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Rich Papper

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Everything posted by Rich Papper

  1. Hello Folks Oxford Road off to the Taunton show this weekend. Do say hello. I'll be the puzzled looking one wondering where my seven year old has gone with my wallet. Rich
  2. Hi Ian I know how you feel - I'm just prepping bits for Taunton. Much wheel cleaning on the list for tonight. I wasn't sure whether there were any more updates to photos to be honest - some were just a link that wasn't there, others were the photo name in a grey rectangle, others were photo shaped grey rectangles that seem to just rhythmically pulse but not appear. Figured it would be easier to do it myself in the end. Thanks on behalf of anyone reading - always better to go back and be inspired. Good luck with it. Rich
  3. Been back through and reinserted all the photos on here. Hopefully all working now. Inspired myself a bit, might have to get on with something! Rich
  4. It might be night time, but the bubbles are still rattling at Oxford Road depot. Hopefully the portacabin is warmer than the cab.
  5. Good Evening All, It's been a while, but some updates now we're back in the season. First up 50007. Success with the repaint, although I think I probably didn't need to dismantle it to the degree that I did given that most of it is the same colour. I even refitted all of the cab doors to open, next time I think I'd just glue them in shut. Did manage to get it together for it's return at the Cheltenham show earlier this year. The 2D conversion of a Bachmann 2F to make FK13575 is done. I've fitted an interior lighting kit to it, but am having a few issues. Found on ebay it is one of those with a small bridge rectifier and a capacitor. I've used the pickups this coach already had and some of my usual LED lighting strip in warm white. Bizarrely it seems to be OK for about half an hour and then go into a peculiar disco sort of effect of random on and off. Not sure how or why. All connections seem good so it must be something in the circuit board itself. Happy with the look though. This to run with forthcoming Accurascale 2Bs and a few upgraded Bachmann 2As. Oxford Road is off down to Taunton next weekend so like to have at least one new thing each time, but gone for two this time - seemed only right given the gap! First up is 33119. Bought this to work with the Kernow 4TC years ago and given that the TC has been down the list for weathering (as it doesn't fit on OR) this hadn't been done either. My son has taken a recent shine to the 33s though and they are good runners so have been fettling this to appear at the weekend. Nothing unusual, just some Railmatch weathering colours, buffer beam detailing at one end and a few bits picked out. Annoyed this evening as I have scratched the roof dirt I put on last week turning it over to paint the sides of the fuel tanks with Tensocrom oil filters. Will have to give it another waft with the airbrush. Last one was one of the most nerve-wracking - the Bachmann 121. I figured if I didn't completely mess this up then I would attempt the 117 for next time. Main challenge was removing the bogie side frames to get at the wheels and protect the pickups. I couldn't seem to dislodge the speedo cable though and was afraid of snapping it. In the end I had the wheels out of the unpowered end and then removed the pickups and at the powered end I levered the bogie frame off, wrapped the wheels and tiny tiny cogs in masking tape and slipped the frame back over before spraying. Have tried to go for very light effects on the body itself, suggesting a recent repaint. Same on the underframe - is weathered, but the engine and pipework colours shill show through. A few targets over the winter when Taunton's out the way, but Underground stock will be at the top of the pile. Stay safe folks. Rich
  6. So as for the New Years resolutions: 1. Scenic work has started again on the top level. The car park is currently on my desk awaiting the rear printing. Have rummaged around and found some old cars to populate it with. A few HO but won't be noticeable once inside and at the back. 2. Rolling stock. A few bits currently underway. The 50s did all get back together, albeit with the new buffer steps lasting about 1 show before one of them snapped off - etched next time I think. OR is due out next weekend to Taunton so some fettling underway. Not got an eta on the Accurascale Mk2bs yet, so the only bit ready for that rake is the 2D. 3. Have had a sort through paints. Have a range of acrylics to get a bit of weathering done after the Taunton show. Also intending to get some wagons lined up for treatment this winter. A bit of running to warm things up for next weekend. 119 looping at the moment. Hopefully catching up now. Barely had access to the room the layout is in for most of this year, but despite no experience whatsoever I have fitted a kitchen. Went quite well considering. Don't think I'm going to be a carpenter though. Or a plumber. Or a tiler. Or an electrician. Rich
  7. 10 months on! In fairness some pretty major house jobs been going on. Apologies for the gap though - time to start getting back to business. First job has been to go back through he thread and reinstate all the missing photos. Hopefully all done now, although can't put in any other people have added. Some rolling stock on the table, hopefully updates coming soon. Rich
  8. Looing very good so far. Always a bit of an anxious moment the first pass of the razor saw! Rich
  9. These look fantastic - well done Ian. Much as I'm moved to love anything with a 50 in it, this is my favourite from that batch. You've really nailed something about the subtle range of textures and colours around that crossing. A nice range of engineers stock too. Rich
  10. Somewhere earlier in the thread was the suggestion to put the bodyshell in the freezer for a bit, but I'm guessing would still need great care. Didn't find out about the freezer plan until after I'd done mine so can't comment but I did manage to get them out of a TSO for a repaint without damage, but it was a very slow job with scalpel and tiny screwdriver for leverage.
