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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Angus arrived here on the coast of Norfolk about an hour ago( 05:30,) as I type they have just reported a gust of wind mid English channel at 97 mph. I suspect there will be little sailing at the club, the first race is supposed to be 10:45, no sailing for me next week either it's SWMBOs weaving groups Christmas dinner. The dinner went well last night I'm fit to explode for the second time in three days. School dinners good? They must have changed since I left school!!
  2. The water tanks been drained , everything cleared from the front cabin into the rear cabin to rebalance the boat or water collects on the foredeck. More anti freeze added to the generator fresh water system , boat mooring checked ready for the gale. The gales on its way, there is a distinct line of clouds approaching, the wind is increasing. Decision made, trousers and waterproof coat to go out to the dinner tonight. It may be a bit to windy in the Trossachs for the kilt ( open frame high footbridge to the island the club is on....)
  3. Yes it's a pity they can't spell attention.....
  4. Went out to the MRC last night, 18:30 and ice was forming on the windscreen, chatting to others at the club, those of us near the coast had ice but inland didn't most unusual it's normally the other way around. This morning as well as heavy frost there are little trails of snow where we must have had a small shower. When I've had breakfast, it will be time to get into full warm sailing gear, as I'm off to the the motor boat to finish the final bit of winterisation, draining the drinking water tanks. After that it's back to the house and trim a little off the bottom of our bedroom door. The house has moved a little, 1906 house, lime mortar walls, very little foundations. Depending on time left then it'll be some work on the model railway shed before getting ready for a dinner at the sailing club.
  5. My deepest sympathy to Debs, we don't have any of the collies in the avatar left now, but are just starting the hunt for a new one again, now the cat we inherited has also departed recently. I've done many flights in Saudia, they DO NOT serve alcohol. the only alcohol i've ever seen on board someone had injected into oranges...
  6. Tell that to the government about the coast of Norfolk, we are always losing sand, so what to do HMG do... issue licences for lots of money to dredge off our coast. They say it doesn't make any difference... So where do they think the sand is coming from to fill in the holes? Their best easiest thing they could do down there is to find out where the errosion is coming from and block it like this... My house is actually in the picture in the long distance beyond the reefs
  7. After Yesterdays Thunder hail etc,I went out 30 minutes later to find beautiful blue skies with a black line of clouds disappearing in the distance. There were also hail drifts of a couple of inches around the cars, the windward side of car was clean too, though the lee ward side was as muddy as ever. however four trips down our road soon made it all muddy again. you can guess why I don't clean the outside of our car... There were big piles of leaves under the trees on the way as the hail had stripped the leaves off of some of them. As to the four trips I got home at about 16:00 15 minutes later than normal, because after the storm all the parents came out in their cars for the 100 yards drive from the house to the 5 schools I Have to pass on the way home. absolute chaos, as the increased number of cars clogged the roads totally instead of mostly. the it was a quick wash and brush up and turn round and drive back to Norwich for 18:30 and our curry on the company, good it was too, didn't finally get home till 22:00. Roads this morning dry or damp, clear skies, but still windy so all those leaves were now blown against the hedges or buildings. For traffic chaos try Saudi Arabia, On a three line highway you are parked 1 row behind a white line at the lights how many cars are in front of you? 8 they squeeze 4 into the 3 lanes and will have an extra row in front of the white line. The cars on the right of course will want to turn left and the ones on the left will want to turn right. None will use their indicators but all will use their horns. To change lanes just gradually move your car across doesn't matter if there is something already there. Traffic lights.., changing to amber and red go faster, changing to red go faster still,steady Red stop ... maybe if you can . Lights on the crossing carriagway change to orange + red, Blare your horns, your carriagway changing to orange, leave in a cloud of tyre smoke. The traffic police are asleep in their cars under the motorway bridges to keep out of the sun. unless they have been told to arrest a number of people for speeding. then they will walk down a line of cars in a traffic jam and arrest all the westerners for speeding. Why Westerners? well if they arrest a local the local might have connections and they'd be in deep trouble, There is no point arresting the cheap far eastern labour they don't get paid enough to pay the fines. So they arrest the westerners, because they know the westerners can't get a visa to leave on holiday unless all fines have been paid...
  8. Hmm Thunder, heavy gusting wind gusting 40MPH , heavy hail, More Thunder it's not nice out there... I've got to go out in 30 Minutes....
  9. Chris Evans show, Auctions for Children in need... Take that to come and play at your place.... Went for.......... £1.1 MIllion!!!!!!
