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Status Updates posted by 60159

  1. Sadly no Tornado on SRPS Railtour to York on Saturday 3 November (ongoing mechanical issues). Railtour will now be diesel hauled and reduced fare.

    1. tigerburnie


      Needs fixing properly I guess

    2. RedgateModels


      Britannia/9F 2 cylinders and valve gear?

  2. Following Davefrk's lamentations about Strictly I have to report a major incident a few hours ago - I entered the room and spoke! Was dealt with somewhat harshly so retreated back to attic to resume the rescue of a s/h kit-built WD 2-8-0.

    1. davefrk


      Yes Mike, Phil phoned just as it was about to start, I was on my feet to leave anyway but was told to go in the other room if I wanted to continue the call....

  3. If you want to know what marrying "well" does and then pocketing royalties from the extraction of masses and masses of Welsh coal for the railways, visit Mount Stuart on Bute

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vitalspark


      You'll fit in just nicely with the upper crust residents.

    3. 60159


      Yes, Johnny Dumfries was just saying to me the other day ne was looking for a top class "spark" but I gave him your name anyway! On a more serious note. I was well impressed by what The Friends of Wemyss Bay station have achieved there and I had the most excellent bacon and egg roll across the road in McCaskies

    4. vitalspark


      Station is impressive indeed and i'll remember the recommendation for an egg roll next time I'm passing.

  4. Didn't know Rothesay on Isle of Bute had trams at one time

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Every day’s a school day, eh? :-)

    2. Londontram


      Just had a look at one on google, its a real Bute isn't it

  5. Why is it that having spent ages carefully shaping a seated footplate crew member to fit in a very confined space to the point of sitting perfectly, when one applies super glue and re-inserts, it no longer sits correctly?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kylestrome


      Use epoxy instead, then you can re-position it (requires a little more patience though).

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      At least you didn't decapitate it....

    4. 60159


      Not the Caley tank, Davy, but sadly 60159 (amongst others) Scanned 21st century big bu**ers don't fit well into 1950's bucket seats.

  6. Transport for Scotland specialise in loopy illuminated warnings. Yesterday some advised "Yellow Warning - snowTuesday. Most people would know it was Monday without a yellow warning

    1. pH



    2. PhilEakins


      Don't eat yellow snow ...

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Had to think about that before I laughed out loud!


  7. All is well - path cleared through snow to shed containing man fridge and beer supply. OK fridge not absolutely necessary right now but beer is.

    1. davefrk


      I'm surprised at you, I would have thought the path well worn....

    2. Horsetan


      He needed the beer to be properly cold.

    3. vitalspark


      Guid man you're an example to the rest of us.

  8. All is well - path cleared through snow to shed containing man fridge and beer supply. OK fridge not absolutely necessary right now but beer is.

  9. All is well - path cleared through snow to shed containing man fridge and beer supply. OK fridge not absolutely necessary right now but beer is.

  10. All is well - path cleared through snow to shed containing man fridge and beer supply. OK fridge not absolutely necessary right now but beer is.

  11. I think I got some nice Christmas pressies but my wife and I just domestic servants on a non stop basis to our extended family so likely be tomorrow before I can savour them. Question, at what point do we get looked after?

    1. vitalspark


      When you get stuck in a retirement home!

    2. Jinty3f


      Do you begrudge the time spent looking after your family and guests?

    3. chris p bacon
  12. has just noticed that Colin_Mcleod's avatar bears a striking resemblance to Mad McCann's pic on his AMRSS membership card.

  13. Why is it often nigh impossible to contact small suppliers. Surely their ordering customers are their lifeblood. Even a once a week defined time for phone answering would be helpful.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      One man band on holiday?


    3. DaveF


      Many also have a full time "real" job, perhaps you rang while they were at work.

    4. 60159


      Dave that I can understand and sympathise but I always phone during times given on website. My thrust is not to be critical, more that if they were organised they might make a better living.

  14. Why are weddings so expensive? Daughter gets married on 15th and cost of one day would buy the most fantastic layout and collection of kit that would keep me amused for years.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Brit70053


      Weddings on weekdays are allegedly much less expensive than weekends

    3. Horsetan


      I went to a wedding in Switzerland. The happy couple divorced six years later....

    4. keefer


      Weddings are as expensive as you make them. We had 40 guests for ceremony at town house and meal at local hotel, £10 a head. Disco and buffet at night for anyone else. Bought loose flowers online with enough for buttonholes and bouquet for about 40p each. Plain 3 layer cake which someone decorated, wife got a designer dress for 1/3 of price and friend did alterations. All-in £2k max. We're not tight, we just have other things to spend money on. It was our day, the way we wanted it - no fuss

  15. has received a rat in the post

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I wonder if this rat will soon be followed by a Terrier?

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      A Gem will arrive here next week!

    4. Horsetan


      I suggest warfarin.

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