can't house it, I can't afford it anyway."

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. Has anyone used their wife's eye-shadow to weather card buildings and/or rolling stock?

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      No, but only because I hadn't thought of it until you put it in my head just now!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  16. Aaaaargh! Is anyone else irrationally irritated by "train" station? It's RAILWAY STATION I yell at the TV...

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      It's "the next station-stop is ..." announcement that annoys me.

      And annoys me rather more than is reasonable or rational, I have to admit.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  17. I've finally bothered to do a new website! https://sem34090.wixsite.com/southcoastrailmodels

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      I'm really looking forward to following your progress. The G6 is such a useful loco for Southern modellers!

  18. Well last year I went and left personal season's greating on all my favorite topics. Due to ill health that would take me about 12 hours this year!! SO I would like to wish the whole of RMWeb a Merry Christmas (insert other holiday if appropriate)!! For those that are interested I have posted a Christmas card on my thread here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/107470-oak-hill-lbscr-secr-1905ish/page-53&do=findComment&comment=2969768

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Have a very Happy Christmas, Gary! Wishing you good modelling and better health in the New Year.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. "The good news Mr Lighting is the tests have shown a reason for you recent chest pain, they also show a reason for your bouts of depression, the bad news is it is a chemical imbalance caused by abnormal liver function." bu66er

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Fingers crossed that the tests lead to more effective treatment, and that you're feeling better soon.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Has woke up this morning with the black dog looming. I was fine last night and have been for a while, hopefully it will pass quickly

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Hang on in there, hope things get better soon!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. Sniped someone on eBay earlier. Hope the "victim" isn't a member on here

    1. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      I'm usually pretty pleased when someone outbids me - if I won everything I bid for on eBay I'd be completely broke and I'd have a project list that would need several extra lifetimes to get through!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. Those that can recall my status update a while back where I said my wife Wendy had been diagnosed with cancer of the womb. Two operations later and a manic few months and she has just been given the all clear. They say they caught it in time before it had a chance to spread. Thank you for all the well wishers and people who sent pm messages of support

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