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Everything posted by Colin_McLeod

  1. Including differential calculus
  2. Another e mail from Hattons today; refering to an August date for the P2
  3. Andrew What you say is true for two people who each bid the maximum they are prepared to pay. However there is a perception that you can affect whether or not someone bids more by not bidding at all until it is too late for them to “bid more.” I don’t know if the perception is justified but the theory is that before anyone bids on E bay, it shows the current bid at £0.00. If you "show an interest" in an E Bay item by bidding, thus making the current bid more than £0.00 that you are then attracting a bidding war. Colin
  4. That new feature actually mirrors what usually happens at a normal auction. Where e bay is different is the fixed ending time where a high bid going in seconds before the end (whether by snipe or by a person submitting a bid) will win as no one else has the time to respond. In a real auction, the auctioneer would continue to accept bids until there is no further interest. If E bay followed a similar pattern, then snipe bidding would ineffective for "winning". I have seen on-line auction sites that continue accepting bids after the "closure" time until there is a period of one minute with no activity. This method emulates a real auction closer than E bay does.
  5. He is also looking for money for old new rope. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-15mtrs-Heavy-Duty-Cotton-Rope-49-1-2-ft-Bondage-Fetish-Shibari-/151342112166?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item233cb15da6 Edit for typo
  6. Then you have to buy the coal.
  7. Wait until you see his order for coal wagons!!! How many would he need? Say five locomotives in action and two on shed. At 80 locos per train I make that 400 wagons being hauled, plus perhaps another 240 being loaded/unloaded/waiting their turn. I'd love to attend one of Brian's running sessions to see that lot.
  8. Lots of people have posted videos throughout RMWeb. This is the only one that seems to be a problem. The last few posts on this thread have turned into a video/OS discussion and says nothing about the video, probably because no one can see it. This is what the poster of the video has to say: Finally was able to see it. (please don't ask how; its not really worth the effort) Lots of introduction, titles etc. Then an APT-E with eyes talking. No comment.
  9. Cant see any video. Can you put it on you tube so that we can all see it without needing special things. Thanks.
  10. You've just hit the nail on the head. The train still exists, so it is possible that it could still go anyplace.
  11. According to Wikipedia K9 first appeared in 1977, meaning the APT-E came first. Anyone got an explanation? perhaps APT-E was the inspiration for K9 or perhaps K9 was such a fast running dog that he needed a streamlined front. (come to think of it, a bit like a greyhound)
  12. I have three. Mallard, Sir Nigel Gresely and Andrew K McCosh
  13. Scunthorpe chemical works
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