  10. I've just been reading PO wagons book 5 by Keith Turton. Messers Coote ( from Wisbeach) and Warren (From Ely) merged in 1908 and would be a good additional coal wagon should you need one. Mr Coote was already shipping block trains of coal to Peterbrough in 1885, for distribution all over East Anglia he delivered to KL. So Castle Aching would be a possibility for either a Coote or Coote and Warren wagon.. There was another KL connection in the book but thats at home so I'll try to remember the information when I get he chance.
  11. The ER Time was 0:49 this Morning and I couldn't get back to sleep even with the help of watching the continuous news well not till about 03:30 then I awoke again at 04:50.... rumble rumble thump thump thump beep beep beeo rumble rumble thump thump thump BEEEEEEEEEP rumble beep beep . Yes they were loading the sugar beet again yesterday, at least they stopped at 20:00 last night, the previous year it was 22:00. Mind You SWMBO will not be a happy bunny this morning as the first empty 44 ton Artic thundered 6ft past our door, as I tried to leave the gate at 06:00. They turn at the farmers yard 400 yards down the road ant then shake the house again as they come back and park up to be loaded. Our road is looking like a ploughed field again, rain forecast later with high winds, but nothing compared to the forecast for Sunday that should wash the roads clean. Dry roads at the moment though. Nearly took out a cyclist at about 06:30 this morning, entirely dressed in black including his shoulder bag, on a black bike and no lights....... Time to go and get set up more shunts to get done today...
  12. Merkel to a 'mercan if our country goes they way of yours, I'm auditioning for the sound of Music.
  13. Woke up three times during the night, even with the help of ibuprofen and whisky. Whisky!!! TESCOS have £8 off a bottle of Highland Park whisky, (£33 down to £25) so thats a good deal, add a few vouchers and 6 bottles were bought for about £120 thats me sorted till the next time they have such an offer... Dry warmish but wet roads this morning Gusting 36MPH wind speed later forecast and a gale, gusting 56MPH tomorrow that will take a few leaves off the trees. I must remember to go and get some more strip wood for platform edging, the single 8ft piece bought last week did both main platforms, but was short by.... 2 inches for the siding platform. Measuring a brand new experimental shunt this Morning, always a problem, because although you know the value it's supposed to be, you don't know the exact value. So at the moment it looks like the first set of measurements taken at just after 07:00 this morning were a load of c....
  14. Q Celts(Goidelic), Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Manx. P Celts (Brittonic), Welsh, Breton Cornish. The mixing of populations in the past and today is one of the reasons I have a intense dislike of the poison dwarfs policies. Talking of Intensity, an Intense depression has fallen on our factory, yes it's annual assessment time, this is an extremely complicated system using words invented by an obscure Michigan professor, ( that obscure you look the words up and his name appears). We get bombarded by talks videos etc to try to explain what it all means, but they give examples like people with 20Million Dollar budgets, which shows how out of touch with the real world, the head office in America is with the majority of staff who have no budget at all. What it actually means in the end is the local managers conspire with the staff to fill the forms in. We all get above average marks and we all get below the announced average pay rise....
  15. 1,2,3 who knows? more dumbing down of the public? 4 Money? How do you know about Honey G and X factAAAaaa, ? there is an off switch....
