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Status Replies posted by SHMD

  1. having subject the household plumbing to the very worst of Mrs Boris cooking, I can say without a shred of doubt that our toilet really will flush anything.

  2. I scribe; you scribe; he, she or it scribes; we scribe; you scribe; they scribe...

  3. Would really like the manufacturers to make a class 323 emu and think he will start a thread to that effect.

  4. Would really like the manufacturers to make a class 323 emu and think he will start a thread to that effect.

  5. Exciting landing at LBA last night. Not good when people are screaming and bracing for impact 5 miles out! Still, put me in the right frame of mind for Warley

  6. Chuff me this wind is immense

  7. Just been sent home from work to go to the GP for a check up after getting a shock from a faulty water cooler at work. It's now all the Health and Safety reports I have to do as I'm the H&S co-ordinator.

  8. ..is rendering-down/softening/boiling the a*** off 4 oranges worth of peel for something SWMBO is cooking!

  9. Always remember that you can't tuna fish.

  10. Always remember that you can't tuna fish.

  11. My two weeks in the Belgium countryside are coming to an end. I'm pretty sure that all that good food (and beer) has had an affect of expanding my girth somewhat! Now, where to next? After a week to recover back in Blighty that is!

  12. a butterfly ....with a bomb

  13. ..took the train into Brussels today. Didn't stay long as there didn't seem to be anything to do! But I thoroughly enjoyed the ride on the ancient AM62 EMU though.

  14. Just before a quarter past one tomorrow afternoon it will be 10/11/12 13:14:15

  15. Just before a quarter past one tomorrow afternoon it will be 10/11/12 13:14:15

  16. listens to the tap tap of water through the roof into the room below, this is going to be expensive

  17. Just before a quarter past one tomorrow afternoon it will be 10/11/12 13:14:15

  18. Signing off for the winter due to err ... see you all in the spring :)

  19. Right Own up, who thought it would be funny to attempt to try and infect my PC with a trojan, a weeks worth of detentions for all of you until the cluprit owns up...

  20. ..is enjoying Belgium.. ..but not their roundabouts! They don't know how to use them safely AND effectively at the same time!

  21. ..is enjoying Belgium.. ..but not their roundabouts! They don't know how to use them safely AND effectively at the same time!

  22. so sad that clive dunns has died. "they dont like it up em you know!"

  23. Windows 7 Professional replaced Windows 8 Professional - just the 94 updates to install now ..

  24. Windows 7 Professional replaced Windows 8 Professional - just the 94 updates to install now ..

  25. Has really been enjoying my virtual tour around Welsh slate mines recently. Thanks Tim.

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