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Status Updates posted by RSLR

  1. Again, you know you haven't logged into RMweb in a while when the notifications says 7093. I think I'll celebrate by changing my picture because I've grown a moustache since the last one.

    1. sigtech


      Hi Reece-like the

      tash,it suits you as an 'RAF type, been there done it for real, 12 years (Radar).

    2. RSLR


      Hi Steve,

      Thanks - takes a little while to grow and much waxing but I'm working on it.

      I've been looking into some history, my family have links with the RAF. My great grandfather on my mother's side who's still alive at age 90 was in the RAF between 1946-48 he did Radar and later RAF police I believe, he has some brilliant stories and photographs he taken from the period.

  2. You know you haven't logged into RMweb in a while when the notifications says 6637 and 2 messages.

    1. eastwestdivide


      like a big friendly welcome mat at the front door

    2. Horsetan


      ....or an arrow through the neck with a gas bill tied to it...

  3. Hmm 306 new notifications

  4. Dolly's Tea Room in Falmouth is very good... I'm finding myself living in the 1940s at the moment.

  5. Should I get up early to stand outside and look at the sun. Of course I will because it will be fascinating.

    1. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Not as fascinating as a total eclipse, though.

    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Dont look AT the sun though!

    3. Horsetan


      It'll be a blinder.

  6. 21 years old today

    1. Ozexpatriate



    2. yorkie_pudd


      Happy 21st and to enjoy full adulthood he heeee

    3. KalKat



  7. Today is a very sad day, Leonard Nimoy has died age 83. May he rest in peace, a great man has left us and will be forever missed.

    1. RJS1977


      He's not dead as long as we remember him - Kirk, Star Trek II

    2. SHMD


      He ended up playing an Ambassador - I think he always was.

  8. Looking forward to the Carn Brea show on Sunday

    1. Jan
    2. RSLR


      Hi, no problems, you can find more on the thread now.

    3. Jan


      Thanks!I'll see what the weather is doing before I venture out from the Tamar Valley!

  9. I'm going to a place called Reading, then to somewhere called Feltham, then to somewhere called Waterloo, then to somewhere called Canning Town, then to somewhere called Custom House.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eastwestdivide


      Beyond that, here be dragons

    3. RSLR


      Update: Correction won't be going via Reading. Will be going via Paddington.

    4. RSLR


      Will have to have a look around Feltham if I get a chance Ray ;) I'm staying in the Travelodge there.

  10. Helm, set course for London... 3rd 4th and 5th! Yay trains! :D

  11. More trains are being dispatched for Reece's metals :)

  12. Today is my Birthday.

  13. *Sigh* I'm going to stick to posting on my own topic. :/

  14. 227 today. Must log on more often.

    1. Metr0Land


      Happy Birthday. I didn't realise anyone was older than Andy Y or does he just look so old?

    2. scots region

      scots region

      Tell me did the French Revolution have any good music? :D

  15. Unsure which track to use for my new project

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RSLR


      to have correct size sleepers, the correct distance between them and BR 3 bolt chairs with wooden keys. Around 13 points and a number of catch points will be needed on the visual section alone.

    3. Michael Woolford

      Michael Woolford

      I would suggest looking at either EM gauge (not everything needs re-wheeled) or OO-sf which allows you to use rtr locos/stock. It might be worth having a look at the 'handbuilt track and Templot' section of the forum.

    4. gridwatcher


      SMP has worked well for us and gets very positive feedback (OO by the way!)

  16. 248 notifications.

    1. Boris
    2. RSLR


      That's what happens when you log off and don't return for a couple of days.

    3. Horsetan


      Did it lead to 247 developments?

  17. Happy Christmas :) I got a Class 128 DPU

    1. muddys-blues


      Ooh nice which version

    2. RSLR


      The Heljan WR one with the gangways at each end in BR Blue livery full yellow ends ;)

  18. I now understand why some choose not to be part of a club :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      Would you want to be a member of any Club that would have you as a member? ;-)

    3. Grafarman


      I thought everyone loves a Club...

    4. Horsetan


      I liked the one with the mint filling.

  19. Needs some inspiration.

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      You shall look no further RMweb is the answer

  20. Hmm, upgrades.

    1. nigelb


      SWMBO has got cream for every thing including upgrades i think


  21. It's frustrating I can't or don't know how to change the topic title on my thread while others can!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Your welcome, did you manage to Change it alright?

    3. beast66606


      You need to do what Nelson said but then click "Use full editor" - also it's best to ask questions in the forum

    4. RSLR


      Yep changed quite easily, I just wanted to change the title abit.

  22. What's on your mind? Well my layout/workbench topic isn't getting much input which is a shame because I put all this time into posting and get very little replies... any reply would be welcome, even if it was negative!! I ask WHY!???!!? Do my posts smell or something! :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Indomitable026


      I get a lot of comments.


      They are all on beer, pies and pasties.


      Don't worry about it!

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      I have just found the reason, we are all jealous because you live in a nice part of the UK....

    4. DaveyH


      Like the galleries, people look but dont comment :-)

  23. Could be on crutches for a while :/ still lots of GWR signalbox modelling to be done!

    1. treggyman


      Sorry to hear about the crutches..... What've you done?

    2. RSLR


      Dislocated knee and then it went back in, went to hospital to A&E had X-rays and cast put on, returned on Monday to have cast removed and a Doctor had a look then a strange knee support put on and yeh basically I move around like a snail with crutches. struggle to go up and down stairs. spend most of my time building signalboxes now ;)

  24. China Clay Trains!

    1. bcnPete


      You can't get better than a china clay train...very modelable!!

    2. RSLR


      Very true! me living in the very heart of the clays area I have alot of inspiration :)

      Most modelable indeed!

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