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Everything posted by woodenhead

  1. Second wave, first wave - doesn't really matter. We just need to find a way to live with this virus until it burns itself out or morphs into something less virulent. Hiding in our houses hoping for a miracle cure isn't the answer it's just a reaction.
  2. There was an air of melancholy all along the railways back then I think - it wouldn't surprise me if the 'improvements' at Crewe were actually an overall cost saving. The junctions were end of life so whilst replacing the pointwork simplify the station and then sell the improved speed for non stop services (not that there were that many).
  3. Really don't want to be saying this but....Unpainted wheels and the GWR logo just looks wrong. I shall wait to see one in the flesh I think
  4. It just goes to show the money that has actually been spent on the railways, it's only when you look back to the 70/80s that you realise the scope of the renewals - the approach to Crewe station took me right back to spotting days - it was just before all the renewal work that took out half the station.
  5. Forgot Tamworth was two track heading north back in the day. And Rugby, what a station, they were discussing the removal of the down slow north of Rugby being replaced by a bi-directional line that was the up fast. You forget how restricted the premier route down the country was and how it was transformed in the late 90s early 00s
  6. Found this on my feed, bit grainy - but locos, 310s, 501s and a red Bakerloo unit. Feel the history.
  7. Bacup wasn't under enhanced lockdown on 5th Sept so you are correct it was not illegal. I am truly sorry to hear about your wife.
  8. With Linkin Park when I listen back to tracks now I realise how much it sounded like they were trying to help Chester come to terms with his difficulties and by default other people suffering similarly. If I feel depressed it is Linkin Park that lifts me up.
  9. There isn't a different set of rules for teachers than the rest of us, if my wife cannot visit her sick mother at home then there is no way on earth a group of teaching staff should have all been at a party at a colleagues house.
  10. Bacup though is in enhanced measures like most of Greater Manchester, so he is correct that they shouldn't have attended a party at a former colleagues home. Parents will be angry at the head for closing the school and no doubt looking at each other with suspicion as to who started the outbreak - this is what we are reduced to now in life always looking for someone to blame. Teachers who have been away from work for months due to Covid attend a party just as cases in the area are rising and the school is going to re-open - really makes you wonder where their priorities lay. Yes the headmaster may have a difficult situation with the staff when they come back, but his overriding duty is to the children of the school, the teachers also and they failed in their responsibilities why should the headmaster hide that fact.
  11. So that link had me reminiscing: Had this, seemed to recall you could turn the handlebars on the bike too and this, the hook never lasted though
  12. When they look at each other I am just reminded of end credits for Bridesmaids where they mime along to Wilson Phillips
  13. The big hook and metal posts underneath say 'toy' rather than model. So I am thinking Matchbox, the wheel looks like the very old ones from my childhood where the tyre was seperate.
  14. Is a replica Pike just a Pike - like you say who is going to go up against a bunch of enthusiasts in armour carrying 'replica' weapons
  15. Its a defacto curfew - the only places open that late are hospitality and they are shut, if you cannot mix socially even in your own home then effectively is is a curfew. Latest just now from the BBC - it's spreading https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-54194804
  16. The only time I did a partial inventory was for Ebay so I could see what I got back against what I paid (did quite well actually). But seeing your final comment about insurance - how else would I know what to claim if there was a problem. I probably would need a week or two to log all mine.
  17. My wife was working in clinic today - full PPE on - visor, gloves etc - kid comes in for assessment. Looks ill, mum says temperature was checked at school and when asked by my wife child didn't indicate any loss of taste nor smell. But she messages me, how do we tell what is a cold, what is flu and what is coronavirus, when do a refuse to assess someone and send them away? And then there is the one person in Bolton who according to local news infected 200 people causing the lockdown. Mrs W goes to Bolton once a week and mixes with people as part of her job. Woodenhead Towers, feels so safe until I consider that both my wife and child travel about Greater Manchester daily.
  18. I sarcastically meant to decide the result, there are driver of the day polls already yes. F1 want to add some jeopardy to the races but the teams just want a level playing field sprint to the finish. Maybe exciting race tracks engineered to allow overtaking without mechanical aero or electric boost aids would be a start - but that will cost millions whereas a reverse grid costs nothing but makes the whole race a pantomime.
  19. Or they will just go out earlier to go home with someone earlier. The time of day isn't going to stop people doing what they will do and things like Tinder solve the issue of finding someone.
  20. What next, replace results with a phone in and top three decided on votes cast for who's your favourite driver. Simon Cowell and a panel of driving experts (well they drive posh cars) telling us who to vote for.
  21. Unless it's a Grouse shoot or hunting with guns - then it is 30 people. Don't get me wrong I understand the concept of six people but how is shooting or hunting an animal a sport. Hunting a pest near a farm just requires just a farmer, so this is killing just for enjoyment, how lovely that in order to avoid a possible death I must not see more than 6 people but if I want to wander around the countryside with a gun and kill things I can do so with 30 complete strangers. People need to see that what is being imposed only applies to certain classes of people. So when rules like this are applied then the people it is being imposed upon look at the people who don't have to follow it and go, well if they don't have to follow this rule, why should I. Consistency, fair imposition of rules, clarity and proper respect from the top is how you get people to follow, not through badly thought out social media driven scare tactics. It's a curfew next for Newcastle - so this illness only comes out at night does it? Sorry, rant over.
  22. Tampers back, looks like they been away to swap tracks and are not back to complete the other track.
  23. Sorting the ballast in some way. Within the multitude of comments about the work it was suggested it is all plain track, maybe it was just a few straight panels they laid yesterday rather than a switch. Someone suggesting first train at 5am - less than 2 hours away, impressive given the location of the derailment and the busy junctions all around it.
  24. To answer my own question, would they temporarily plain line it - No
  25. To be announced by Rails and usurped by Hornby any day now.
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