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Status Replies posted by Coldgunner

  1. Warley tomorrow! Is the GWR 28xx still at Moor St?

  2. 20th November... whats so special about that date then?!? ...nm, just remembered its bathtime!

  3. Its raining outside, the shed is outside... have a guess where my paint brushes are?

  4. Its raining outside, the shed is outside... have a guess where my paint brushes are?

  5. Since starting our O gauge range the modellers have been fantastic and open. Today i met the exception and it semi shattered my beliefs. What a polite and selfless, unassuming chap he was!

  6. has once again failed to register even one number in the EuroMillions Lotto :-(

  7. Just heard, A friend of mine has died during an operation, was speaking to him last week and making arrangements to see him this week. Very sad.

  8. O gauge has bit me. I get an urge to build a full on JLTRT or DJH kit. My N gauge layout is looking a bit sorry for itself :(

  9. I knew last nights curry would have repercussions!

  10. Just had my first ever driving lesson. Did better than I thought I would.

  11. Just had my first ever driving lesson. Did better than I thought I would.

  12. By gum it's chilly in't shed...

  13. Loft raid netted a stock of balsa wood... result!

  14. Ain't that a booger, new wagon kit, no glues :( Another order I guess...

  15. Has a length of 'O' gauge track, does that mean I'm now a bona-fide 'O' modeller?

  16. Ordered my first 7mm wagon kit from JLTRT. Hope Mr Watermans kits are good!

  17. Getting packed to fly to Amsterdam in the early hours. Maybe try catch some local trains stuff.

  18. O gauge Ivor the engine a good idea? add DCC and a sound chip with chee-ta-koff, chee-ta-koff on it?

  19. Can you buy forks in Poland.Whats the Polish for shut the flaming roof !

  20. the East of England Showground is hosts to people with massive marrows this weekend; next weekend it's us lot!

  21. Editing video of my Shildon trip, quite a lot done...

  22. Editing video of my Shildon trip, quite a lot done...

  23. I think I just fried my first decoder chip! Except I am not exactly sure why...

  24. Is so excited. Get a trip to Shildon on Thursday to see 60008 and 60010. Never thought I'd be bagging those so soon. One more A4 to bag after that, 60009.

  25. It's a moose! #RedDwarfX

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