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Everything posted by Colin_McLeod

  1. I thought that if you planted a light bulb in the ground it would grow into a standard lamp!
  2. A classic case of using a bad example. I should have said that Dell now produce better computers.
  3. So long as there are no false magnetic pluses as Gordon H said above.
  4. I must have a word with Samsung for selling mobile phones that are better than the one I bought last year. Not to mention the latest television, car, vacuum cleaners etc that are also available. I think it is called progress. ;-) Congratulations to Peco for listening to the railway modellers.
  5. The boyfriend should have tried harder. https://www.google.it/search?q=mrs+browns+boys+cornflake+jigsaw&prmd=ivmn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUiqWdsrrPAhWLfRoKHdJ7D28Q_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=512#imgrc=tp-xCSmdDQsiAM%3A
  6. I tried to message Dave at Hattons to request their position re the BG but RMweb site says he can't use the message system!
  7. There are a lot of interesting posts here about legal liability and small claims courts but in practice Hattons will refund your money (see Tony Daley's posts) so why not just ask them?
  8. Like Neil I have not had an opportunity to run my BG yet but I have purchased replacement motors. What's the general advice? Should I try my luck with the originals and risk damage or should I just put in the new motors regardless?
  9. One for those who model Irish railways by using BR models on OO track: BR coach 3367 on 5'3" bogies between two NIR liveried coaches at Lisburn 2nd April 1989. NIR purchased a number of Mk2 to replace bomb damaged stock and the stock shortage was such that the ex BR coaches were pressed into service immediately and repainted later. Note the water tower- still maintained for use with RPSI steam specials.
  10. I think that leaving the ball of string behind at Smithdown Road was a big mistake.
  11. No cats were harmed in the taking of this photograph.
  12. To get back to the OP's question: when the covers are removed from the Dynamis and the handset is there an obvious set of terminals that could be connected together with a cable?
  13. The two paragraphs about consisting DMUS confused me. Is your question just about connecting the Dynamis to the hand set with a Cable?
  14. I feel the same about the sleeper spacing. Scale spacing looks too far apart and reminds me of the coarse track of the 1940s and 50s. Perhaps I have just got used to the Peco etc spacing.
  15. Use a Stanley knife. It comes apart quite easily. Hat coat running fast.
  16. Revenue from summer excursions must have been disappointing.
  17. Are plotters as used by architects etc more accurate? or are they just more expensive?
  18. Hattons did have the facility to upload pictures to their website but I can't find it now.
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