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Everything posted by Jub45565

  1. Interesting point David, the plot thickens! Tom if you do find anything I would definitely be interested in knowing too - ideally 1958 but anything would be good! Let's hope they have the connections/sources. Cheers, Pete
  2. Sorry, but after my query a kind fellow member has sorted me out - so I haven't tried my chances direct.
  3. Ron, Tom, Yes I'm interested in both the ammonia and Shell traffic flows - but am a bit sketchy on it at the moment! As for the ice, that would only be formed in one direction (when full), and that looks like heading towards Otley which adds up in my mind. There are a couple of threads on ammonia wagons elsewhere on RMWEb (I'll try and remember to edit this an add a link or two later). Were the fuel trains all petrol, or a mixture? From the photos I have seen they generally look black rather than silver, but that could well be the state of cleanliness! (yes, I'm aware that I don't really need to know about either of these for the shed...).
  4. Yes, already well over my max bid, seeing is as it has no chassis of note...
  5. Out of interest, have people been trying the email address on the website, or the one at the back of the pricelist (or both...)? I'm after an LK2 Belpaire MR 0-4-4 kit (or even just the cab front and smokebox, as I have an LK3 none Belpaire version - but don't fancy my chances direct...
  6. Re Welsh people switching languages, it may be nothing personal... I worked with a couple of Welsh guys (in Wales) and they'd be happily talking along in one language until one got to a word they didnt know in that language, so switched to the other language for a few sentences, until another word made them switch back again (etc). Different languages have different ways of explaining things, and each is better in different scenarios (Inuits and snow comes to mind...). There are a lot of people in the world who seem to like playing the victim when they havent even been noticed... not to say it doesn't/hasn't happened, but there may well be more variables at play.
  7. ...& the answer appears to be yes. One of my favourite photos in 'Historic Railway photographs - vol 2. The Skipton-Ilkley railway' by Donald Binns is on p28 of double headed WD 2-8-0s on an oil train, & some if the tanks are anchor mounted. Just a bit distant to tell the liveries, to my untrained eye at least.
  8. Sounds good John! I'm sure everyone is in a patient mood! (Just ignore the Bachmann Thompson & Stanier 2-6-0 threads...). I just need to clarify for myself if they turned up in Wharfedale on the Heysham Tyne Tees oil trains... time for some 'reading'.
  9. How much blood did you give?! I hope it wasn't that symmetrical... more adsl ;-)
  10. Excellent point Andrew, good spot! Though as you say it does look more uniform than most stonework, and definitely more so than any 4mm scale sheets I have seen, so should we be building it in stone, or build it in brick but painted as per stone?! It does answer the question as to why it doesnt follow a standard brick bond... (other than stretcher, which wouldnt be used on a building).
  11. But bizarrely it seems to know where the nearest station is... which I would have assumed it also calculated from the postcode as it usually stated as a crow flies distance.
  12. Yes, sorry, I wasn't trying to take a (the?) French swimming pool, merely commenting on why that one is a good choice. Both you mentioned are of the Holbeck stable & worthy candidates:-)
  13. Firstly, I'm glad this thread has talking and thinking about the place - any more photos or memories please keep coming! As if to prove I'm still alive, but not done alot (layout wise) here are a couple of photos... I've mainly been working on the 3F recently, partly as I want it finished by Railwells in August, but also the good weather has been good for painting rather than sitting next to a soldering iron. I will update my 3F topic separately (and probably tomorrow, there are quite a few photos to crop and reduce!) but here it is with the chassis painted running around the layout (smooth as silk, and without disgracing itself (or my trackwork) once! Also of note in the photo are bits of turntable. The handrail stantions are not yet fitted, as I'll be doing that after fitting the decking, but the deck planking has been cut to length and fitting that will be one of the next jobs. Once the 3F is finished I will make the layout my top priority again... One concept I've been playing with is the use of cutlery trays for stock storage. I just need to find one with the right dimensions... but if I do I think I'm onto a winner. The one here is good for 57' stock as long as couplings don't protrude, other than the tea spoon tray which is longer (answers on a postcard...) and can accomodate, in this case, the Brassmasters cast coupling.
