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Everything posted by DOCJACOB

  1. Not unknown in the Grimsby area either. With another colour variant and one a long way from home. 2 images at Brocklesby Station and one Melton Ross circa late 1989 or early 1990
  2. Thanks for the +ve comment Indomitable026 You helped me too, as I never fully understood the colour they arrived at LWR in. 1 down, 2 to go along with the other 31 wagons at LWR! Enough wood for almost all of the other 2 is in the restored one, some how the society got someone to provide, shape and plane enough planks for free! Steel work still in situ and Louth North Box still standing and is inhabited? ABM now gone (I thought it was stuffed full with asbestos) and a swish new Aldi in its place. Means you do get better views of Louth station though. Suggest "google" Daves Rail Pictures of Lincolnshire too as the wagons move from Louth North area to Ludborough is well covered.
  3. Continued slow progress on what is a pretty vile job. While its nice the breeze blows the stuff away (still seems to get into every nook and crannie of the relevant safety gear) it became less pleasant when the drizzle started and a fine wet paste of paint fragments appeared. Supposed to be ready for Easter Gala 2016 but at this rate lucky if it makes Easter 2017!
  4. Slow progress, lamp iron now much more secure and her real identity has been revealed E87872 The aim will be return to traffic at Easter Gala
  5. Couple of extra images relevant to an earlier post but I'd struggled to find. Melton Cement works, I suspect taken around 6/89 and even more surprisingly after wandering around photographing I was invited up for a short footplate ride.
  6. To top it off both 49 and 50 have bigger than usual C R on the tender, and a lovely big motif too.
  7. Looks pretty similar to the battery job at Guardbridge Paper Mill (covered in the St Andrews railway book) and the SRPS Museum have similar one too from Fairfield Ship yard Glasgow, detailed on the website
  8. The Barclay "Spitfire" is looking good in her new paint, but I wont spoil the unveiling with some images. When running she has the Bluespot sandwiched between her and the coaches. Helpfully the Bluespot is now in the lea of the engine shed and Saturday was a stripping day. I was fed up with the results from chemical stripper (first image) so I attacked her with a wire wheel if significantly better results. Despite sensible appropriate gear the mess went everywhere! While not ideal temperature for such work needs must. There will be a few repair jobs as well, especially as one of the lamp brackets is hanging on gamely! Clearly while working in the re-railing crew she has had a tough life.
  9. Slow progress still. First part of the day was dreadful and as some space had appeared on the far side of the shed I opted to finish off the footsteps. The gap and thus a double splice is due to stupendous stupidity on my part. The adage measure twice cut one is never more true. Fortunately the splice is in an area that isnt walked/stepped on so will get away with mostly? Brightened up so off to re-pack the roller bearings on the 2 Catfish wagons, followed by a repaint of the covers. 8 in total done Then as still dry put some stripper on a small area the "Bluespot" Not quite sure how this will turn out as a large number of layers of paint to work through
  10. Did a bit more work on the SR Brakevan. Also the door on one of the wagons has been "iffy" for ages and finally decided I'd had enough of it blowing in the wind. To be frank the whole wagon is "iffy" but its still waterproof and used as the storage/work area by some of the chaps. Needless to say its very awkward to get at as its stuck between 2 mess coaches and hard against the loading bank edge. The door itself couldnt be removed to work in the shed so an in-situ bodge was required. Took nearly a whole days work in the rain to get to this point and still not even painted. Headed home to a cleaning job as my wife refused to wash the dog who had spent the day in the garden "fighting" with his mate "Teddy"
  11. Sorry for the delay but rather struggled on the GCR coach issue. Finally managed to find a rather obscure unpublished reference regarding LNER Push Pull services. Its an article that covers all the operating areas though my interest is Scotland. It mentions that in late 40's one of the ex GCR 12w 60ft composite saloons was rostered to work between Selby and Goole with LNER brake 3rd. If so it was a transfer in and likely either 51905 or 51906.
  12. Not got my books to hand but from memory ex GCR Saloon was converted to Push-Pull, will do some digging when get home.
  13. A sort of relaxing W/E. Nice weather so it was outside work. Added bonus had some helpers. SR Brake received a new running board as old one on this side was suitable for firewood. Then a hefty paint job. Couple of other small jobs; the top steps were painted underneath (in my haste last week forgot to do it) and the axleboxes were oiled. The other fishvan is to be given a clean and paint, weather permitting, so it looks nice next to the Andrew Barclay "Spitfire" that should be back running for Christmas. I made a small start on the door hatch from its days at Immingham. Sunday off to Leeds as daughters student room was a disgrace. 5l magnolia, trip to IKEA for some "flat pack" etc, hefty cleanup and even managed a lunch at Pizza Hut.
  14. Barnetby changed substantially. Hideous monstrous blue bridge now and bus shelters. Semaphores not long for the world now, gone by Xmas I think.
  15. I hadnt actually disappeared off the face of the earth but lots of things going on so have been somewhat waylaid I'm afraid. That aside we have done a little bit and I add some images as evidence. The "man cave" has had a substantial makeover. Running repairs have kept me busy; Grain wagon paint, Grain wagon door latch, various footsteps especially the SR brakevan on its rare foray south of the level crossing at Ludborough. And before anyone points out to me I have omitted the screw fittings to seal the grain hatch I will reply that in my defense life is short and it is now far more presentable than its cousins. And yes I've also been reminded 1 down 2 more to go. Numerous axleboxes have been oiled and any dry days the 2 bluespot fish vans are to be painted as well.
