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Everything posted by njee20

  1. I like IPA (obviously not Greene King) for stripping. Brake fluid (assuming people mean DOT 4 or 5.1) is pretty nasty stuff, I’d not be putting it all over my models, but I know a lot of people do. Wasp stripes are definitely available as decals if you do end up spraying an 08.
  2. Not even close, December far outstrips any other month in retail. month on month stats. December is >50% higher than October, November is closer, driven in part by Black Friday in recent years. I get that the very organised will do their Christmas shopping in October, but I’ll wager those who are sufficiently organised also ‘normalise’ their finances throughout the year and thus probably won’t need to hold off purchases now!
  3. As answered elsewhere it’s because it’s not linked to the operation of the turnout, rather when a loco travels through the point, which could happen in multiple places at once. I think I’m right in saying you could use one for a crossover, as there you'd want both pairs of points to share polarity - ie both ‘open’ or ‘switched’. Could cause issues if one pair of points in the crossover was in a different state to the other, but that would cause problems regardless.
  4. I assume you’re joking? It’s more than a quarter of a year away!
  5. It’s obviously subjective, and we’ve talked about whether more overtaking really means better racing, but it’s hard to dispute that there’s a lot more overtaking and variability in Formula E than F1, so clearly narrow circuits doesn’t make much difference!
  6. But that’s exactly what it is, on detecting a short the polarity changes. Different DCC systems have different cut offs. My ZTC took about a second to actually shut down, so if the DCC80 was taking 0.5 seconds the loco would stall for that time and then continue (exaggerated for example). If the short protection of the DCC system meant the system shut down after 0.4 seconds the DCC80 wouldn’t work. The DCC Concepts reverser is solid state, so the same delays and stuttering don’t happen. This is reinforced by the fact it’s fine when the loco isn’t traversing the side with polarity reversed. Obviously changing the decoder may be worth a try, but I suspect the DCC80s are the culprits.
  7. My thought is that the DCC80 is probably racing the short protection in your controller, and only just winning! I had the same when I switched to an ECoS, my Digitrax AR1s were just too slow to switch. Solid state devices don’t have the same issue.
  8. Long time lurker on this thread, but it’s fascinating to see what you get up to, and awesome pics.
  9. In May there were fewer than 100 (post #245), after 7 months, what happened to generate the additional 300 orders between May and July or whenever you stopped taking orders? Did you do a load more publicity, if so maybe time to replicate that...
  10. This feels like one of those threads where the first 5 posts have been deleted, but I assume it makes sense to people who want to know what the hell is going on!
  11. £10 says they manage to choose elements of each sub class and roll them into one Frankenloco!
  12. Indeed, but yes, apart from now holding the all time lap record by a third of a second, and 3/4 of a second over the other identical car, he wasn't the fastest
  13. Yes it was great to see the fastest laps coming from teams other than the top 3, particularly heartening to see Alonso get it at one point!
  14. Lewis's pole lap yesterday was utterly sensational, no idea whatsoever where he pulled that from! Not a classic race today, but interesting enough. Could've done with a few more visits to the wall to liven it up! God knows what Perez was thinking in either incident, Ocon was as good as through on the first and I just can't begin to explain the Sirotkin one! Braver man than I that would bet against Lewis now, another win for him with Vettel off the podium and he's got 2 clear race wins in hand!
  15. That’s precisely what they often do. A friend had it at the weekend. Realised almost immediately, “dunno what you’re talking about mate, no wallet here”. I left my wallet on a Southern train. It was returned, in person, by the chap manning the ticket office at the next station, who found my Photocards and looked the number up on the system. I was more than a little appreciative!
  16. You also need to consider the cost of a multiprocessor board (meaning you only need one DCC module), otherwise you need a DCC module per Megapoints board. Rich is right about combining outputs though. I throw scissor crossings off one Megapoints output - ie 4 servos,and they work fine. I agree they're easy to set up. I use aluminium channel as per Dave's recommendation, but I think next time I'd use 'proper' mounts with attachments for microswitches etc for ease.
  17. Corrr, looks great. Look forward to seeing more of that! Lovely space to have too.
  18. Such a shame he flounced from here, this was (and I imagine still is) a stunning layout.
  19. Very interested to see how that goes. Leclerc has done good things with the Sauber, wonder if Kimi will do even more. Must be a rubbish prospect knowing you’re going to one of the worst cars on the grid though. Even Alonso always had hope until the first race of the season!
  20. “Early next year” the bloke told me. I’ve seen Q2 being touted too.
  21. They moulded the CDL lights on the 'normal' mk3s, including blue/grey and executive ones, so I'd be stunned if they did two separate tools for the sleepers given they'll be inherently more limited. The lack of decent mk2s makes the Caledonian ones a risk IMO, the Electra Vinyls look good, but using those on mk2s with a 'factory painted' mk3 will look odd IMO, and Farish aren't doing the correct mk2s for a prototypical formation. We shall see, the sample looked pretty good.
  22. I'm really looking forward to these, a great addition, and something which N gauge has really been crying out for. A reasonable rake of hooded ones for me for sure!
  23. Corr, a 325 or a 90 would be incredible. I’ve just started hacking mk3 coaches apart to make a 325, so that seems likely!
  24. I just set auto decline on offers so I don’t even see the stupid ones unless I actively check. Have never seen eBay adding offers retroactively to a BIN, seems far more likely you just didn’t unselect it, why would they do it for you? They may have changed it to default to on.
  25. I've no issue with the offers thing on auctions - it just formalises the "how much to end the auction" chancers, although it's not something I ever use. I'm consistently surprised by people not using the offer on Buy Now items. I sell most stuff that way these days, unless it's just something I'm getting rid of in a clearout - in which case it goes on at 99p in an auction. I reckon about 50% of the time people just pay the full price. I tend to price in a bit of fat in a listing and will accept sensible offers, so I'm always surprised by it. Average item price is £150 - £200, so not super cheap stuff.
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