  14. The Scot has to be the Duke of Wellington, with his West Riding Regiment! Thanks for the formation Dave, very useful. Cheers, Pete
  15. Hi Dave, ah yes, thanks for the reminder - I do have that saved. Very useful article. I presume, but could be wrong, that the change to SOs came at the same time as the 12 wheel LMS dining car being replaced by the RKB? My 1960 notes (which I thought came from the same source) suggest: 13/6/60: BSK(24)*, CK(24/18)*, FK(42)*, RF(24), SO(64)*,3 SK(48)*, SK(48)(SO)*, SO(48)*, BSK(24)* (*Mk1 stock, ie all but the RF) 12/9/60: All BR Mk1 stock, BSK(24),CK(24/18), FK(42), FO(42), RKB, SK(48), SO(64), SO(48), BSK(24) I need to double check the September 1960 rake, it is a bit short! My rake will nominally be 1958, but with a 1960 option so I can slot in an A3 or Peak. I'd be interested to know if you do find any info on the Waverley (and I'll share if I find anything), the other rake I don't have a lot if info on at the moment is the summer Saturday Saltburn-Blackpool train. Yes, there's nothing like a bit of forum browsing to kick start some progress!
  16. Interesting point re the Thames Clyde formation change there Dave, where is it you found that info? Could you clarify what the 1958 formation is please? I also like how you've set at 1958! Is it, by any chance, due to the local trains still being steam hauled til the end of the year, but DMUs also being used on driver training turns? Cheers,
  17. Thanks for those - unfortunately I've seen the photos in the shed before, but there are others in the group that are of wider interest! Another source which doesnt look to specifically help me, as the shed area seems to be missed out, but there are some nice aerial photos here: http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/asearch?search=ilkley Hopefully some modelling to report soon... Cheers,
  18. Hi Andrew, It is an interesting mix of grey, green & yellow! Presumably it would have been a bit grimier in days gone by, or would the direction of weather help keep it clean(er)? I have made a bit of progress and hopefully will get something posted next week - this weekend is Scalefour North so I'll be taking my time to look at the scenic effects on Halifax King Cross, among others!
  19. Thanks for that, apparently there is some useful info on these in the Wild Swan Compounds book - which may help with the chassis detailing either with comparing the photos or by chasing the tender number. The body I think I am ok with - it is unbeaded but rivetted, and lined around the top edge. Cheers,
  20. Evening All, Eventually I will be building a Crab in P4. My initial choice is 42770 as based at Manningham in the late 1950s. The tender, however, was none standard. Having been reading my copy of the LMS review issue 1, there is an article by John Jennison on the LMS standard tenders (part 1, so issue 2, which I don't (yet) have might give some more info, though I think part 2 is Stanier tenders?). This confirms what I though from a few photos, that 42770 had a 'rebuilt' tender. The article states that my tender of interest was a flat sided rebuild numbered 2850 which originated from an early Deeley Compound and was rebuilt in 1949. Firstly, from what I have read the tank dimensions are the same as 'standard' Fowler 3500g tenders, but were there any detail changes to suit the alternative underframe (other than in this case no beading)? Secondly, would the underframe from a Deeley 3500g tender be correct - ie if I managed to source the underframe from an Alan Gibson tender kit would this be a good starting point? (yes, sourcing one might be a different matter, but I'll deal with that if it is indeed what I need!). Edit - to remove incorrect valvegear info. There is also a photo of it of page 10 of Powe of the LMS 2-6-0s. Cheers, Pete
  21. Dapol do some unpainted wagons which are a good start for this, but yes - I quite agree that the hobby as a whole does require a cheap way to experiment, cut your teeth, etc, across the loco, coach, wagon range.
  22. My point, while being flippant, isnt exactly invalid to the point being made. The hobby has enough other trade available to get new entrants in, and we all have a choice between using what is available RTR/RTP, and if we want something more prototypically correct for our desires then there are kits, or bashing, or scratch building. While a reduction in 1 member of the trade undoubtedly reduces the amount of RTR available, it is hardly (in my mind) the end of the world as we know it.
  23. Wizard Models? (ie, amongst other things, the Comet range...) ;-)
  24. Hi Andrew, Presuming youre not using the mobile version of RMWeb (and if so it will need the 'theme' changing at the bottom - view full version) - first click reply with attachments: Then click choose files (1),This should bring up the usual file finding window, and once uploaded they can be added to the post (2) and that will add the link to the text window (3). Hope that helps, Cheers, Pete
  25. Hi Andrew, I have found this link: http://www.orientalmotor.com/technology/articles/step-motor-basics.html Half stepping looks easy enough (and I'm surprised that isnt counted as standard operation to be honest, but its good to know. Microstepping (about 3/4 of the way down that page) looks like it might be useful with smoothing the motion, but I don't think it sounds like a particularly robust way of sorting the final alignment. It sounds like the next step is to get hold of one and experiment though.
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