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Status Replies posted by Coldgunner

  1. Replacement DCC chip arrived, can finally use my DCC equipment ag... oh wait, the chip is DOA :@

  2. Replacement DCC chip arrived, can finally use my DCC equipment ag... oh wait, the chip is DOA :@

  3. Almost lost the will to live - not touched a model for a month, downloaded 123d but can't think of anything to draw. Not sure I've even got the energy to go to bed.

  4. Hmm, trying to come up with an idea for a 7mm micro layout suitable for both big and small loco's...

  5. needs to stop buying those pretty Mathieson wagons.

  6. Hmm, trying to come up with an idea for a 7mm micro layout suitable for both big and small loco's...

  7. indian takeaway containers make ideal boxes for under construction loco kits :) just clean them out first

  8. has gone 5ft 3....

  9. I've reviewed 10 loco's today for my youtube channel, which amounts to about 2 hours of me talking to myself about trains. I don't think thats normal? :(

  10. Two BT guys looking in to a hole in my street, how long before my internet goes off by coincidence...

  11. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, definitely the best Indy film of them all. A great example of how classic film-making techniques surpass the soulless CGI prevalent today.

  12. Back home from holiday, time for a trip to trains4u in the morning

  13. is thinking how great Fray Bentos pies are, truly the pie of Kings.

  14. is thinking how great Fray Bentos pies are, truly the pie of Kings.

  15. The missus bought some loose chocs in Thorntons

  16. when i get my dad to go out and get glue whilst hees in town it takes forever, but if i go with him into town it takes around 5 mins??

  17. watching Arya a 8 week old kitten chase a 2mm chassis been tested on a kato oval pure magic gosh ive missed having a cat

  18. The sheer incompetence I have had to suffer today is unbelievable.

  19. Another chip popped, a good one this time. No idea whats up!

  20. wouldnt mind a secret escape with the girl off the advert

  21. Who'd have thought Batman would turn out to be Luke Skywalkers father?

  22. Tried to call in to "Trains4U" at Peterbrough on the way back From Railex today, only to find it is closed on Monday ######.

  23. We are currently extremely busy, if you require emergency assistance please dial 999 .... for the last 10 minutes

  24. da da da dum... click, click... da da da dum... click click...

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