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Everything posted by TrevorP1

  1. Will be following this with interest, one of the best looking tank engines on any railway!
  2. Counties... Yes please! A decent County... Kernow, Heljan, anyone listening? (Sorry OT )
  3. The November issue of 'Steam Days' has an article on Newton Abbot. At the end is a photo of 4704 at the head of the 1.20pm Padd to Kingswear on 15 July 1961. The engine is pretty clean and carries lined green livery. The caption states that this was on of the 'more regular' turns for these engines. As the photographer is Richard Riley we can be pretty confident that the details are correct.
  4. If anybody is interested in this aspect it's well worth trying to find a copy of 'Summer Saturdays in the West' or 'The Days of the Holiday Express' both now long out of print. Almost anything that moved could be pressed into service just to keep the trains moving. Fascinating reading.
  5. Agreed. The Hornby/Airfix version is not even on the radar but I *will* be having a Hattons 14. I wish I could build one myself but I have neither the time nor the eyesight!
  6. Was looking for a BR unlined black 14 without top feed to do 1419, a Fowey branch regular. I'll wait to see if there are any changes in the line-up before placing an order. Never satisfied are we!
  7. I remember as a kid being puzzled by these funny diesels with spoked wheels... To think 'Active' and 'Ark Royal' were at Barry.... 4mm versions on order from Kernow to go with my D63XXs.
  8. There are lots of photos of 'old Plymouth' - not just the railway - in 'Laira Fireman' by Philp Rundle. There is also a companion volume covering Cornwall. I'm afraid they may be too steamy for Damien though...
  9. Thanks for those. Always interested in anything from the west country. As a child - about 7 or 8 - the first family holiday I have any real memories from are of our trips from Hampshire to Cornwall. I have vague memory snapshots of Dad pointing out the Royal Albert bridge as we came down on the Southern line, then clattering through Devonport to North Road which in those days I think was pretty much a building site. As we went over the RA bridge into Cornwall I seem to recall they were still finishing off the road bridge - I think that puts it at 1961 but I may be mistaken. I would have no trouble thinking of a time and place if Doctor Who appeared on our front lawn with the Tardis and offered me one free trip!
  10. Well whether they're called Night Owls, lesser spotted willow warblers or 47 hundreds, they are a handsome machine and well done to Heljan and the GWS for taking it on. I will be having at least one!
  11. Great to see this project moving forward. Now trying to resist the temptation to order a second one...
  12. Interesting and makes sense. In a different era I understand railwaymen referred to 'Westerns' as 'thousands'. My feeling is that the name 'Night Owl' was coined by the enthusiast press, just like - as has already been noted - 'Taffy Tank' and even worse, 'Flat Top' for an original West Country.
  13. Spam, chill, cantonese, you guys can have what you like for the main course as long as the ladies still bring those fantastic home made cakes!
  14. Came across this old photo tucked away in a shoebox...
  15. Saw you in Bracknell. Will make point of saying hello this time.
  16. Dont mind whether you bring it in a van or a trailer or even which fiddle you're on... Just looking forward to seeing 'Diesels' in High Wycombe. This will be the second time this year. Does that make me a 'groupie'? Trevor
  17. Like Jim, mine is a first venture into DCC of any kind and so far I'm impressed too. I was actually planning to buy a 37 to renumber as 418 and when the set came out the temptation was too much! Having had a dabble I can see there is no going back even for the small dioramas which is where my interest lies. Also echoing the comments about sounds for steam engines. To me it just doesn't work, somehow doesn't convey the mass. There are of course many more visual effects with steam but I'm wondering how to produce two columns of black clag on the 37! Trevor PS Gold star service from Kernow as usual!
  18. Looking good A bit concerned about the cab front top handrails though... they look suspiciously like the current ones. Lets hope they're on the 'to do' list. Agree with Phil about the roof vents, so typical of how they ran. Trevor
  19. I think choosing the season is vital. Summer is always good but how about autumn with all those colours? TP
  20. Dave Forgive me if this is going over old ground re the economics of producing wagons etc, but... I have spent a fair part of this weekend trying to make an ECC CDA from a major 00 manufacturer actually look like the item it is supposed to represent. The more I study photos, the worse it seems. I only need a handful for a diorama but, for once, I am glad I'm not one of those lucky people who have the room for running full trains! These vehicles run in block trains, so any modeller will need a fair number, there are two possible liveries and it wonderful is a candidate for weathering by your contacts at Mercig. Is that an economic proposition? I would pre-order half a dozen today... Trevor
  21. TrevorP1

    Dapol 'Western'

    Refers to the old GWR, BR(W) route availability code. Uncoloured was the lowest axle weight, through yellow, blue, red (most express passenger types) and double red for Kings.
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