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Everything posted by Colin_McLeod

  1. Revenue from summer excursions must have been disappointing.
  2. Are plotters as used by architects etc more accurate? or are they just more expensive?
  3. Hattons did have the facility to upload pictures to their website but I can't find it now.
  4. Talking of old hats. Has anyone seen mine? I need it and my coat for a quick exit. Edit to reduce the cost.... Bloomin predictive text. lol
  5. From the LNER forum: http://www.lner.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8791
  6. So a footplate toilet is nothing to do with facilities for the crew of a steam locomotive.
  7. And then there was the dyslexic pimp who bought a warehouse.
  8. http://www.google.ie/search?q=instructions+for+toilet+use&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjL2JHzrpHOAhVIJcAKHX3-Cd0Q_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=512#imgrc=nnuoii-_QnBaPM%3A
  9. Yes and No. This is known as "Maxwill's marbles"
  10. Surely the presence or otherwise of Schrodinger's cat in the box could be determined using a CAT Scan. Coat, hat, gone.
  11. Customer: " I'd like some deodorant please" Seller: "Ball or aerosol?" Customer: "Neither. It's for under my arms"
  12. The coaches were all the same colour though! Also speaking as someone who never saw either Midland or Western Blue Pullans (Pullmen??) in real life, I could not tell the difference except by counting the coaches as it rushes past at a scale 90mph.
  13. I can't tell the difference when I measure the track with my school ruler. Its more than 16mm and less than 17mm so it must be 16.5mm. Correct??
  14. Whatever happened to modelling trains without worrying too much.
  15. And we used a lower case l for a 1.
  16. Slightly inaccurate perhaps but attractive. An eight car set would be more impressive than a six car set. If additional coaches are OK for Rapido's APT-E then why not Bachmann's Blue Pullman?
  17. It's a great source of information and as suggested perhaps RMweb could archive/host the pages. I always liked Bromsgrove Models and have purchased from them. I found the heritage "two tone green" locomotive and bus on the site attractive. Enjoy your retirement John.
  18. And with bigger models in 4mm scale there would have been room even for a 1940s motor and we would probably have had proper 28mm gauge track from day one. Or 1.1"
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