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Everything posted by Titan

  1. The ironic thing is that GL/RT1210 does not mandate 370mm minimum clearance anyway, giving the 'Normal' clearance as 270mm, same as it was on BR. You can read it here, top of page 12: http://www.rssb.co.uk/rgs/standards/GLRT1210%20Iss%201.pdf You can no longer use the 'Reduced' and 'Special Reduced' clearances which were only rarely needed anyway. It mentions elsewhere of 370mm providing 'basic' insulation, which many seem to have interpreted as the mandatory minimum, as it appears in the Roger Ford article. Not so.
  2. I wonder if they de-meshed the gears on the 08? It would be a long slow journey if they didn't... Actually I wonder what the maximum permitted speed of an 08 with de-meshed gears actually is - be surprised if it was much above 40mph!
  3. Really? Here are five recently sold sets all under £75.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-APT-P-5-car-set-City-of-Derby-370-002-/311685968515?hash=item4891ee7283:g:JGMAAOSwawpXtg5n http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-Gauge-Hornby-APT-Advanced-Passenger-Train-/232086916777?hash=item3609754ea9:g:3coAAOSwYIxX3qZJ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-OO-Gauge-APT-Advanced-Passenger-Train-/122139678835?hash=item1c70179873:g:-yYAAOSw8gVX3sm8 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-INTER-CITY-APT-/162153272444?hash=item25c116947c:g:3n4AAOSw-YVXnKRV http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-APT-5-Car-set-/142141314388?hash=item2118485554:g:C~cAAOSwzaJX94Ub The last one is missing a bogie but with this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-L5314-APT-1-2-BOGIE-2-NO-WHEELS-ADVANCED-PASSENGER-TRAIN-OO-GAUGE-/401201656003?hash=item5d697b70c3:g:4UcAAOSwPCVX9iRW still brings the total under £70, and a half bogie left spare!
  4. The class 71 had been restored to running order already until the NRM neglected it... https://youtu.be/UdQmu2Y1N2k?t=354
  5. Rail have got it wrong. Goodness knows how because the dive under always has been proposed as double track, and has never been shown as single anywhere ever as far as I know!
  6. Would that be British Rail Main line Diesel Locomotives?
  7. TBH I have never seen DELTIC quoted as being 69'6 in length, and bearing in mind I am somewhat of a Deltic enthusiast I have read most of the books and other information available besides what is found on the web. One of the more definitive Books is Brian Webbs 'Deltic locomotives of British Rail' which will have it correct, although I can't quite remember the exact figure I think it is around 67 foot something for the prototype. Edit - Just got home and checked, 67' 9 inches according to the above book, As well as 'Deltics at Work' by Allan Baker etc. etc... Going searching I did manage to find a train simulator site that had it at 69'6" but so far no where else...
  8. Nope, production Deltics were longer than the prototype. That is why the too short lima chassis happens to be almost a perfect fit for anyone wanting a cheap way to motorise the Airfix prototype kit, albeit with the wrong bogies. However the point is moot since the Dublo model is much shorter than either of them.
  9. I see your SD45 and raise you a Jouef Class 40. Very squashed looking and 2 powered axles out of eight...
  10. You could always lay some third rail instead...
  11. I think EWS took over RES workings, so they would have been used on parcel trains. That would most likely mean RES liveried GUVs and BGs, something like this: They were not used for this traffic very long as it was shortly all lost to road...
  12. They seem to have lost their cherries?
  13. And I suppose that the people who want to do something stupid, but not really want to do something stupid don't count? I suspect the majority of idiots might fall in to the former category.
  14. I think the obsolete electronics is a red herring. For a fleet like that you would just get emulators made that would just plug in to the same slots, do the same job, only using modern available components which would probably take up 1/4 of the room and cost 1/10 of the price of the original components allowing for inflation. I am pretty sure that there are parallels in the classic car world too, many 1980's cars with fuel injection etc. are becoming collectible, and you can get plug in replacement ECU's which look the same on the outside, but have modern electronics inside.
  15. That's the one, saw it in the early/mid nineties towards the end of its life IIRC.
  16. Dunno, but it is surprising what you can see sometimes. I once found myself following an old mini metro many years ago with the registration TRY 56X (Try sex!) The number plate was appropriate for the age of the car and it was your standard rusty version driven by an old bloke in a cloth cap. We just did not know what to make of it!
  17. All collisions happen because something or someone is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yet for some reason in this instance you are implying that therefore someone thinks it ok to kill someone. Why?
  18. Where did you get that from? There is not even the slightest hint of that opinion in the statement you quoted, it even specifically states it was down to the car, I think the more serious question is why you are trying to put your words in to someone else's mouth and distort their statement for your own purposes?
  19. If it is not yet live it will need to be earthed at regular intervals, probably about every 400m or so.
  20. Do you mean now or when the post you quoted was written?
  21. The wire heights will be changing from very low to low. They will be nowhere near as high as the heights you get above level crossings, which all pans are designed to cope with.
  22. Unfortunately they have implemented the legislation. The main issue is contact wire height at stations, specifically the distance of the contact wire from the platform surface. Because of our higher platforms and shorter height trains, the contact wire tends to be a lot closer than it would be on the continent. This means that a very large number of Stations with OLE are now illegal, particularly where there are overbridges - and as most stations have either a footbridge or some other bridge that is near that means something that has been fine for 50 years+ all of a sudden isn't. It would not be so bad if it was just left as an EU directive, at least it may have been possible to get a derogation. However you cannot get a derogation against the law. It also means that when we leave the EU the act will still have to be repealed for the wiring to become legal again. It can mean that wiring can become impossible - If the only way to get a legal wire height is to demolish a listed bridge, the only way not to break the law is to continue running diesel...
  23. Sounds like a misinterpretation of the 9 foot rule - when working near live OLE you must be a minimum of nine feet away at all times, that does not mean electricity will jump nine feet, it is just to give an adequate margin of safety for humans. Permanently fixed earthed metalwork can safely be a lot closer, as it wont accidentally move too near and die if the current happens to flash over...
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