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Everything posted by PeterBB

  1. Glad to see that Sandy is improving. How is the Paradise Circus and relevant (typo appeared there - reversed letters) horrible road works going? Thoroughly appreciated your comments on the ubiquitous marauding typos. Cheers, Peter
  2. Quite frankly the pictures do not do the actual area justice - 'Bodgits' technique makes the process look so simple. What made it 'easy' was the amount of PVA put down and of course the final bit "We've got a bit too much there what else have I got ... this'll do" and sprinkle What a natural finish! Of course we had to have some compulsory running of the 25s - and a demo of the Gaugemaster automatic polarity switch over a 'dead' line obviating the need for a manual extra switch. Got home just in time for dinner ... perfect afternoon. Cheers, Peter
  3. Simon,


    I would be grateful if you could give a few details/short run down on how your CIO came to be/is working, as I believe some club members are looking into it again.


    Thank you in anticipation, cheers, Peter BB

    1. Simon G

      Simon G

      Hi Peter,

      I am not sure how it came to be set up as it pre-dates my involvement with the club.  I will try to remember to ask someone in the club who will know!  As to maintaining the charitable status, we have to submit an annual return to the Charities Commission to retain our status.  We also have a number of trustees, of which I am one.   In addition, we submit an annual Gift Aid return to HMRC in order to reclaim part of the members subscriptions.

      Cheers, Simon

    2. PeterBB


      Thanks Simon, thats a useful start.  Cheers, Peter

  4. In the 'old' days we just measured the blood glucose and I well remember a gentleman who always came to the clinic with a level of '20+'. HbA1C made a tremendous difference to the treatment of diabetics because it effectively averaged the glucose levels over a period of 6 weeks and evened out the 'ups and downs' and therefore the amount of insulin prescribed. In the case above the gentleman was on relatively high levels of insulin. It turned out that on clinic days he could not get home in time for his next meal so could go hypoglycaemic. To stop this he had a 'high' glucose meal before coming and hence we measured a level of 20+. Once HbA1C was instituted this came to light and he was put on a much better insulin regime. One of the positive side effects of this was that he did not have to come to the clinic so often and of course his actual health improved.
  5. Andy, yes I'm still with Seven Mills and did you know that Adrian is one of our own club members?  Cheers, Peter

    1. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      Yes Peter, I introduced him, and asked him to join the Club.

