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Everything posted by MrTea

  1. I’ve had my invoice through from Traintrax for my Allegra and RhB panorama wagon so I think these might be imminent.
  2. Looking back I have a pack of these outstanding from Gaugemaster from an order in April last year. Their site seems to be offline tonight though...
  3. Has anyone on here plucked up the courage to weather their Kato locos or stock? I'd be interested to see the results. Most of the prototype photos of the RhB I've seen so the locos and carriages in clean external condition but presumably the chassis areas and roofs pick up some dirt from being in service?
  4. Looks good. And keenly priced for the specs. Anyone know when Rapido are announcing their Manor?
  5. These livery samples are making this model more tempting than I expected. Are there many more liveries and styles that these could be adapted into for different layout settings?
  6. Quite impressed by this month’s issue of the Engine Shed. Lots of detail on new product development including several products that are further along in their development than I’d have expected e.g. the Rustons. It does make you wonder how the team decide what’s going to make it into the range and what isn’t? I think plenty of us expected a Bugatti front P2 but not ‘full fat’ versions of the different variants.
  7. My focus for the new year is going to be the other, as yet unscenic, side of the layout. Overall view looking up the gradient Top section showing the viaduct and summit tunnel Looking down the valley to where the line curves away I suspect most of this will end up being a representation of the valley side with the mountainside sloping upwards above the tracks. I did wonder whether to introduce an unpowered section of the line at a lower level to simulate more of the spirals between Bergun and Preda. The main challenge is the flat section in front of the viaduct - there aren't many bits of flat land in the real location but I can't dig into the baseboard here as I think it would cause structural issues. One possibility I've looked at is the area around Albula I viaduct where the line crosses the valley before plunging into a tunnel: https://structurae.net/en/media/312802-albula-i-viaduct-and-on-the-left-rugnux-viaduct
  8. Welcome back to my little slice of Switzerland in 1:150 scale. First things first, here's a quick video of the latest running session (filmed after Christmas): To be honest not a great deal has changed since the last update in November. I've tweaked a few of the scenic details but one of the main jobs was soldering (or trying to) many of the rail joints in the station area. Previously (and mainly since I painted the rails) the trains have run at varying speeds in the station loop as they move further and closer to the power feeds. Now following some fettling of the p'way all 3 locos run smoothly along either line in the station. Before Christmas I finished fitting passengers in the Glacier Express set, which looks a lot less bare as it travels along the line. Other jobs have included testing the signals (which look excellent when lit) and positioning cars and people at various points on the layout. I discovered that the main road is the right scale but the track leading to the station yard is probably too wide and could do with narrowing - I think this comes from previously working in 4mm and not having suitable scale vehicles to hand when developing this section of the layout. I now have some nice Busch Mercedes C Class and Audi A4 cars (via an eBay seller in Spain) which help bring the right hand side of the layout to life a bit. Line occupied Line clear I'm planning to have the two signals controlled by a 3-way switch unless I can find a way of linking them up to be lit when the points are thrown.
  9. Thanks for your kind comments @ the Goblin and @Mike Beard. Planning an update on the layout soon.
  10. MrTea

    2021 hopes

    I wonder if we might see more licensed (or ‘interesting’) liveried versions of existing models this year? It would be interesting to know how the Beatles Eurostar or Coca-Cola Christmas train set have done? I’m pretty sure that no-one had those on their wishlist last year! But I wouldn’t mind betting they’re based on reasonably sound commercial logic. Part of the reason I suggest this is that Hornby have made much more of their Harry Potter range in recent years and 2021 is the year that Bachmann’s Thomas range will become available in the UK. The Hornby range has a much wider audience than a lot of the newer entrants to the market, no matter how accurate or competitively priced their models are. Also H are pretty good at attractive well-applied liveries when they put their minds to it. 2020 was a bumper year in terms of the Hornby range and I think they’ll have been thinking about the best way to capitalise on it especially given the ongoing Coronavirus situation and the challenges with the economy.
  11. MrTea

    2021 hopes

    I agree, a GWR buffet car is a good shout for 2021. We had the Maunsell one a couple of years ago and the MK1 RB in 2020. In terms of reliveries/extensions of the existing tooling how about the J15 as the original GER Y14 (as preserved at the North Norfolk Railway)? Lovely deep blue pre-grouping livery. The RailRoad HST seemed to sell through so how about that in INTERCITY swallow livery for those of us who remember the 1990s fondly but don’t have deep enough pockets for the ‘full fat’ versions?
  12. MrTea

    2021 hopes

    That’s true. There probably aren’t many but it does seem like a fairly big gap in the RTR models available given what other models we already have. And how many of us can honestly say we’ve NEVER bought something that didn’t fit our chosen era or region (particularly if we liked the look of it)?! Come to think of it, how many Hornby purchasers have a set era or region they model?
  13. MrTea

    2021 hopes

    I was thinking along the same lines. That loco class had a variety of liveries including a decorative pre-grouping scheme. And the original tooling is over 40 years old. There’s also the other ‘pug’ of the L&Y variety? Hornby inherited it from the original Dapol tooling and it’s one of the ones that hasn’t been reworked. the Terrier, Castle, and 61xx being examples of classes that have been recently retooled.
  14. MrTea

