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Posts posted by Kev_Lewis

  1. Further research on panniers seen on the Kingsbridge branch has found 5798,9623,9633 and 9717.Can some kind soul with access to the pannier papers tell me if any of these are in photo in the relevant book please.I don't have the book in my collection yet. ;)


    Just had a root through Rob.


    Book 3: No sign of 5798.

    Book 4: No photo's of 9623 or 9633. But there is a 1962 photo of 9717 at Hereford.

  2. Yes, Warren mentioned the hole/casing issue. The gap around the casing on the 1366 is tiny though:


    That's good. Fixing the chimney on top of the casing should be fine then.


    The middle chimney should look about right with some of the bottom removed.


    Permission requested to be fed up with GWR dock tanks. Roll on Christmas and the O2...


    You've almost persuaded me to get one for myself. They had two 1366s at Swindon during the period I model and I'm sure they escaped the works occasionally.

  3. Another technical question for the GWR boffins...


    Does anyone know the dimensional differences between the chimneys on the following:


    1. 14xx/ 58xx

    2. 54xx/64xx/74xx


    Is the 54xx chimney less 'fat' than the 14xx?


    Thanks for any assistance. 


    I actually have 7mm models of both of these.


    I'll put a photo up when I get back from walking the dog. Would over on your 1366 build thread be best?

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  4. I've been looking at photos and have noticed all the fixtures and fittings that are attached to the cab sheets, backhead and floor...


    My cunning plan, which obviously depends on me being able to accurately cut metal, is to produce a copy of the front cab sheet which fits inside the cab. This would be fixed to the footplate along with the backhead. It should help firmly locate the cab and tank assembly and strengthen the flimsy cab a little. As I said it will depend on my developing metal bashing skills for it to work! Watch this space.


    Please discuss away...


    Sounds like a good plan to me.


    As cunning as a fox that's just been made Professor of Cunning at Oxford University. :)

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  5. I can see the sense in fitting the floor (if you mean the two raised sections) to the footplate for the reason you suggest but I think it will make it far more difficult to do a lot of the cab fitting, especially the pipework which not only goes through the floor but also across it from the injectors to the clacks.  Apart from the handbrake and another item (I'm not sure what it is to be honest) on the backsheet there are only a few things on the low part of the cab floor - just the springs and damper handles.  And the spring on the Driver's side is in any case surrounded by the raised section of floor.  Everything else including the reverser stand, draincocks lever and sander lever are all on the raised part.


    And the raised shovelling strip would seem like a useful locating guide, albeit in only one plane, for the raised floor section on the Driver's side.  But then I'm not building it!


    Taking things a bit further then. How about fixing the backhead to the cab floor as well?


    Apologies to Chris for this debate about how to build his kit. It just goes to show that we all have different ways of doing things.

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  6. Are you going to be permanently attaching the cab roof?


    If you fit parts of the floor to the front and sides of the cab you're going to have difficulty painting the interior of the cab unless the roof is removable.


    My preference would be to fix the roof permanently, because it will look tidier, and fix the floor to the footplate which will help locate the cab in the correct position.


    Hope this makes sense.

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