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Everything posted by RSLR

  1. Hi Jeremy, I'll look forward to seeing the layout at a show sometime in the future then I think the layout and Par Box looks smart, any more pictures or layout updates as of late? Cheers, Reece
  2. Hi Bill, When building my model of Goonbarrow Box, I found it was easier to build the windows first to the drawings and then just adjust the main window frames to accommodate them, which I believe is what is done on real windows. Although this was just a mater of thinning the main frames until a tolerance fit was achieved then just run some Mek-Pak around the edge to seal. (although most of my measurements were close anyway so just a quick rub of P1000 wet and dry was needed to make them fit) The glazing will be the last thing that's added to mine. Cheers, Reece
  3. Hi Bill, It seems everyone is building Signal Boxes at the moment! Looks good reminds me of Boscarne Junction but in a strange Bill style. Coming on real nice mate. Deluxe Glue 'n' Glaze works well for sticking in windows (and forming small ones) but you need to leave it to go tacky before it works properly. I think the problem with making the windows level is to just take your time and ''you must think in finescale'' cutting out each little bit of frame individually. and making the windows separate to the model and then sticking them in helps because they can be made on a flat surface. Cheers, Reece
  4. Hi, Looks effective! and great so far. I particularly like the giant butterfly. hmm I wander what giant butterflies eat? Cheers, Reece
  5. RSLR

    A New Start

    Hi, For the SE Flushglaze to stick in I use Delux Materials Glue 'n' Glaze which is nice and tacky and dries completely crystal clear, it also gives a strong bond. But you could use normal PVA which works reasonably well. I tend not to use a solvent glue or Super glue because as you've discovered it does nasty things to the windows. All is not lost for the ones you've already stuck in though, you can give them a brush with Humbrol Clear which should restore them to a more 'clear' state. Hope that helps, sorry I didn't warn you earlier about using solvents/superglue on windows. Cheers, Reece
  6. RSLR

    A New Start

    Hi, Super layout! It's good to see the Craftsman conversions and detailing going on (I was begining to think I was the only one). The SE Finecast flush glazing is really good, I'm sure you will approve. They're allot neater and easier than cutting out each window by hand. It's all looking good so far Cheers, Reece
  7. What's on your mind? Well my layout/workbench topic isn't getting much input which is a shame because I put all this time into posting and get very little replies... any reply would be welcome, even if it was negative!! I ask WHY!???!!? Do my posts smell or something! :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Indomitable026


      I get a lot of comments.


      They are all on beer, pies and pasties.


      Don't worry about it!

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      I have just found the reason, we are all jealous because you live in a nice part of the UK....

    4. DaveyH


      Like the galleries, people look but dont comment :-)

  8. Could be on crutches for a while :/ still lots of GWR signalbox modelling to be done!

    1. treggyman


      Sorry to hear about the crutches..... What've you done?

    2. RSLR


      Dislocated knee and then it went back in, went to hospital to A&E had X-rays and cast put on, returned on Monday to have cast removed and a Doctor had a look then a strange knee support put on and yeh basically I move around like a snail with crutches. struggle to go up and down stairs. spend most of my time building signalboxes now ;)

