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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Thanks, for you reply, That makes me feel old you started when I was already working...
  2. err what time period were you at school ?
  3. Here's an odd ball question, this is causing much debate on another forum I inhabit. Did you have halloween parties/ functions or anything to do with it while you were at school? Well I started school in 1962 and none of the 2 primary and 3 secondary schools I attended even mentioned it. Over to you Please
  4. They keep changing our bin day ( especially if there is school / bank holiday) and have alternate weeks, grey bin (general rubbish) and green bin (recyclables). Trouble is we rarely have enough to even fill a bin half full, and don't always put it out, so quite often they drive straight past or as we are at the end of the run fail to do our end of the road at all if they are running late. There are just 5 houses over 1/2 a mile at our end of the road 1 mile away from the rest of the village. Whats a bus? we've got none of them round here on the edge of Norfolk, though saying that where I used to live in Wiltshire 45 years ago is still on the number 8 bus route
  5. ER time 01:30 but I managed to get a couple more hours sleep later. I suspect the sea is no longer like a mill pond the other side of the sand dunes as we now have an quite strong wind blowing down the north sea pounding the beach. A much nicer run in today, just a slight mist, and I beat a tractor towing an artic trailer load of straw bales to a roundabout and didn't get stuck in the long queue behind him. The golden leaves are falling in pools beneath the trees on the first road I drive on, I was probably the first along it today as they were undisturbed. I suspect as the forecast wind increases most will do an imitation of a whomping willow tree, golden leaved today, nothing tomorrow. No trick or treaters turned up , which is not unexpected as we live out in the sticks. This year unfortunately we don't have any pets to keep safe from the fireworks we hear them from 1/2 a mile away in the next village, they'll will go off in increasing numbers over the next week.
  6. Alternatively, https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=tablet-android-pega&ei=zYAXWPmRJ8HMgAatqL2gCQ&q=hayseed+dixie+highway+to+hell&oq=hayseed+dixie+highy&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.0.0i13k1j0i22i30k1l4.2792.3630.0.5766. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Hhf_f3xBUg
  7. it is comments like this that made my decision to mount all point motors and wiring on the back of the back scene seem a good Idea just haven't completed it yet... Good luck with your repairs and future shows.
  8. " Now is the winter of our Discount tents", Is the " Brave new world" none knows what is meants, The Misquoted Shakespeare is a " foregone conclusion", if Advertising is your solution, To "gild the Lily" "lead on Macduff", Shakespeare would spin at this stuff, " The milk of Human Kindness" is a conivance, "More honoured in the breach than it's observance" There is " neither Ryhme or Reason" to these distortions it is " a sea change" in english Destruction, Don't give me a "third degree" on wot is spoken, or say " wot the Dickens" your english is broken, I will leave now " as the world is my oyster" As a Shakespeare quoter I am an Imposter....
  9. Those of us who have to watch Flog it or Antiques Road show or Antiques Road trip already know about them, and have the questions.......... 1: Why?...... did they ever make them... 2: Are you sure which will be more indigestible?
  10. ER today about 02:30, But I went down stairs and put the news on and that got me back to sleep for another couple of hours. Well that was extremely hard work driving in this morning, First FOG, very thick could only drive at 20MPH fog, till I drove about 5 miles in land and then it lifted to a 50MPH driving fog. shortly after I came on the back of a convoy of 30MPH VERY large Farming machinery, now they were spaced apart so you could over take on the straights.... But you always get those who will never over take So That made each farm Vehicle effectively too long to overtake. After about 5 miles they pulled onto a disused loop of the old main road and we got going again. So then a motor scooter pulled out and I had to hang on the anchors (I'm Driving a Landrover 110 with headlights and fog lights on), He then proceeded to choose the same route as I did, but never indicated and lowered his inside corner leg shod with trainers as he crawled round each corner. He the turned off with no indicators of course, so at the next side junction A VW car pulled out in front of me and I hung on the anchors (has someone turned on MY invisibility cloak?) it then proceeded to drive along the, Dry, well lit, slightly misty but visibility probable 800 yards, roads at 15 to 20 MPH, with traffic going the other way I couldn't pass. Eventually I got to work. Calibrating a Calibrator for the next 3 days, Volts AC/DC, Amps AC/DC, Resistance and Frequency...
  11. My sailing clubs, late Trafalgar night went well with about 60 attendees. It went very well for me, after we passed the port and had the required toasts it was silly quiz time. Answer a question on Nelson / Trafalgar and win a tot of rum!!! A couple of months ago I read a two volume biography of Nelson each volume was about 1000 pages!! I err, did somewhat well, SWMBO definately had to drive.... Good job we had the extra hour in bed as this morning was our clubs sailing away day. We went to the next nearest club and has an open event, trouble was we set off in 30 yard viability fog as I drove one of the rescue boats towing 4 of the larger boats. We took about 20 boats plus there were others from their club. Sadly we had to cancel the first race due to fog / no wind, the wind lightly arrived for the first start so we made a rushed effort out as we were first start, amazingly we made a good start and not knowing the waters that well we also made a good choice of route to the first buoy. We managed to hold on to the lead for the rest of the race but the last lap was extremely slow and we drifted to the finish. We then had lunch but for me that was a packet of crisps and a pint. The club we were visiting is the most expensive on the broads, it's membership fees are 3 times ours and they have paid staff in the bar and food bar meaning much more costs than our club. The third Race was also cancelled as the wind had gone so we got the trophies ( first in class and first overall)
  12. Sadly I won't be drinking pure malt whisky tonight, it is my favourite tipple. But I will be drinking rum and or brandy at my sailing clubs late ( postponed due to clashing with another event) Trafalgar dinner. That's if I can get off the sofa, as I laid 3/4 ton of concrete path today up to the new foundations I've just started digging and laying for the railway shed extension. Ah I've just heard SWMBO return from her weaving group, time to move...
