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    Southern Railway exLSWR in the early 1930's. I used to do EM but now I only seem to model 7mm. I mainly construct locos coaches and wagons from kits for sale, this is to finance the models I want to go towards my layout eventually.

    My interests outside modelling are golf at which I hope I am improving, don't really play enough to get really good. My wife and I are learning to ride horses which is brilliant fun. Then of course there is travelling. We intent to explore as much of South America as we can, and of coarse we love to go around Europe.

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  1. Some loco wheels are on their way. I wonder how long th post will take and how much duty they will charge.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      They will probably get there in slightly less time than it takes to build a football stadium in the Amazon....

    3. N15class


      Mikkel they are for A 850 pannier, 63xx and an ivatt 2mt tank.

      Ivan i wish i was that optomistic.

    4. N15class


      Mikkel they are for A 850 pannier, 63xx and an ivatt 2mt tank.

      Ivan i wish i was that optomistic.

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