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Tim Dubya

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Everything posted by Tim Dubya

  1. That passenger in the second carriage has had a hot box since leaving Cleethorpes, that's yer problem .
  2. Yep, a very good investment, I think they were £25. Parallel pliers are pretty much essential for me for track building. I don't have the gentle touch and end up pinching one side of everything otherwise.
  3. Final bit of fiddling for today. Got me check rail gouges out and done some more stickin' and gluin'. Chucked the other curvy one on too.
  4. Right that's it (for today), been over dropped me guts and left. Hopefully we'll find out: 1. Does it like bullheed 2. Does it like 4-SF 3. Does it do DCC 4. Does it do sound S.H. Itstirrer .
  5. What would old Freud have to say about all this P4 business, hey? Something about your mutter und your farter, no doubt? .
  6. Well, why not? I do find it funny people trying to out model each other. I really don't care if me flange is a mill out, if I did, I'd kit build my locos. Ooooo pants that was serious
  7. This Bunn fight is becoming more and more amusing. One serious question I have though is, will these beautiful little locos traverse the new Peco bullhead track and pointwork with ease or should I continue to hand build my 4-SF (aka OO-SF) track? Photos of my attempt at modeling on my layout topic. TIA Edit: do you also think there will be room for a DCC chip & possibly speaker? .
  8. The first time I went to Scotchland our carriage door got ripped off the lovely MK1 we were traveling in after flying open and hitting a bridge near Bolton. I wasn't quick enough to fulfill an ambition of pulling the communication cord. Oh well. Needless to say it took close to 18 hours to get from Bath to Leuchars in Fife. .
  9. That's why the envelope is soft (ish) one side and machined for those difficult situations on the back. Oh, just built and threw on another vee. I am now literally having a lay down as I need to gather my strength before drinking a coffee and watching the local news (for local people). T. Ubbs
  10. Arun Quay - thoroughly enjoying the rust on that crane... just for starters!
  11. Train porn's arrived (I like the plain brown packaging that always raises a smile from the postie - if only he knew). Looks like I won't get the layout finished today after all. or even started .
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