    2021 hopes

    Thinking about diesel and electrics I wonder if Hornby might surprise us with either a retooled 37 or 47 to 2020 standards? I know there are other offerings in development but we know Hornby have a habit of not sitting back when there are potential other models coming to market. Either of these would make sense as Hornby have had them in the range for years, albeit the Limby versions currently in the RailRoad category. But most importantly they’re long-lived prototypes with loads of possible liveries and detail variations. If you were looking for a class to invest in to get your money back over the next ten or twenty years either of these would fit the bill, probably more than something bigger and more prestigious like a Deltic or a Western. Just a thought.
  15. MrTea

    2021 hopes

    Been thinking about these suggestions. Before the W1 was announced I’d have thought ‘Great Bear’ was very unlikely from the red box guys. But now I’m less sure. It just has the problem of not lasting that long, only having 1 name/number and not much in the way of livery variants. I would have thought that, although it was a one-off, the LNER Hush Hush is distinctive enough - as well as being a Gresley design - to do well from a sales point of view. I wouldn’t mind betting Hornby have sold way more A4s than GWR Kings over the years? The S160 on the other hand: preserved examples currently running, lots of liveries including LMR lined blue, and WWII associations - I can see that being a commercial success. I’ll certainly be one of the first to get my pre-order in if there’s one in the 2021 range announcement! USATC S160 ‘Big Jim’ 5820 at Oxenhope sometime in the mid-1980s
  16. MrTea

    2021 hopes

    One complete oddball suggestion which has just come back to me is D0226 ‘Vulcan’ as preserved at the KWVR. For some reason there was a random shot of it in an edition of The Engine Shed earlier in the year, along with an oblique reference in the text to something else being measured. I suspect Islesy will remember... Here’s a link to the blog, the photo in question is under the final image of 78022: https://www.Hornby.com/uk-en/news/the-engine-shed/british-railways-standard-2mt-2-6-0-update-on-new-liveries However, I’m pretty sure it’s a one off and had a limited number of liveries so that might rule it out? It is, however, not likely to be expected and we’ve had a few of those with Hornby in the last few years.
  17. MrTea

    2021 hopes

    I think a Churchward Saint is a good shout. And I’d also be surprised if a GWR Manor isn’t in Hornby’s plans somewhere in the next couple of years. Something LNER with a name that no-one’s previously done is the Gresley K4 2-6-0. That’s a pretty loco, there’s a preserved example and they already have the Peppercorn K1 in the range. For something a bit leftfield how about a new version of Caley 123, the single wheeler? They had one in the range years ago and it’s a pretty pre-grouping loco. I also wouldn’t be surprised if there’s another small industrial logo as these have been good sellers for the last few years, maybe a Bagnall 0-4-0ST or another 0-4-0 diesel shunter?
  18. Nice. What sort of track is that?
  19. Welcome to the party Richard. I hope this career move proves to be a good one for you - I'm sure it will. I thought your piece in the Rapido UK newsletter was very candid, and I totallly understand your nervousness in making the move, but I'm glad you have decided to do it. I also love the way you guys break all the 'rules' of email marketing by having a newsletter that comes out infrequently, is incredibly long but still manages to be one that I'll make time to read all of (with a cup of tea, of course).
  20. Hi Andy, Are the proposed liveries and chimneys based on the locos as they were in service as opposed to as they are/have been in preservation? I’ve just been checking back on some photos from Embsay over the years and Primrose No. 2 seems to have had a stovepipe chimney whereas Beatrice has a lipped one? Primrose No. 2 at Embsay in the early 1980s Beatrice (No. 7) at Bolton Abbey in 2015 I’m sure the more knowledgeable RMWebbers might be able to shed some light on why that is? Thanks. Ian
  21. Argh! I’m not going to be able to resist one of these. Thanks chaps. Looking forward to next year.
  22. Thanks Chris. That was my understanding on both of these queries. Looking forward to trying out the model soon!
  23. Lovely: Does anyone know if the smaller buffer heads on MR-108 are available separately as spares? Or what a close equivalent after market alternative would be? I’m sure I could replace the buffers with alternatives but I’m hoping I can just swap the heads then I won’t need to repaint etc. Also, is the green used on MR-104A the same shade as that on MR-110? There seem to be some alternative shots of ‘Maunsell’ around where the green is a bit more malachite? The green used on 30072 in the late 1980s early 90s certainly seems brighter from the old photos I have of it at the KWVR.
  24. Been trying really hard this week not to buy a Bachmann Big Hauler set off eBay! I remember being fascinated by large scale trains like LGB when I was younger and also the Playmobil trains that ran on 45mm LGB track. I’d never realised that there was quite such a complicated history behind these models. According to this link http://www.girr.org/girr/tips/tips1/big_hauler_tips.html there are 5 different generations of motors and pick up systems since the first RC set with plastic track was launched back in 1988. It would look rather splendid going round the living room though.
  25. Mine arrived this morning. Fantastic service from Model Rail/Kernow! ...just about managed to intercept the postman before my missus got there!
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