  6. Somebody stated that this thread appears to be 'quiet'. I have just had a couple of days or so off and it has taken hours to get through the number of posts since that time. Happy Birthday to the two ... Ian A and 'Tiger' ... cannot remember, must be getting senile. Also have managed to find some of my 'followed topics' and reset via help from Andy P as well as found Jamie's layout - boy he does seem to have a lot of room. Cheers, Peter
  7. Actually found the topic , have skimmed/read all posts - and now found the 'follow' button! Thanks for your help.
  8. Mal, Pleased to hear that the house move is complete and that the uncertainties and stress of moving for which Gabe has obviously followed through superbly are at an end as it becomes a home. Please too that you are at home and still stoically providing great support. Our prayers are still with you and your family. Peter
  9. Am having the same problem - nothing coming up on RMweb and emails coming long after I have chased up. I am also having trouble finding my 'followed' layouts ... in fact impossible ... probably me but I just cannot seem to be able to sort out the new format and finding it very frustrating!
  10. Safari still does not like this ...
  11. Its taken a long time but I think that I have managed to get 'properly' back on RMweb and tried to look back ... pages and pages so not a practical proposition ... anyway we will see if it works out when I next access. So congratulations and commiserations as appropriate. Hope to be able to follow from now on.
  12. Barnaby, Andy used to attend many exhibitions over the years with many different layouts that were all a joy to operate but in recent years he has had health issues and decided, wisely, that his health was more important so 'retired' from exhibiting. He does still attend a number of exhibitions that help him keep in touch with his many friends. His back scenes are superb and he has a video ... oops I have just noticed that he has added the demonstration video he did at the club. Peter Edit - noted video was being added.
  13. Mal, Such humour just shows your strength of character and your description of the hospice brings back both sad and positive memories ... Dad's last weeks were extremely happy for him and the care was superb. In our prayers for you and Gabe. Peter
  14. George at last it seems I might have cracked the new system and managed to find your layout. Staggered to find that you have reached 19 pages ... well it might be before I finish this at the rate that you are going ... retirement seems to suit you. Looking great and the Signatrack ... wish I'd kept it! - the price they are these days - and I like your sloping panel idea. Megapoints servo controllers for points - yes, they are really good. Peter
  15. As others have said we are totally numb, especially after the hope from Basingstoke last year, and pleased that you are continuing to plan the move to make it easier for Gabe. Thinking of you both in our prayers. Peter
  16. These readings vary through the day and at surgery are often 'raised' but in the range of 'high normal'. Personally I would be quite pleased especially with the diastolic reading.
  17. Hi Guys, At last I seem to have managed to get on the RMweb properly? Commiserations and congratulations as needed and especially to The Q and Mal not forgetting John and Sandy and Rick. The picture sequence by John (Coombe Martin) of his 128 year old relative was superb, Hope Chris F thoroughly enjoys his Australia trip - pack less or you will not be able to bring back any worthwhile souvenirs. Will hopefully gradually catch up but for me it is well over a week since last managed to access the site with success. SouthernRegionSteam's comment about 'standard procedure' is something I would concur. Lesson planning is fine but to do the whole year in one go ... The reality is that within 5 minutes of a class session you know how well it will go and how much of the 'planned' session the students will be able to pick up. The process has its pluses - I was an 'observer' in the days when the idea was to help should you find something amis. From comments e.g. AndyRam found that certain individual heads made life extremely difficult with the idea of getting rid of staff 'standard procedure' has gone that way now. Yes, I did once observe an individual, the process did require a short discussion a day or two before, who was not up to it ( not in fact teaching anything just discussing the latest acquisition), who realised that they were rumbled and resigned before formal feedback. Unions are the key to this - use them as too many heads are getting away with this sort of thing rather than honestly sorting redundancies that need pay-offs because they have been told to cut costs by their 'employers'.
  18. until
    Local parking; refreshments, Trader Tutbury Models Gresleyvale N - continued construction; an MTD N; Badgers Halt 009; Coopers Dale and Marston -OO; Wychnor (updated) O; The Utah and Colorado Mountain Railway O; Catlon Valley G and potentially a further OO and O gauge layout both TBC Park Road is adjacent to Gresley Common on an unmade-up road Map_G&WMRG_Access_PBB_170Map_G&WMRG_Access_PBB_170227 2.tiff.pdf
  19. Mal, What can one say to one with such devastating news who has gone through much in recent years with fortitude and with so much help and advice to others in the true 'Jock Spirit'. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Thoughts now make me lost for words ... have seen this before and trust and pray that palliative treatment will really help. Peter
  20. Velcro is OK if you get it right first otherwise the trouble with velcro is that it makes a lot of noise in a quiet place.
  21. Coombe Barton - John best wishes to you and Sandy. Your other point on marking 'originality' struck a chord. Students just do not seem to realise that you can put something that rings a bell that they put into in an essay etc. into the web and its origin ... frequently comes up. As you say it involves more work. Why don't they just quote the source ... and then make their own comment. These days I no longer miss marking and remember the February half-terms especially when we all had to be in for the week to catch up on marking ... often not, officially, in our subjects ... and then there was the experiment of 'double marking' I therefore feel for you in more ways than one. Having said that it is great to see progress even if it is slow. Station Master Mike - hope the Good Doctor recovers fully quickly. Bins alternate weeks Black - normal waste; brown (early) - food and garden organic and green (pm) recycled set plastics, glass, foil with an added bin inside for cardboard and paper. It works well. I have to admit that we do make relatively frequent visits to the tip but that is as Q states things too big for the bins, metals and odd bags from the club. Tablets - inbrufen is unsuitable for those with kidney problems as is grapefruit although with its taste I wonder why anyone would eat it. Co-codamol not bad in short bursts; paracetamol - like Bob Bishop have dealt with those who have unwittingly overdosed and perhaps not surprisingly tooth ache has been a major cause. Edit = spelling
  22. Once inadvertently took a mouthful of what turned out to be a beef pie cooked with alcohol rather than a normal beef pie ... an experience I never want again.
  23. ... and there would be a sharp 'bite' in them
  24. Sir Alec Jeffreys ... thanks for the memory. This then young man came to Birmingham (from Leicester I think) early 70's, to give an evening session on his research. It seemed interesting so a few of us travelled up from Gloucester Royal ... coincidentally I came across the notes I took during a very interesting evening. From John's reports it has developed extremely well in more than one sphere.
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