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Everything posted by laurenceb

  1. Given the inability of the average member of the general public to close gates, self closing gates are a must surely
  2. Lifeboat crews head out to sea when sensible people are heading to port. I must have missed something, what morons are having a go at the RNLI?
  3. The late, great Dennis Allendon who built a model of one described it as putting the extra axle in where needed just to confuse Whyte
  4. I was at a Cobham bus rally about 20 years ago and there were copious numbers of police no waiting cones around, it was interesting to see how many different forces were represented.
  5. Birthday greetings to younger lurker
  6. This reminds me of a case in Derby where a house fire resulted in several children dieing, in that instance it was the kids farther who started it. A stark reminder of just how depraved some people can be.
  7. Birthday greetings Two Sugars
  8. A friend of mine when speaking of this outfit substitutes the m with a p. Then apologises for insulting the alternative word, that's how low his opinion is
  9. Shove it on ebay, would probably make a bob or two
  10. My feeling is that nothing will change. They will just trot out the usual lessons have been learnt " rubbish and carry on regardless. F1 has a short life ahead before the ban it brigade get to it. Then the gravy train will grinde to a halt
  11. Thoughts with Bob's family & friends on this difficult day
  12. Getting there car written off is the only thing some drivers understand
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