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Status Updates posted by freebs

  1. Hello everyone - hope you're all well?


    I've been away for a while, and it's a long time since i posted here, let alone made anything for a model railway. Here's one of my favourite models from last year, 





  2. I'm going to be on Telly! Week on saturday -after football focus on BBC1!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SHMD


      Road Wars?

    3. David Todd

      David Todd

      Just,watch you don't slip off the top,of that slim line Tv, of yours !

    4. freebs


      It was actually for being in the People's FA cup...

  3. Arrgh! Dislocated knee! Why do I do this to myself?

    1. JCL


      Sorry to hear that Lee - what were you doing??

  4. Oh Bu**er. I've just stuck a door where there shouldn't be a door!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kev_Lewis


      Allan Downes wouldn't worry about it.

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      We are, The Meninblack...

    4. David Todd

      David Todd

      I may ask you to, change, your Avatar, to Dogtired. ??


  5. ow, that hurt. came off bike on way home

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. freebs


      Just a few bruised ribs I think. Nothing major, just hurts like hell whenever I move...

    3. Mikkel


      You'll have to sit still and do some modelling then :-)

    4. David Todd

      David Todd

      Hey F. is the bike ok ?

  6. So very tired. Need a kip before cycling home...

  7. That's another 20 miles racked up on the morning cycle commute...

    1. Jaz


      Hey....where's the FAINT emoticon.!!!!!!1 Alyhough it will get you fit....if you don't get a heart attack first!!!!!!

  8. Still having colouring woes

    1. Jaz


      No it's all good now.

  9. er... what've you done to RMWeb?

    1. Jawfin


      Many, many, many things...

    2. yorkie_pudd


      Already had my jigsaw out so thought I`d make it into a bigger picture puzzle ha ha ha

    3. RJL


      they call it progress, sometimes I wonder.

  10. er... what've you done to RMWeb?

  11. I really went for it on the cycle home last night, then doubled the efforts on the way in today.. My thighs are just dead weights...

  12. I really went for it on the cycle home last night, then doubled the efforts on the way in today.. My thighs are just dead weights...

  13. Do you think anyone'd mind if I fell asleep for half an hour?....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yorkie_pudd


      hush you`ll wake the rest of them up he he

    3. DonB


      Did that just after lunch!

    4. Tim V

      Tim V

      You might, you missed the best bit...

  14. Night on my own tonight - finally get some chance to do some track laying in the garage? Long Soak in the Bath? Fall ssleep in front on the telly?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Put the telly in your bathroom. You can kill three birds with one stone....

    3. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Bring your baseboard, into the bathroom beside the bath as well, kill four birds with one stone?

    4. freebs


      Hmm - It'd take me about 4 hours to disassemble it all to get it in the house ;)

  15. Night on my own tonight - finally get some chance to do some track laying in the garage? Long Soak in the Bath? Fall ssleep in front on the telly?

  16. Dislocated my knee while playing football with my 5 year old. That scuppers cycling for a day or two :( Also managed to cut my nose open with my glasses as I fell on my face...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. freebs


      nah but he did come and try to tickle me better as I was rolling around the ground in agony in true Premiership Footballer style

    3. Mikkel


      Sorry to hear that Lee. I hope you and the cycling gets back on track soon.

    4. ozzyo


      You should not use your nose as a brake.

      It could have been a lot worse.

  17. Dislocated my knee while playing football with my 5 year old. That scuppers cycling for a day or two :( Also managed to cut my nose open with my glasses as I fell on my face...

  18. Invigorating Cycle in to work this morning!

  19. Invigorating Cycle in to work this morning!

  20. A lovely Friday morning's cycle in to work. Shaved 60s off my best time since starting to ride again too!

  21. At the model shop yesterday. Those new Ratio Point Rodding Sets look pretty good!

  22. I'm installing Wordpress, wish me luck...

    1. Mikkel


      Aha, so a new blog is on the cards?

  23. Good luck Mrs freebs for whatever you decide today...

  24. I've just found this!

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      I haven't, but what were we looking for?

  25. I've just found this!

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