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Jim Bob

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Blog Comments posted by Jim Bob

  1. Yes, Don, the warwickshirerailways.com site is a special resource if you live here. I had not heard of a previous published layout but still intend to pursue this project because it is close to where I live and have lived for about 15 years since deciding to return to the UK to retire. I can only think that the gas plant received coal supplies from the railway.

    Yes, Focalplane, there was a siding serving the gas plant.

  2. Just caught up with this thread and wanted to wish you well with this. I, too, live not far from Moreton in Marsh and have walked as much of the old line as is possible. When I last visited, the Longdon Road platform was still in-situ.


    The book by Vic Mitchell and Keith Smith "Western Main Lines - Oxford to Moreton in Marsh", published by Middleton Press, also has a brief description of the Branch, together with some excellent photographs, if you did not know. I endorse Steve N's comments regarding Jenkin's and Carpenter's book, of which I have a copy.


    Best wishes,


  3. Good luck with the change of scale. What have you built so far in the "small" scale?


    Hi Tim V. As yet, I have built nothing, zero, zilch! This going to be a completely fresh start!


    I intend to go with suitable Graham Farish models (as cheaply as I can obtain them!). They have to be suitable for a GWR branch line in the 1930's. I will be rewheeling them and intend to join the 2FS club, using Ezytrac but, obviously, I will neet to build my own turnouts - a real first! Templot, I'm sure would be a real help in the design stage but, will have to save up for that!



    welcome to the best scale  look forward  to seeing your  progress


    Thanks Nigel, I'm realy hope you're right! I've got a lot to learn...


    Best wishes,



  4. Hi Mikkel,


    An absolutely essential collection of photographs for the minutiae of detail available in the 1:1 real world of railways but, how much detail are you prepared to go to, to satisfy your own preferences and, how much time do you have?


    I am not being critical of your desires, or your incredible modelling skills. I think the problem is that, we as modellers are only too aware of all the detail, because we are actually putting it all together - hand's on!


    However, how much detail does the average visitor see? They're hardly likely to be viewing with magnifying glasses and I believe it's the "overall impression and atmosphere" you have created that helps to "suspend the disbelief". I remember you converting an Airfix Castle to a Star and were happy that it "looked right" even though the boiler was technically incorrect!


    Keep at it. I, for one, am an ardent admirer of your modelling skills.


    With best wishes,



    • Like 1
  5. I, also, have an Airfix 14xx and have bought a "Mainly Trains" upgrade kit for the body (this was originally going to be used on my K's kit - see separate blog).


    However, whilst still honing my soldering skills, I decided to upgrade the Airfix model. Problem is, as you all know, the motor completely fills the cab, which I would really like to detail with backhead, brake and crew, etc.


    So, considering the chassis: I wonder if anyone has tried replacing the Airfix motor with a smaller "can" variety, still driving the front (or middle) axle, without obtruding into the cab?


    It would need a good hacking about of the cast tank and boiler weights and a suitable "mod" to hold the new motor, plus replacing the weights when I know how much room I have!


    Any ideas or suggestions gratefully received.



  6. I agree, Dragonusde, cardboard wreaks havoc on knife blades. For this reason I reserve my X-Acto knives and blades for precision work on plastic kits, etc.

    My local "Poundstore" sells three of those plastic, retractible blade knives (where you can snap off the blunt leading blade, to present a new, sharp section. All for

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