  13. This song is a wonderful tribute to the Anzac men, it and the original song means more to me than most. This link will bring up Eric Bogle ( the author of the newer song) singing the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG48Ftsr3OI During WW2 at the siege of Tobruk, men of the 7th Royal Royal Tank Regiment in their Matilda tanks served alongside the Anzac's, Waltzing Matilda was then Adopted as the 7th RTR Regimental March. My grandfather was at the siege of Tobruk and it's later fall, he was RSM of the 7th Royal Tank Regiment. I would also add my father was a volunteer British Legion pensions officer, still sorting out problems for those men in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s.
  14. It's poppy time again, so this appropriate poem is ripped of from another forum I go to, but is populated by many many who would get banned from here and give the Mod's a heart attack so I won't link to it. Giant’s shadows They died, so we could live, They gave, all they could give, A little poppy, is our pride, To hold the love, we hide inside. Just one man, and thousands more, Would defend, our nation’s shore, Standing strongly, as our shield, Fighting bravely, on the field. They are weak, in stature now, Bent and weary, wrinkled brow, Though their stance, is rather small, Still their shadow, ten feet tall. Poppies worn, in our lapel, Silent stories, they do tell, “We are here, we haven’t gone, Let our glory, linger on”. Wear them proudly, on that day, Never let them, fade away, Britain’s saviours, buried deep, Britain’s freedom, – we must keep ! “We will remember them” Mick ( Copyright Michael Westwood 2015 )
  15. I wo I wouldn't bet on it, traffic flow speeds are about the same now as then.
  16. Our last Collection is 14:00 it's the only collection, it used to be that when they delivered at 11:00ish ( the only delivery) they would collect as well, but not for the last 4 years. We do have strange happenings with Parcel Farce as well. One day we had two Parcel Farce vans outside and the mail van all at the same time which is a bit much for a single track country lane in the Middle of Nowhere. Well not actually in the middle of Nowhere because there is a place called "Nowhere" about Fifteen miles away, http://www.origins.org.uk/genuki/NFK/places/a/acle/nowhere.shtml
  17. Email at work late yesterday, we have a company visitor on Monday from Trump or Hillary land, who's so high up I've never heard of Him or her. So everything has to be spotless and the local management are panicking. Meanwhile somehow it's the end of the month and production targets have to be met.... I'll hide in my little lab and hope it goes away. Ohmmmmmm I woke up late this moring at 04:30 which means I had 7 hours sleep which is highly unusual, must be something to do with the Ibrprofen I took last night because of all the aching joints... MRC tonight but I haven't finished the plywood round the baseboard, because I had to go and get dowling to make a loom For SWMBO, I hope to get the baseboard done when I get home after work. Saturday will be spent laying about 3/4 ton of concrete path up to the base for a new shed, only I will also be digging for and laying the first 4 (at least ) foundation blocks for the shed which border the path. If I have time left over I'll make up the galvanised steel baseplate for the tin shed, that will give me a definate guideline for the rest of the Foundation blocks. Then a long soak in the bath to recover will be required before... Tomorrow night at the Sailing club, happy time, late Trafalgar celebration dinner, lots of Rum and Brandy around..... Good job we'll have an extra hour in bed... Time to measure some more resistors.... Ohmmmmm
  18. So as we approach Halloween, why do people confuse Halloween with Christmas because 31 Oct = 25 Dec
  19. Giant’s shadows They died, so we could live, They gave, all they could give, A little poppy, is our pride, To hold the love, we hide inside. Just one man, and thousands more, Would defend, our nation’s shore, Standing strongly, as our shield, Fighting bravely, on the field. They are weak, in stature now, Bent and weary, wrinkled brow, Though their stance, is rather small, Still their shadow, ten feet tall. Poppies worn, in our lapel, Silent stories, they do tell, “We are here, we haven’t gone, Let our glory, linger on”. Wear them proudly, on that day, Never let them, fade away, Britain’s saviours, buried deep, Britain’s freedom, – we must keep ! “We will remember them” Mick ( Copyright Michael Westwood 2015 )
  20. If they've missed it, then they will not be taxing it, so they will blame you for not declaring it and as well as back tax, you could get hit by a fine!!
  21. I've had the same at the T junction where my road meets the main road, there were two sets of road works giving countermanding orders, luckily there was a way through.
  22. The front edge of my first baseboard of my own was stuck on last night, hopefully the two sides tonight,. Dry and a reasonable drive in this morning, except for the idiot in front of me with the break lights going on and off randomly and who was doing 25MPH in a 50 limit clear straight road. Measuring lots of resistors today. So this is blatantly lifted from the "things that make you smile" thread contributed by Sidecar Racer
  23. For me if Bunning carry out their promises, that is moving towards a more DIY store and give B+Q More competition. (and the local store stays open) then the Stores formerly known as Homebase will become much more useful. By local I mean 25 miles from home
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