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Everything posted by jwealleans

  1. I've done a similar thing with HMRS transfers, exchanging otherwise unused 'W' and 'S' carriage lettering prefixes for much-needed 'E's.
  2. jwealleans

    Ivatt 2MT

    Sheer quality, Adrian. What was the surface of the print like? Have you done much filling or smoothing to get it to this state?
  3. Just in case anyone has missed it, the Quint was taken up to Grantham again last weekend. By kind permission of Tony Wright, a conscious recreation of the well known works photograph, but taken from the other side of the set.
  4. If the glue fails under load, I bend mine through 90 degrees along the back of the buffer beam then either glue or solder them into place. Really nice job, this.
  5. I've never seen a picture of one in traffic in that colour - wasn't it only goods and shunting locos it was applied to?
  6. Yes, another excellent weekend in splendid company. Sunday proving why I should remain well away from that control panel. Graeme's hoppers were indeed stars of the show, closely followed by his Cock with added wobbly bits. The controller is still there and saw much use for handwarming on Sunday. Manna - the A2s did get to the Cross, although by the time of this layout were probably very rare that far south. I believe there's at least one picture in Top Shed. It should also be said that the running was pretty good all weekend as well, I recall very few derailments or sticky locos and the J69 and match wagon Tony put together were a shunter's dream even over the ladders of dead frog points at each end of the station.
  7. Wasn't it as simple as the signs being bidirectional, speeds being approximate anyway in those days before speedometers?
  8. Only the one up to now, but I do have the accompanying all third set in the pile somewhere (and if we decide we want an excursion train it would be quicker than a Tourist set to build...). Don't hold your breath though. I'll put that one in the boxes for the weekend if you like.
  9. About eight or nine years ago and it was first in this thread in July last year.
  10. Bit of a waste of mushy peas, if you don't mind me saying?
  11. Looks good, that. I always test my stock on a layout with handbuilt track - generally, if it will run on there, it'll run on anything. Exhibition layouts need a lot more tolerance from stock than ones which are built and never moved. It's worth taking time to fettle and make it work (within reason - no point in fighting a ploughed field) as you'll end up with something which will run first time anywhere you choose to take it.
  12. That dark brown colour is very hard to weather over, I find, because the more common weathering mixes tend to go beige, as the first photo shows. Can you elaborate on what you've done to the panelling? It looks like dark washes into the corners and a slightly glossy finishing coat? Ta.
  13. Not the greatest as I'm sure he'll admit, but LNER4479 was kind enough to film mine on its maiden voyage last night with the Leeds Quint dining set in tow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IegD9dCp7tU&feature=youtu.be
  14. No, it shouldn't. But it does - Graeme King's RR model did the same thing when he tried it on Thurston at Grantham show. To be fair to Hornby, Graeme did confess that he'd had it to bits and not put it back together quite right rather than it having arrived that way.
  15. Doesn't the forum software autocorrect this any more? It used to, quite emphatically.
  16. I'm very happy to be associated, however peripherally, with something of the quality of 60012, although I'd quite forgotten about it. He's not known as 'ace modeller' for nothing. What is the alternative source for cab sightscreens? My last Hornby ones didn't survive being removed and for exhibition stock I'd have reservations about how long they'd last unless they were quite robust.
  17. Where in the selection of donors you mention did you get the lav windows? I have looked at doing a similar set for Grantham but it won't be soon.
  18. Bit of a diversion in the last few days as we've been out to the Grantham Model Rail show with Thurston. This is one of the last shows we'll do with the layout so if you want to see it again you're running out of chances. I took some pictures of newish stock and one or two locos we don't run very often also had a few hours in the sun. Thanks to LNER4479 (and Mrs 4479) for helping over lunchtime on the Saturday when we were a man short. Bury shed turned out their other D16 on the Sunday morning. We only usually see 62566 on the layout. This NER lav 3rd features on the bench a few pages back. It will be weathered when I've gathered up enough outstanding stock to do a batch. Cambrian kit C107 - SR D 1375 open as supplied to the LNER during the war (LNER D 178). Also to be weathered. Another in Cambrian's ever improving range. Finally, due to the presence of Mr. King of this parish, we had a guest loco on the Sunday morning for a few hours. I suspect the headroom on that bridge might have reduced somewhat had this been sent over it in reality. Nonetheless a beautiful runner which we never dared turn up past 40% on the controller without posting 3 slips and a gully on the bends. Edit - I must also thank Grantham Railway Society for looking after us so well, ROY@34F for taking the trouble to come and say hello and the good folk of Grantham for voting us their favourite layout in show. Look forward to seeing Roy again next year along with everyone else at the first outing of Grantham the Streamliner Years to a model railway show.
  19. Precision Labels did a set to my commission. They were for the LNER period but the font is not a million miles away and at that scale not many people are going to read them. They are in white.
  20. Oh, blimey. Have I time to grow a comedy beard and buy some unrecognisable sunglasses?
  21. There doesn't seem to be a thread on the Grantham Model Railway Exhibition which is this weekend, but those lucky enough to attend will be able to see me (with Thurston, by Ely MRC), Mr Graeme King (with Waterloo Road) and a rumoured appearance by Robert the Devil himself. Details here.
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