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Everything posted by DonB

  1. Source: https://books.google...unicorn&f=false That passage must qualify as the strangest posted in this tread. Does it qualify as the artistic / literary equivalent of rivet counting?
  2. An alternative source (UK) of the book see:- www.bookfinder.com
  3. I think that expecting blood to substitute for LMS Red/Crimson paint shades is also DOOMED! (where is the "Joker" emoji !) It's been a while since I managed to inflict a personal injury on myself, but that occurred in my loft with spillage of the essential fluid onto ply boards being laid for access. There has been no painting or other covering of the affected area since the spillage … so …..I have investigated the blood-stained areas and can report that oxydation of the previously red stain has resulted in rather dirty brown colour which could perhaps be just about acceptable on a well used GWR Siphon... if you will excuse the uncalled for intrusion of a rival company's rolling stock into the discussion !! In case you were worried about my blood spillage (but why should you be?) I got down from the loft VERY quickly!, raised a neighbour to take me to the local A&E dept, where the Nurse who stitched up my wounded arm said that without looking at my records she knew that I was older than 45! .."How did you know that? " … "your arm was wrapped in a linen tea towel " … QED.
  4. Martin, A suggestion ,if I may be so bold, I think that you should consider a couple of diagonal braces on the opening shed doors to try to prevent them sagging. I notice that the Left-Hand door appears to be not quite square with the shed frame in the photo with the doors closed. I have serious sagging problem with the door of my shed, so know how quickly it becomes difficult to close them properly. Sorry to put a (I hope slight) damper on your day.!
  5. At work many years ago, someone produced a drawing of the triangular version of those steps. took it into the works tool-room where we produced our own press tools. He laid it down on the foreman's desk and said that he had been told that was impossible to make... red-rags-to-a-bull time.... Bait taken, it was two days before the penny dropped!
  6. CA is, we are led to believe, not a million miles from Sandringham .... Surely a Couts Bank branch is essential!
  7. The first model railway club which i joined, way back in the 1950s, was started by the local Borough Architect and met in a council building which was due for demolition. but he alone could sign the requisite paperwork !!
  8. A bit unkind as a general statement, although I know many would agree with you, based on radio recitals from the "Mighty Wurlitzer". I know a cathedral organist who has the most profound knowledge of his subject and at recitals gives a potted history of the composer, and why and when his chosen offering was composed. all delivered in English-English, but without "talking down" to his audience, followed by the piece itself. He can make a large church organ almost speak, and to watch his manipulation of all the organ stops, multiple keyboards, and foot operated pedals is a great pleasure, and source of admiration, to me (grade 2 piano failed!). He played at my daughter's wedding, and received a standing ovation after the Bride and Groom had left the church having played on for about 10 minutes. He said that he did so for his own pleasure and "just to see what the organ could do", not having played that particular one previously. No oxymoron when he plays
  9. I think you are correct in thinking that lichen was not so prevalent in earlier years, Air pollution was rife, and inhibited its growth. (Remember "Acid Rain"?) Some Victorian brickwork and mortars were also subject to attack. Didn't do the population in Industrial areas any favours either!
  10. This poster can now be found in all French churches even in the church of the sender's town (population ~ 400). The translation is: "By entering this church it may be possible that you hear “the call of God”. However, it is less probable that He will call you on your mobile. Thank you for turning off your phones. If you want to talk to God, enter, choose a quiet place and talk to him. If you want to SEE Him, send Him a text while driving.”
  11. And Tour of Britain starts next week end.
  12. I've looked back 10 pages... life's too short to go further, ... I don't see a terrestrial or freesat TV weekly programme with EFL highlights in the listings ... did I miss an announcement during the Summer?
  13. G&S were a bit earlier than Edwardian times, Queen Victoria asked when Sullivan's next OPERA would be staged to the dismay of the purists! Interesting to see mention of Torquay Operatic And Dramatic Society. IIRC G&S previewed their latest Operettas it that area to establish Copyright.
  14. Don't remember which year (it's an age thing!) but working in the technical dept. of a supplier, I was treated to a conducted tour of the Jensen factory in the West Brom area. It seemed that the press dies for the bodyshell panels were past their sell-by date and no two were the same, So after welding the panels together, large quantities of lead was used to get the shape approximately to the intended design! Doors in particular were a nightmare to fit! Never wanted to own one after that visit!
  15. Some entry openings have cast iron "bollards" built into the base of the wall openings to divert the wheels of lorries etc and avoid damage to the brickwork. Don
  16. Hinges ! Have you considered hinges as used on built-in and Kitchen furniture? Available as 90 degree or 170 degree opening. Don
  17. What lengths of rail were common in the 1900s? and which wagons would have been used to transport them across country, bearing in mind that keeping the rail straight would be desired (I think!! )?
  18. Did I miss the reference in the Domesday Book?
  19. Whether walking or cycling, the uphill bits always seem longer and steeper than the downhill bits.
  20. When I last went to York NRM, about 6 years ago, they had an oval coarse O-gauge (?) layout in a room alongside the main loco display hall. The Saturday that we went, there was crew of about 5 people demonstrating the signalling principles . Was that the one previously at Derby ? and is it still there, together with demonstration staff? If so, do the NRM publicise these events?
  21. The layout "Black Country Blues" featured exchange sidings for an off-stage steelworks.. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/56607-black-country-blues/ layout drawing at post #11
  22. Materials chosen, I suppose, to combat the local salty atmosphere, Did the construction details appear in any of the technical or general circulation magazines? Since it is being replaced do we know why?? Did it become unsafe, or fall foul of accessibility regulations?
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