  16. Like this thread. Wife from Hull and worked as SHO in Hull Royal infirmary 8/87 till 1/89. Stayed in Dr's flats at Hull Royal and looked directly onto the lines into Hull Paragon. Rarely exciting locomotives passed but seem to remember City of Wells steaming in late one November evening to film a Ferrero Rocher advert? Have some rather dull images that haven't scanned well. My image of Walton St is dreadful so not posted. Some more of Filey. Do have others Cottingham, Hutton Cranswick, Driffield and Nafferton but can't lay my hands on them currently.
  17. Might be what you want? There is passing mention of weedkiller train in St Andrews 17/4/67 in book: St Andrews Railway Oakwood 146. Consist B1 61180, brake van, single goods van, 6 tankers and 2 ex LNER Gresley coaches DE 320995 and DE 320946
  18. Nice day on Saturday and got considerably nicer when a couple of chaps offered to help. This meant we were able to lift the first corner piece into place. The top wood doesnt look brilliant and suspect it will need replaced too before the other corner gets fitted. Had a go/start at splicing and looks like I may have made a reasonably acceptable fist of it. The next big jobs will be replacing the steel under the acro and a new longitudinal timber baulk. This will need some ingenious shaping to fit all the other pieces already on the frame. The good news is they are only temporarily bolted together so it will come apart. Left Steve and Jim to paint a second grey undercoat on the van while I went out to start on one of the 2 "Blue Spot" wagons in need of a repaint. One will be a longterm siding resident and the other will be next to Spitfire (the 0-4-0 Barclay) when she completes her rapid overhaul. Im informed the current white paint is some sort of emulsion put on at short notice for a filming job. Both ended up at Immingham Depot with the re-railing crew and for a while could be seen outside the Fishing Heritage Museum in Grimsby
  19. Had the "ying" and "yang" of a Bank Holiday Saturday managed to get shed loads done in the garden, massive hedge to prune, tractor out for grass cutting and a patio to re-cement. However got even better on the evening as saw Rammlied the top tribute band in UK for Rammstein (just look on You Tube) awesome 95 minute set with lead singer setting his hands on fire as part of the pyrotechnics Sorry no images to share. Sunday was punishment as shopping in Leeds. Got better when found latest Steam Days has article on Kipps shed so did a bunk to Costa Coffee via W H Smith. Monday was the "yang" with the wagon. Started on on the corner using the bit removed as a "master" It went rapidly down hill from there. Broke angle grinder, corner pieces woundn't fit, chisle needed repeatedly sharpening, top rail and end in worse state than imagined and went off in a massive sulk as looking more like complete strip down is required. Started on the foot step on the otherside to try and lift my mood. Before you ask, yes I was manhandling 8 foot lengths 5x5 Green oak myself and really wish I hadnt.
  20. Looks very like a grounded ex GNSR 10t box wagon I think similar example in painted green is at Brechin (Vintage Carriages website may help) The same ones at Strathspey are steel clad
  21. Finally managed a days graft back in the shed. As we can see the underframe has pretty much now turned a nice shade of grey. One particularily stubborn bolt needed a bit of persuasion. I managed to get the first vertical in at the veranda end (couldnt resist the lamp iron) A fair bit of splicing if the timber frame has been undertaken too. Would have done some drilling of the 2 bolts that hold the timber baulk in place at the veranda end but drill "died" and in the process fused the supply into the whole of the carriage shed. Clearly not Mr Popular for that gem.
  22. Absolutely right. Amazing line 20 years to build, average gradient 1:18 and for 12 miles. Initially steam hauled, electrified 1944. You do get a photographic stop and the restart was undoubtably very skilful. Plenty of other grab shots and they are equally spectacular. Apparently in top 50 railway lines of the world and can't disagree. Well worth a journey to see and the museum has one of the unique E9 electric locomotives
  23. Apologies for no input to this thread but I've been some what distracted. Firstly we had a different Easter Gala visitor to Ludborough. Not only did I get to help warming up one day but loads of pictures as I've got a DJH 7mm model to build someday. The brake van was moved out so all the locomotives could be stored undercover. Also it was my 25th wedding anniversary recently and we went cruising. A thoroughly enjoyable experience and even managed a train ride at one of the stop off points too. The second image is from this ride and if anyone wants to hazard a guess where feel free, though no prize. The answer will be given next week.
  24. Bit strange when I may be able to offer something regarding my local station that is relevant to the twin set that is being built. A book on the village left in the house my family moved into a number of years ago. I have to concur Utterby Halt is less than adjacent to the village. The house and signal post survive on Pear Tree Lane Another example of the low platform can be seen at Ludborough Station. Apologies for the dreadful images but scanner was having a bad day, but they are interesting for the image of No 2 as origionally built and also showing the direction the railmotors faced running between Grimsby and Louth
  25. As far as I recollect the Horncastle twin set didn't venture very far at all, and was scrapped when the passenger service ended. The others were a bit nomadic, one scrapped circa 37 after a prang and I'm sure I did once see a reference that one of the ex railmoter twins was seen for short while in the Scottish Borders.
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