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Everything posted by LU_fan

  1. I used to find video editing a bit complicated, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

    1. Hroth


      Can't be too difficult, digital TV channels do it all the time!


      Oh, wait.....

  2. First, go to the Quick Drive menu, that's the easiest way. Then when you select what train you want to run, there should be a "Custom" option in the listing. Select that and away you go.
  3. As I like to recreate real consists, this was one I just had to do when I saw it on Facebook. Network Rail 43062 on loan to Midland Mainline.
  4. Recently purchased the Class 180 Adelante and thought I'd give it a quick try before calling it a day. Not my favorite units, and while in the cab the sounds clip like crazy. But they do look impressive.
  5. You can in scenarios, but there's also a QuickDrive mode where you can just drive whatever you want from point A to point B without having to keep to a timetable. And then there's a freeroam mode too. Screenshots can be taken from the drivers seat, yes. No, not as far as I'm aware.
  6. 50036 makes a smokey start from Dawlish on its way to London Paddington.
  7. The mods work in mysterious ways.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      It was removed not because of your post but because it contained quoted content from an argumentative individual it became necessary to remove (along with several other people). I don't take too kindly to refereeing spats on a holiday and tend to chuck the whole lot in the bin rather than expend time on finer dissection.

    3. LU_fan


      Regularity: Didn't think there was such a thing, but it seemd I don't have to look for them.


      Andy Y: Thanks for the explanation. I was really confused when I saw the notification, thinking I'd somehow, somewhere said something inappropriate.

    4. sharris


      Mysterious Ways is like Safeways, except none of the cans have labels on them.

  8. Oh, I thought you meant on one of the trains. My bad.
  9. Pretty sure this never happened in real life, but I thought I'd give it a go, just because.
  10. It's not really an issue I've noticed, but I'll keep my eyes open.
  11. Ah, so not as limited as I thought. But I doubt an NSE Class 50 or SWT 442 would be allowed.
  12. Well, ok, I did find the thread in the pre-grouping forum, though I didn't actually open it. But that's pretty... Well, limited, for the lack of a better word. Isn't it? Just pre-grouping. What I had in mind, and was looking for, was a general screenshot thread where any era is allowed. I know most of what I run wouldn't be allowed in there anyway. That said, thank you for your contribution! That is a lovely shot.
  13. Did a (very) quick search and didn't find anything like this on the forum. Don't know how many members on here play TS, or if there is any interest in this type of thread. But, it's worth a try, no? Anyone who feels like it, feel free to add your own screenshots. My first contribution took a little while to set up, using the scenario editor. LNER 91119 and GWR 43185 meeting up at King's Cross, based on a Twitter conversation between GWR and LNER possibly arranging a "date" between the two, albeit at Paddington. Personally, I thought King's Cross would make a more logical choice as both types operate from there.
  14. Anyone know what happened with the whole "traindate" thing suggested by GWR on Twitter?
  15. I was thinking of something along the lines of a samovar. Thought that might work pretty well.
  16. So they were used only in Scotland during BR times?
  17. I was actually looking at one of the blue/gray DBSO's when I was in London last month, and I was tempted to buy one. I didn't, but the more I see them, the more the temptation grows. Where were they used?
  18. Fleischmann Profi couplers are what I use. I have selected the adjustable version for my Mk2F coaches so I can run them with my other UK rolling stock without interference. Works great, but that does however leave a gap when coupling two Mk2F's together. However, substituting one of the adjustable ones for a regular Profi coupler gives a much better result: Downside to that is that they won't couple on straight track. But they do still work without any issues. There is a gap between the gangways, still, but it's not a big one.
  19. Why would you need to take it apart to change the address...? Or the CVs for that matter? Can't the decoder be programmed like normal?
  20. Can't believe I forgot to mention this: the horn installed on this loco sounds like one of those squeaking rubber ducks. At least it did that evening.
  21. Looks correct to me: https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7036/6869637517_e989cc8b1d_b.jpg
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