  16. Highlanders ( Actually Highlanders and Islanders) are the Gaelic people (Gaels) who speak the Gaelic language, and yes they do say that the Scots ( inhabitants of the Scottish lowlands) are Sassanachs Sassanach is the Gaelic version of the word Saxon, so it is applied to the English and the Scots, many Scottish people particularly up the central to Eastern side up as as far as Dundee (and a little up the east coast beyond) are decendants of the Saxon invaders overlaid by some viking / Danish invaders. The Central to west coast up as far as and just past Glasgow, was the Kingdom of Strathclyde which at one time (using modern racial grouping) were Welsh overlaid by saxon, vikings / Norse and some Gaels. Due to lack of writing, the guess work is that the picts were A version of Welsh speaking peoples. Technically Scots were Gaelic invaders from Ireland however once they got control of mainland Scotland, they very rapidly changed to English speaking ( with Royalty speaking French like the English Royalty, they were intermarried). The remaining Gaelic speakers in the North and West were seen until very recently as, crude, uncouth, ill educated savages, a view that remained for some till well post WW2. West Coast and Hebridies were under control of Scandinavians (vikings Norse) but the Gaelic peoples swallowed up any Viking speakers where as English swallowed up Welsh and Vikings down south and east. During the highland clearances many of those who "assisted " in the Evictions were hired in Glasgow thugs speaking "English" reinforcing the view that, the English were the cause of the clearences. However it was for the most part their own highland clan leaders who had for generations had their sons educated in the lowlands (as was required by Scottish law BEFORE unification with England. ( Who said I was interested in history)
  17. Quote"Shouldnae Rabbies day/nicht be celebrated in January? e'en though Wikipaedia seems to think it can be celebrated at any time of the year - they must be Sassenachs! OOpps There is so much going on I typed the wrong month. We will probably celebrate Burns Night on 21st January as January 25th, Burns Birthday, being during the week was not possible. We will have a Scottish piper ( a sailing club member) to play in the haggis, the address to the haggis will be by another Scotsman. The Haggis will probably be Scottish even though Norfolk exports haggis to Scotland. Several of the club members will be wearing their own Kilts (including myself )and some in trews. Most importantly there will be plenty whisky especially in the quiz at the end get a question right on Scotland or Burns and win a tot... Not bad for a village sailing club in Norfolk. Oh, Since Sassanch is a Gaelic word, and to a Gael, all Scots are Sassanachs (including Burns) as well as the English . Gaels Live in Scotland but are not Scots . (I lived and went to School in the Hebridies and Inverness, my brother is fluent in the Gaelic ). I had haggis for my evening meal a couple of days ago, you can buy it Tescos down here...
  18. Maybe but it might also require getting out of the hot bath....
  19. The question would be which of Andrew Marrs many books?
  20. We've had the same from them and from Business express, DHL also reported having made 3 attempts to deliver on another parcel, they never even came down our road. Then they sent it back to the supplier even though I had been in contact with DHL (before the third attempt to deliver). I had to get the supplier to send it with a different courier. DHL small parcels have been sold to Yodel, unfortunately with the same staff. The best deliverers, Amazon but who does their local delivery I don't know, because never having had a problem I've not had to contact them (SWMBO is always in to collect parcels). Oh we have had several times the odd phone call "where are you, we are on the Fakenham road, just pulling into your village". To which our reply is " fourty miles away, thats the wrong village, look at the post code"
  21. Morning all, I awoke Five hours ago so I'm going to have great difficulty staying awake at work. The journey in was some what strange, well it wasn't raining, so I did see the moon, ,bright I thought, but that was about it. Then after driving down our gravelled tarmac road (see yesterday) I turned onto the next road and after reaching the speed limit of 40MPH I had to brake fairly heavily to avoid a herd of female Red deer, I guess the Male had already crossed the road. Several miles later getting out on to the main road there was heavy traffic? it's 06:15 in the morning!! Normally I See may be half a dozen cars on the 25 mile journey in, very rapidly I had that many behind me as I trundled along at the 60MPH speed limit. and similar groups of cars were coming the other way. there must be a road closure / accident somewhere but it wasn't on the local radio. Talking of wild life I meant to mention before that while be were rigging up our boats at the sailing club on Sunday an Otter was sat on the other bank of the dyke (all of 10 feet away) eating a fish paying no attention to us on all our boats making lots of noise. I'll be having a six monthly diabetic medical in a couple of weeks, included in that They'll weigh me, Err I've been to the end of season dinner( summer sailing club) And to the Trafalgar dinner (winter sailing club) This week on Thursday I have a works section dinner, (ties in with the visit of a big boss from America) On Saturday we have the Summer sailing clubs, officers dinner to thank those who help the club. The following week is the Winter sailing clubs monthly social event, this time Bingo, bangers and mash. Early December is SWMBOs weaving group Christmas dinner, Shortly followed by the MRC Dinner. There will probably be SWMBO's art group Christmas dinner some time about then. Sometime in this period there will be the section Christmas dinner. Oh and then the Summer sailing clubs Christmas dinner (winter sailing club invited). Luckily they've decided to move the Works Formal Christmas dinner to mid January !!! By which time there'll be another Winter sailing club social event. Then in February there is Burns Night. Then in March there will be the end of Season dinner and prize giving for the winter sailing club Followed the next week by the Summer sailing clubs rigging out dinner. How am I supposed to keep my weight down?
  22. 1285, livery would have been standard USTC livery, as it was pre delivery to Europe, Arrived Highbridge 15/1/43. See here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/71017-usatc-s160-locomotive-in-7mm-scale-well-thats-the-plan/page-2 see well down the thread, posted by "KIngdom".
  23. I would have typed, there's beer left in the glass.
  24. I'm just reading Bill Brysons, " The Mother Tongue" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mother_Tongue I think it might give you some light relief.....
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