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Status Updates posted by lofty1966

  1. Everything packed away again....on the move for the fourth time in twelve months <sigh>

    1. Derek 19B

      Derek 19B

      Mine too, second move inside a year. Needs unpacking but have to wait till April after my eldest and family have visited as the back bedroom is the new railway room.


      looking forward to April to make a new start.


      derek 19b


  2. Had 21 items on eBay Canada today.....not one bid ! Guess I’m bringing some goodies back to sell in December

    1. highpeakman


      Just sold a Athearn BC Rail Boxcar on UK Ebay last week. Maybe the market is better here?

  3. Only taken 8 months but finally managed to get my entire railway collection back from the evil b*tch of soon to be ex wife! Today is a good day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tassie Tex

      Tassie Tex

      you certainly are one of the lucky ones, even used my layer and I got nought.


    3. bgman


      Well done stay positive.

    4. Sails


      I bet she was running all the steam loco's running tender first while laughing maniacally

  4. If the Canadian Justice system is as thorough on its shakedown of “real” criminals as they have been on me , I am amazed there is any crime at all ! Now the “proud owner” of a criminal record ! Thanx Ex wife-to-be ! Grrrrrrrrr

    1. KalKat


      Buggsration ! *hugs*

    2. Lancaster622


      On what grounds if I may ask?

    3. lofty1966


      Spousal assault for a single push. I got pushed and shoved about a dozen by my wife before I pushed her away from me during a heated row.She went to the Police and I got arrested and charged. At no point would the police allow me to counter claim for assault nor were they interested in self defence. Couldn’t afford the legal fees to go to trial so had to take a plea bargain . Absolute bl##dy joke !

  5. My youngest son sent me a text this morning wishing me a Merry Christmas. If I were to reply it’s 9 months in Prison and a $5000 fine !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Need a friendly/supportive button on these comments...

    3. locoholic


      Hope things are sorted out for next year.

    4. MarkC


      I feel your pain, lofty. Been there - but the person responsible eventually got their comeuppance. Hang in there.

  6. Went to get my stuff. Wife changed her mind so got nothing. Kindly offered me a couch though, knowing full well I am of no fixed address. I guess she thinks that’s funny?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 08221


      Hang in there. It will be tough but you will come out a better person at the end. Take care.

    3. Mallard60022


      I am informed that it does not seem to matter what has happened, the bloke always has to accept that more or less half of everything that is his, including pension, will become 'hers'. Seems like a bum deal when it is 'her' that has done the dirty with someone else or has just pi##ed off. Not suggesting this for lofty's situation but generally and including my lad's case.

    4. lofty1966


      My wife had an affair 5 years ago. We stayed together for the kids. It had been fairly quiet til she announced she wanted a divorce in feb/March . Then after a row she claims I assaulted her and I get arrested and charged and automatically barred from the family home under Canada’s zero tolerance on spousal abuse and also given a no contact order to my youngest son. So barred from home , barred from the two pubs owned by the wife and I and barred from speaking to my youngest son.

      I was t...

  7. Ha ! Police have agreed to let me get my stuff. Got somewhere to store it but nowhere to stay. How’s that work?

  8. Outflanked and homeless .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KalKat


      Hope you manage to resolve your situation *hugs*

    3. The Black Hat

      The Black Hat

      Hope things turn round! Best wishes.

    4. JJGraphics


      Hope you get sorted soon.

  9. So the “wife” has claimed I assaulted her and I have been arrested and charged. It seems in Canada you are guilty until you can prove innocence!

  10. You know it’s “you” when after 12 months of splitting/separating from your wife none of your mutual friends have invited you out or asked how you are :-(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Temeraire


      Been there done that, all 'our'friends were her friends!

    3. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      Also "been there, done that", realised that I hadn't lost any friends, just acquaintances.

    4. lofty1966


      If it wasn’t for my model making hobby , I think I would go nuts. Coming on here is a bit like a “virtual” pub !

      Thanx again chaps for support!

  11. If numptiness was an Olympic sport, I'd be the Chumpian

  12. Lots of heated arguments with the wife over the renovation of one of our (she says hers) pubs. Nothing that a revolver , a shovel and a good defence lawyer can't resolve

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      My colleague might be interested.... *kof*

    3. lofty1966


      She is 42 and that's about her waist size as well. You can call her Google as she knows it all Two pubs a fine dining restaurant on its way in June set in the Historic Railway Station building and a coffee shop for the local health unit due in March !

    4. Horsetan


      Well at least customers won't have far to go from the coffee shop....

  13. Why does it cost more to ship two Bachmann wagons within Ontario than it does from the UK ? Canada post your 'Avin' a lard

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      I prefer lard.

    3. Metr0Land


      Lardons are more genteel

    4. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      It probably costs more within Canada because of being slowed down by all the extra weight they have to carry around from eating the lard.

  14. Ontario...too hot or too cold....can't it just moderate ?

    1. Blackthorn


      I'm not complaining....you don't have to shovel sunshine.


  15. My back gave out on Friday , could barely walk so left work early. Boss came round last night and gave me my redundancy papers. Great !

    1. Mallard60022


      WQT? Union time mate.

    2. CovDriver


      What Mallard said they can't do that whilst your sick from work get the union on the case

    3. lofty1966


      What Union? Small independent business . Canadian law is different to UK so will have to look into it.

  16. Happy & Angry. just managed to buy back 3 loco's I was swindled out of over ten years ago

    1. dvdlcs


      Sounds like there is a story there ... ?

    2. lofty1966


      There certainly is ! Moral of the story is never go into partnership with your best friend and make sure you have a legally binding contract with regards to your 'stock' being part of a business start up. I lost 11 Grand cash and about six Grand of loco's , rolling stock etc !

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