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Everything posted by RSLR

  1. I went to Dunster way back in 2011 and they were Shunting in the yard
  2. Hello Bill, Probably about 500 laps around West Fraddon and about 50 laps around Old Elms Road plus what ever on the numerous other layouts it's visited. This would explain the dirt on the wheels. Runs fine with no problems else where and performs flawlessly. But on the modification notes it is possible to replace the front bogie with a newer Hornby version which has pick ups on both sides - additionally on this note the entire chassis unit can be swapped with a newer Hornby version. Replace the Pizza Cutter wheels, turn down the wheels in a lathe, fit newer motor bogie blah blah do this, do that blah blah the possibilities are endless (maybe one of the appeals of the available DMUs) Cheers, Reece
  3. I have to agree, particularly simple but very effective. I think you've blended it all together nicely. Lovely Job! The Happy Plaice looks like the spot to get a bite to eat Cheers, Reece
  4. Hi, Here's a few pictures I taken of Bill's Railway at the Helston Model Railway Show. What better way to start off but with a Rat on a China Clay train! Interesting picture this ^ not only is everything in the right place at the right time but the chap on the left is lifting his girlfriend up by the hips to see if she can see the clock on the other platform (although I can't be 100% sure). Chap on the footbridge is looking at something. Passengers on the other side are waiting for the train which is now arriving into the platform. Bill looking cheerful ^ And finally of course the Creedyford to Newquay service ^ My DMU with stupid amount of detailing and modifications! I think it looked good on Bill's railway. As always good to see you again Bill and the awesome layout. Cheers, Reece
  5. Hi Bill, Well it's nice to see the younger generation have an appreciation for BR blue diesels I quite liked the china clay train with squeaky wheels, definitely wins my vote for best in show! I remember that was one of the only trains that didn't derail or cause any problems. Not to worry Bill I'll return tomorrow to irritate you and probably by the time you read this I'll already have returned to irritate you. Cheers, Reece
  6. Hi, Today I went to a local model railway show and I actually met a young lady about my age who's actually interested in model railways and possesses model railway items. Probably wasn't interested in me but had a chat about various things... still a major achievement!
  7. I think they look quite nice!
  8. Well Bill, I can see the layout is now populated and I won't need to bring any pigs, passengers or cows this time! I might bring the highly detailed 121 unit to run though I'll see if I can go along with the club as they're taking their big layout, which I'm sure they'll appreciate a hand. Cheers, Reece
  9. Looks good Bill Will there be any China Clay trains running at Helston on Creedyford? Cheers, Reece
  10. I think it looks like the real thing just smaller, which I believe is the objective. So lovely job mate Cheers, Reece
  11. A messed up Flat Fox all over the road with tyre marks and a rabbit looking back from the other side of the road thinking I bet he didn't expect that when he got up this morning. Flat Foxes and flat rabbits are a common sight on the A30 with of course the weird guy standing by with a knife and fork unless the messed up remains get caught in between two lorry wheels and has to be scraped off during the next stop in which you end up with a ground up mess which is no good to anyone. lol Hazardous place for animals it would seem.
  12. Looks interesting Jaz Maybe you should put on some road kill Cheers, Reece
  13. A girl said she thought my trains were cute once. Shame she wasn't interested in me but....
  14. Looks like he scooped the head off one and put it on the other.
  15. Hi, Looks quite good SRman. The upgrade to that box looks particularly interesting, Signalman must be pointing at something... Cheers, Reece
  16. Hi Bill, The fiddle yard idea should work quite well, more potential to run more trains! Think of all those clay hoods and Class 25s you could store and run! I think Pehallick junction should be extended with further sidings and along the old Penhallick branch to say Penhallick drys and Penhallick imperial kilns then down to Penhallick tunnel and further on to Penhallick sidings... Penhallick could be a large area to cover! Along the main running line it could be extended to Penhallick platform with Penhallick crossing (sort of just made that up) Cheers, Reece
  17. Not sure if BRUTEs used rivets... the ones I've seen were welded construction with nut and bolt to hold the wheels on
  18. Maybe you'll have to put him in a pram then on this layout
  19. Looks good Bill. Got to put Tom sitting on one with his Camera, lunch and flask Cheers, Reece
  20. Hi, I like it, looks awesome. So many Southern trains everywhere. Looks really interesting. Cheers, Reece
  21. Hi Dave, Looks good, nice to see the grubby Blue diesels... puts mine to shame - all clean and fresh out the box! DMU looks interesting and the new lights really add to the effect. I did a similar thing to one of my units with the detailing but I really went to town on it, has pretty much everything you'd find on a real 121 apart from the lights. Cab interior both ends, destination blinds, replacement windows, wipers, passengers/driver, full interior detail, pipes, screw link couplings, lamp brackets, tail lamp on the rear, replacement handrails, steps and guard's door steps, MU fittings/jumper cables, yellow ends reworked etc etc list goes on. Good fun. I like yours better though. https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1392426_569200399795500_298383838_n.jpg https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/1392097_569200346462172_1832919002_n.jpg Really want lights for mine now! Cheers, Reece
  22. Hi Bill, The grubby roof looks good. tis a nice job Cheers, Reece
  23. Well I got my copy earlier today and read the Wencombe article this evening. It's a very good artical Alan, lots of great pictures and a good read. It's nice to see the layout in the super high glossy pages of Hornby Magazine. Wencombe's even on the front cover! Cheers, Reece
  24. Hi, I seen this photograph on Facebook the other day and thought of Westerner St Austell Station. I'm liking the recent purchase too mate Cheers Reece
  25. Hi Mudmagnet, After reading some of the posts above some yard lamps could look nice, Eckon/Berko used to make telegraph pole style proper yard lamps. Not too sure if they still do. Here's a picture taken at Burngullow of some similar lamps Could be some inspiration Mr Mudmagnet if you go with the lamp idea. Look forward to your next update. Cheers, Reece
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