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Everything posted by mikesndbs

  1. Can you post a video with the sound working please?
  2. Hi, just to clarify I am DC only, the headcode lights must be an LED, I plan to just add a diode into the circuit of the feed to them, either from the PCB or direct within the cable.
  3. Think I am going to add a couple of small diodes to the headcode feeds on mine so it only lights in direction of travel (that's the plan) would anyone else be interested in this project?
  4. Body should be tight and require inserts to disengage the clips, I think my video featured this bit? 4:10 in
  5. Thanks, odd isn't it? The 80mA is still amazing lol, guessing the motor makes up 60 of that which makes it all the more impressive.
  6. Can we just have a bit of discussion about the top speed of these lovely models please? My ones top scale speed is 55 mph, and the load seems to make little difference which is good. Others have told me they are getting even less. Like I said about its not a problem for me as i don't run fast but others I know do. I'd be very interested to hear what other owners are getting. Dave, are you able to share any specs about the motor? Just tested the loco for current consumption, at mid speed off load it draws just 80mA which is astounding given there are also LEDs adding to the draw. You could run this on batteries for a long time lol Thanks, happy weekend to those that are off.
  7. Hi Andy, blimey that's a bit professional! Very interesting comparison, hmm have to say i like seeing the booster on the Hornby, even if it needs to be toned down a bit. Great job
  8. Great to see all the photos appearing now Pantograph, seems to be retained by a little screw on the underside inside the body. Mine seems not to grip anything but the pantagraph stays in place ok. What would be best to make the screw bite? Speed, so it seems flat out mine runs at 55 mph, which I am more than happy with and the long control range gives fantastic running at slow speed But is this just a case of running in or just the limit of the mechanism? Oh on the bad news front I see Hattons have sent back the whole lot of the golden arrow ones that I was getting tempted with. Blimey
  9. I arrived at that but was too scared to post it lol thanks very much, Hmm bit slow then, maybe in time she will speed up
  10. Oh dear, I am glad I can't see that lol
  11. Thanks very much. I came to the following but wonder if you could help confirm my thinking please? My class 71 travelled 9 feet in 8.48 seconds so divide 9 by 8.48 to get 1 foot in seconds = 1.061
  12. Just timed mine of the 9 feet and it took 8.48 seconds??
  13. There must be a formula to work out how fast based on how long your circuit is timed in seconds? My dad worked out for my old model railway 1171.142/ time = speed in MPH but then he was a very clever man
  14. Right, all this talk of top speeds etc made me go and test mine, and I thought I'd share it with you in this short film. More than enough speed for my needs, I'd estimate 75MPH, not 90 I know but with my curves LOL What do you think, does any know how I could get an accurate speed?
  15. I've signed up for a 74, still happening isn't it?
  16. And now doubt did untold damage to the traction motors and other gear!
  17. Class 33 had a top speed of 85mph my 71 has improved its top speed with running
  18. Thanks, its the 4A headcode end 6:29 shows it a bit, but like you I am thinking this might not be a problem when its running etc
  19. A question. In my video does the handrail issue show up that much? I'll base my next actions on what you say so be honest Use the time codes if you don't want to watch the whole thing again. Thanks. 0:00 start (best place) 0:25 History of the model 1:42 first close look at the model 3:02 the unboxing bit (it's long at all) 3:41 Accessories 4:07 Fitting headcodes and body opening (option 1) 4:40 Oiling, so easy 5:08 Fitting shoe gear 5:34 A look at pantograph and shoes 6:20 Coreless motor! Caution 6:36 Buffer beam removal to fit headcodes (option 2) 7:12 Running in service 9:56 What on earth is a booster?
  20. 100% keep the wave switch on full, half wave will cripple the motor. Resistance set to high is the best option. Mine has run on my Safety Minor but I did add a 500uH choke and 10uF non polarised capacitor to limit any noise. No issues at all.
  21. Been thinking about this all night thing is when I look at the loco even with my glasses on this issue does not notice that much. But in close up photos it sticks out like a fly in your soup I have looked at it under the magnifier and its a case of misaligned holes so there is no fettling it out and yes the blobs of glue don't help. Still love the loco and just want to find a way to fix it?????
  22. Amazing what you can see when its bigger, is the off set/centre handrails prototypical? never saw that before.
  23. OK, I am out of here for this evening. Just have to say Dave, you have created a little miracle, I love it and just before E5004 heads of for the night mail train to the coast I thought I should say so.
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