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Everything posted by Jub45565

  1. Hi All, Just a brief post, mainly to apologise for the long silence! Things have been busy (in life, the universe, and everything) but thats not to say I haven't had time to make some progress. What I havent had time to do is both make progress AND document it! This weekend I am taking the layout to Scaleforum, in Aylesbury, as part of the Scalefour Society Bristol Area Group demo/show and tell. If you're there please come and say hello. I know there are a few further flung followers of this topic though and once this deadline is out of the way, and the dust has settled, I will make sure to post some updates. The deadline has been good to focus my attention and get things done. Cheers,
  2. I guess they think a full scale one would dwarf most 00 layouts, shame though. Keep us posted on your next concept!
  3. I assumed he was taking the p*ss! ;-) All looking good though Dave, please keep the updates and videos coming.
  4. More 014 wagons would be very welcome on the market Roger. WD 'D's, or the 4 wheel Hudson variants especially. Unfortunately I can't offer to sell any gauges, but I do have a set of the KB scale roller gauges for the Kalgarin code 82 rail. If these would suit you I could certainly lend you them, feel free to pm me if interested.
  5. There is a chassis kit available from 52F models. There is also a complete kit from London Road Models, and while a chassis only etch isnt listed I have found John willing to sell individual etches so it depends how the body/chassis breakdown works for the kit as to what is available on each etch.
  6. One other reason why an apparently none moving stock item has been re-priced could be that to save labelling up new packets every week, when items are sold they are actually swapped at the till for an unravelled one & the labelled one put back on display. It also allows for that one to be handled, or affected by light etc, but customers get new stock. Personally if I ran this business model, I would rotate them from time to time- but we're all human, & all have our little ways of doing things...
  7. I think the point about isolated chassis' is that if everything is isolated to start with, then any 1 wheel touching metal (frame, brakegear, etc) isn't going to cause a short. If one side is permanently shorted, then any contact on the other half will cause a short. I'm not sure why this is being sold as a DCC specific thing though? To be honest I would ditch the chassis and use the Rumney Models option - which is designed for 00, EM or P4 building & includes a representation of the valvegear, plus is sprung so runs better & will have fewer pickup issues. I must admit to not being a completely innocent bystander though...
  8. Yes the loco is an L&Y Radial 2-4-2. I can't help with the tank but will be following with interest!
  9. The Worth Valley branch had a lunchtime turn with a motor train set usually Fairburn hauled. Not quite sure why off the top of my head, but I think more details are in Midland Record issues 34 & 35. It may have been when the motor train running the rest of the service was having a longer run, to Bradford FS, to charge the batteries - but why the fiĺl in also needed PP fitted stock...
  10. Well done folks... Sam had already described the situation, if only people would read & understand. With a bit of patience people who have been able to source kits, & now nobody can. Sorry 'we' have forced you into this decision Sam. All the best.
  11. Well done folks... Sam had already described the situation, if only people would read & understand. With a bit of patience people who have been able to source kits, & now nobody can. Sorry 'we' have forced you into this decision Sam. All the best.
  12. Does anyone know of a photo showing the cab/backhead of a Belpaire rebuild? There is a brilliant one for a round topped version in the Wild Swan Midland Engines No. 1 covering these tanks (p30). There is a sideways view with some view of the cab in the Midland Record preview edition (p77). But neither of these is quite what I am after... TIA,
  13. Comet/Wizard do some underframe detailing etches & castings, & South Eastern Finecast do flush glazing. Beyond that there are buffers from Lanarkshire Models & Suppliers, or MJT, & working gangways from Masokits. As Joseph says it depends how far you want to go - & there will be a time when starting again is easier! (Or just using the roof...). Edited to correct autocorrect...
  14. Good trolling! Maybe it's because we have better things to do until Bachmann supply some info about which we can converse. I'm busy finishing my Craftsman one now, correcting it's defects & hopefully coming up with something I will prefer 'cos I made it. That said, if Bachmanns cuts the mustard I will buy one - like I have their other prototypes of interest. The problem could be, unlike for GWR folk, that there is no suitable motor train stock to use with this, or the push pull fitted Ivatt. I'm aware the Hornby D1907 BT is ripe for a D1856 conversion, as others have proved & I have underway. Other variants including some Midland examples would be magic. This has already been discussed though, so I'll head back to the modelling bench until further info arrives...
  15. Apologies for sprinting off at a tangent - but that's an interesting tender cab. I presume that's a preservation addition?
  16. Indeed, Bachmann do the 3250 gallon Deeley tender, but I have yet to see one of those with a tender cab. The larger Deeley tender (3500 gallon IIRC) was available as a kit from Alan Gibson (& I think Colin still has some in stock). I don't think the tender kit came with the cab option though. I presume the kits available are aimed at the Fowler tender variants, but could no doubt be made to fit either.
  17. Very enjoyable day out operating Rolvenden. Whilst (in standard gauge) a modeller of the late 50s, it was good to see a much wider mix! All 3 in progress layouts were looking good & well worth keeping an eye out for in the future!
  18. Well the bridge was what I mean't, and probably slightly more manageable, but if you're offering! ;-) Interesting - I had read that they didn't make it beyond Otley (or should that be nearer than), but even if they didnt they are lovely locos so as you say... Cheers,
  19. Looking good Dave! It would be nice to see it at S4 North if possible? Though I appreciate you probably have a boatload (other modes of transport possibly preferable) of buffers and -stops... and you might not want anyone thinking its for sale!
  20. I don't believe so (open to correction...) - the Irish 3ft railcars were either used in pairs or used the turntables, and the Colonel Stephens railcars were used in pairs generally so the pulling unit did the work. Therefore whether there is any need for a decoder to suit is a moot point - unless running a single unit in a depot environment?
  21. No. Ultrascale are my wheel of choice at the moment, so I would not want Gibson's included. That said, I agree with the above re beginners - difficult balance to be had. Supplying to the retail trade with wheels, while leaving them as an option when buying direct, would be one way - but would add a bit to supply chain management. Exactoscale wheels are even better than Ultrascale, but not currently available new, though I believe this part of the C&L empire will have a future but it is yet to be seen.
  22. Hi Paul, I know him well & he is notoriously bad at keeping up with emails etc! I'll give him a prod tomorrow night when I see him.
  23. My bold... I get your point, but actually more applicable to lots of early railbuses which had standard road vehicle gearboxes.
  24. I recently got an extra etch ordered from another small supplier & it has been ordered & etched within a month. I appreciate peoples desire for feedback on emails & order progress - but issues with work/family/life balances have been well documented on this thread. The Falcon range has some interesting bits & I'd definitely prefer them to be available in 'Ultrascale' timescales than not at all.
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