  11. You're not alone. Couldn't agree more.
  12. I have a large number of NSE units of various type and origins. For flexibility I just fit every vehicle with pickups and a chip - that way I can run any combination. Not as expensive as it sounds as most have room to fit a cheaper or older chip, or one that has part blown and still works for lights or some such. My memory of the Thames line from the mid 80s onwards was that pretty much any combo went as long as there were cabs at the outer ends.
  13. Really enjoying following this build Will, thanks for sharing. I have L210 on my to do pile as well. Have done all the various with Lima bits a fair few times and now plucking up the courage to start chopping up a Bachmann one. Good luck with it. Rich
  14. Had a nose at this at the DEMU show today. Electrical connection between cars seems to be a multi pin connector that fits sideways inside the corridor connector. Looks like enough slack in the cable to plug one to the other with a magnet coupling then holding cars together below. Only the engineering sample, but looks less obvious than the big box coupling on the Bachmann 117.
  15. Liking the look of this so far. The overall picture looks a lot more organised than my first attempt at a layout so do keep at it. Looking forward to seeing more. Rich
  16. That's looking fantastic. I really like the blend of textures in the greenery - a realistic balance with not too much of the same thing, but at the same time not one of everything. Loving it. Rich
  17. I really, really, really don't need one of these. Can't afford it, nothing suitable for it to run on or with. Executive one ordered. I promise I won't hold you chaps in any way responsible when I'm sleeping in the shed.
  18. Very excited to see this go further. Good luck with it. Rich
  19. A really inspirational thread thank you. I'd recommend staples for lamp brackets. I use regular office size ones cut in half for tall ones like those above first generation DMU buffers. You can get some surprisingly small staples that would suit this, but you can always snip larger ones down and even the smallest packet will give you enough for a lifetime. Rich
  20. A great day yesterday at the Craven Arms and District show in Ludlow - even a if I did underestimate the time it would take to negotiate the road from Worcester. A fantastic and surprisingly busy show. Had lots of great conversations with people there and did get a brief look around myself. Only had one fault with the layout - walkabout controller on the Underground failed. Have had it apart and tested everything but still dead so might have to invest in a new one. Junior operator did very well again, despite whipping out a Hornby 0-4-0 tank engine to shunt every time my back was turned! Rich
  21. Same here - just home, found out, missed out. Gutted. (but in fairness do have to work to afford this hobby!)
  22. Hello All, Oxford Road will be out and about again next Saturday at the Craven Arms and District show in Ludlow. https://ukmodelshops.co.uk/event/23506-CravenArmsandDistrictModelRailwayCircle_Exhibition Do say hello if you're passing. Rich
  23. Hello I had a similar urge a couple of years ago, inspired by one on my local preserved line near Broadway. I was a bit frustrated that most of the laser-cut ones available were a bit chunky so I made it myself out of strips of plasticard. Maybe not the most accurate thing in the world, but looks better than anything I could find on sale at the time and wasn't as difficult as I thought. Link to post below if it helps. Rich
  24. Good Evening All Lots of DIY jobs at home at the moment so not getting that much done on the layout. Some small jobs coming together on the workbench though. First some sturgeons. At the Cheltenham show one of them rode fine everywhere on Oxford Road, the other skipped about a bit. I have added a little extra lead to the bogies themselves to see if that will help. I had wanted to run them empty, but can always add a load for extra weight if needed. Next has been a DCC fight with an incredibly primitive Jouef motor bogie. TGV is high on the list of favourites of Thing 1. If did have a basic Hattons decoder in it but recently started to struggle supply enough power to the motor. The bogie itself seems to need fairly regular lubrication and I think the chip was borderline as to what it could supply as the drag increased. Testing a beefier TCS one at the moment. Main new job recently has been the arrival of some Dapol JHAs. Decided to get some just as West Hill Wagon Works brought out the magnet couplings especially for them. Much better than the supplied buckeyes which seem to shed springs at the drop of a hat. A bit of a fiddle to get in, but fit well. A bit of a test of two 'outers' (using TC6 of course). Couple together well, and I won't need to be splitting the rake in normal running. Given how well they pivot I think it might be possible to fit the air pipes at the end of each one. Will test for clearance. Lovely detail on these but they weigh a ton. Also managed to get a week in the holiday carriages at Dawlish Warren over Easter (here). No connection, just satisfied customer. Brilliant if you like being very near the lineside action, but a little on the noisy side even for me! I recommend Carriage 5. Need to get back to work to walk off the cream-teas now. Stay safe. Rich
  25. Some fantastic and inspirational work here Simon, well done. I like the supermarket in particular. I wouldn't worry about the harbour looking boxy, loads of places have little inlets like this and the bridges look ideal for the situation. Rich
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