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Status Updates posted by OnTheBranchline

  1. See a great deal on Hattons pre-owned right before a lunch meeting, come back from the meeting, it's gone...

  2. When your work's VPN goes down and you can't work, it's free time for trains!

  3. Just a friendly reminder that if you want a loco, buy it now because it may not be there when you come back again.

    I wish I listened this advice... 


  4. Looking at treating myself to my first new loco in years and then bam, the fridge goes bust. Fate is laughing at me.

  5. Of course the opposite to finding things you forgot you bought is can't find something that you thought you had...

    Swear I had that Railway Modeller magazine from 2013.

    1. ian


      If you think that is bad, I'm missing a loco that was put to one side when the layout was in its putative stages. Can I find it now?

    2. Hroth


      Buy another. Or start building a replacement.


      The original is bound to reveal itself once sufficient effort in replacing it is expended...


    3. Mallard60022


      Yup, also if you want a new Loco to be produced, purchase a cheap old Kit of the same thing and spend hours attempting to even get it out of the Box. You can bluff and pretend to have almost completed it of course but experience tells me you need to just get it running, when........

  6. The always fun "oh I forgot I bought that!" when going through boxes.


  7. You never realize how much model railway stuff you have until you have to move it...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brit70053


      Especially if the move is under observation.

    3. Ely_South


      Currently moving house ourselves, and the railway stuff counts for a sizeable percentage of the contents. Certainly more than all of the small kids stuff...:-)

    4. Chris116


      I have twelve boxes 18 inches by 18 inches by 20 inches waiting for me starting to build my layout! So glad the wife thinks half of them are clothes!


  8. Has a Hornby Hawksworth that keeps thinking that it's a slip coach.

    1. Mikkel


      Coaches have feelings too!

    2. Miss Prism

      Miss Prism

      The trick is to get it to glide to a halt in the platform

    3. milkman matt

      milkman matt

      Just let it slide!

  9. Has a Hornby Hawksworth that keeps thinking that it's a slip coach.

  10. Of course only I would trust a 4 year old to move a seven coach rake nicely, including 5 Hornby Hawksworth coaches...

  11. Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc

  12. Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc.

  13. Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc.

  14. Do you like Italian?

    1. RedgateModels


      What are you doing with a chicken on your head?

    2. ian


      Whata mistake to makea!

  15. Nothing better in life than getting two near-mint Hornby Granges for 55 quid (including shipping!).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      What, the pair for

    3. OnTheBranchline


      The pair.


      An owner is moving and converting to O gauge, so he wanted them gone.

    4. Horsetan


      Now that is a steal!

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