  9. And even more... And the Yard Shunter Himself I particularly enjoyed watching the shunting operations with lots of Gronk thrash on the vans! Cheers, Reece
  10. Hi Ray, It was good to see you at the layout again at the Hayle show. I've got a nice collection of pictures to post up now!
  11. Hi Bill and his many followers, Some more photos taken at the show A DMU on a Creedyford to Buxton service! And then a DMU from Peignton arrives at Creedyford for those wishing to alight and change trains to go to Buxton. This DMU then forms the Creedyford to Exeter service. My DCC sound Class 47 number D1547 arrives at Creedyford and brings sound to Bill's layout! Creedyford Box, I believe Mr Munday aproved! although it is at the moment lacking in any kind of signalling equipment. A Rat takes a local fertilizer and mixed goods train through Creedyford The train then arrives at Bill's marshaling yard to be sorted, shunted and then it can depart to it's destination where it will be emptied and then return to Creedyford. 50 013 passes through Creedyford with an Engineer's train A Network South East 50 arrives at Creedyford with a passenger train 50 035 passes with an empty ballast train A Class 33 is arriving into Creedyford with a local passenger service, the station master is on the platform. Get some interesting pictures with this camera! The station master about to give the right away. D1547 passing Creedyford with a Short train! Cheers, Reece
  12. Hi Bill, As always mate another super layout! I quite liked the farm with the zebra cows and pigs Very interesting to watch and look at, with lots of passing traction! The signal box looks spot on, just needs Mr Munday sitting back in his chair with the latest Dapol catalogue. Here's a few pics I taken today New and old 37207 My 37207 on Creedyford Bill and his warped fiddle yard Proper traverser! Had some interesting descussions today - Should have pasties at this show though! not sure what to make of these 'sandwiches' I'll take some more pics tomorrow Cheers, Reece
  13. Hi Bill, As always mate it's great to see Penhallick Junction at the show, at least someone there was running proper trains... it was good to see someone at the show who actually appreciates modern traction and china clay trains. I think it was a very good show with a good fair size venue and a nice number of traders. However the number of life forms coming up to your layout and asking ''what is china clay?'' was very odd, that's like me going to Wales and asking ''what is slate?'' or going to a coal mine and asking ''what is coal?'' hahaha I'll admit the sausage bap I had today was much better than the sorry miserable squashed thing I had yesterday, but then things are never quite right when your on the other side of Brunel's great bridge. Anyway now to make up for Bill's malfunctioning computer and fill up the page with pictures! Because reading words is boring and pictures are more interesting to look at and everyone likes pictures! Of course those of you who are on the Modelling Cornish Railways Facebook page can see even more interesting pictures and posts Cheers, Reece
  14. Hi, Good to see the Yard Shunter at the Plymouth today (and yesterday) and have a chat about the Gronks, I have to agree the SWD sound is much better than the Hornby standard. As always the layout was even better to see in person and it was good to put a face to a name. Very atmospheric model, I really enjoyed seeing the layout. Here's a few pics I taken during the show today: Super layout! Cheers, Reece (Bodmin & District Model Railway Club member)
  15. And me sitting on the layout behind you all day telling you how awesome your layout is, helping you spend your money on a future project, asking questions, talking about china clay and signal boxes then telling you your sorry miserable squashed thing is getting cold
  16. Ahh well atleast Gronk on shed looks good. I think the doors should move, the guys running into them all the time would be prototypical as it happens allot in real life, the shed door at Bodmin Parkway has a few buffer dents in it made by a 08. Personally I think every shed door should have dents in it made by a 08.
  17. Hi Jaz, Building looks great! Personally I think Plumbers Hemp makes good thatch which I've used, it also makes good long grass and corn fields and it's easily available from a DIY shop or B&Q. Another thing which has been used to great effect is female blond hair (maybe one of the reasons I don't have a girlfriend LOL) which I believe also makes good thatch and tends to give a finer result although it's not as easily obtained, but if you know anyone with long blond hair it maybe worth a try.... just say: Hi can I give you a free hair cut? I need some thatch for a house I'm building Etched windows can be bought from a number of different places but I mainly depends on what style your looking for, Brassmasters having the best range in my opinion. Cheers, Reece
  18. As I said I hope all is well at Penhallick Junction
  19. And because they're filming Jaws..... dun dun dun dun dun dun dun looks nice Jaz
  20. Looks nice Bill Your 121 needs those all important MU fittings and pipes though, maybe a driver, passengers, some windscreen wipers perhaps, bit of painting and weathering..... yeh! should look top notch in the station
  21. Hi, Looks nice Bill Needs a long train of Clay Hoods though. Cheers, Reece
  22. I hope all is well at Penhallick Junction Bill
  23. Those peds look splendid mate! spot on B) One day I will take my modelling tools to my Lima 31 which was my first engine lol At the moment like the prototype it fails to pull the skin off a rice pudding.
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