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YK 50A

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Status Updates posted by YK 50A

  1. For want of solid brass round head screws, a week was lost!

  2. Hat's off to everyone at the York Show today. The best one I can remember!

  3. Nene Valley Diesel Day tomorrow, a night at the Great Northern Hotel and the Garden Railway Show Saturday. I'm excited, I'm a child.

  4. Nene Valley Diesel day tomorrow, a night at the Great Northern Hotel and the Garden Railway Show Saturday. I'm excited, I'm a child.

  5. Will be representing the Derwent Valley Light Railway at the Carlton Railway Society Model Railway Show in Goole tomorrow (25th March) - if you're there say 'ello!

  6. Tickets and hotel booked for Thursday and Friday of the SVR Spring Diesel Gala!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Where's the like button? I'm in the Premier Inn because of cost and location, so not far away. Anywhere cheap you recommend if I am allowed to say over on the Friday?

    3. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Totally understand, I live near York! Yes, it's always nice to put a face to a username.

    4. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      In for a penny and all that, found a nice B&B in Bewdley for the Friday night.

  7. Will be manning the Derwent Valley Railway stand at the Ebor Group of Railway Modellers 6th Annual Show tomorrow (26th Feb) - if you're there say 'ello

    1. delticfan


      Went to the show yesterday, great atmosphere, nice to see the younger generation enjoying the layouts as well the older ones.

    2. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      I couldn't agree more. A good show raising money for a great cause and a thoroughly enjoyable day!

  8. Has just spent 100 quid on a book about Thomas the Tank Engine - and considers it a bargain!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      @Skinnylinny, yes it is - I'm looking forward to reading it! @RJS1977 I've been searching for an affordable copy in any condition for a couple of years or so, but this one landed on my lap as it were. First edition, virtually as new, signed by the authors, but missing its dust jacket. If my long suffering thinks it's excessive, I can always sell it again - and I have bought her flowers.

    3. Silver Sidelines

      Silver Sidelines

      Well done, it must have been some bunch of flowers

    4. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Ruth was a little shocked it has to be said. Then I showed her what they've been sold for on a well known online auction site and she was ok. And I made dinner...

  9. When I started my own business, I promised myself I was going to take sometime out to volunteer at a heritage railway. 6 months later, I have finally joined it!

    1. steve22


      After only six months? Well done.

    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Well done. Which heritage line have you joined?

    3. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Ha, ha. I'm a member of a couple of societies, but the one I meant to join (and now have) is the DVLR, 10 minutes drive away.

  10. The KXM Ltd - crikey!

    1. Claude_Dreyfus


      Well worth going limited. Best of luck!

    2. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Thank you - the toy trains are counting on it!

  11. I need an accountant!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Claude_Dreyfus


      Depends on your circumstances, but I have a potential recommendation should you require.

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      40 + 50 = about 100, do I get the job?

    4. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      I found an accountant, she stopped me from panicking, didn't talk huge sums, she got hired, I slept soundly...

  12. Finally got round to joining the Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers. Should I expect a life changing event?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      A quick question if I may, what track do you use?

    3. Stevelewis


      I have joined about 4 times since \i took up garden railwaying in the 70s!!

    4. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      I'm quite enthused. ;-) Do you do the G Scale Society too?

  13. Finally bought the chicken coop! All procrastination to divert me from my REAL passion of course.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AndyB


      An essential first step in cracking the age-old research problem: which came first...! :)

    3. Silver Sidelines

      Silver Sidelines

      Just spotted this - any Easter eggs yet?

    4. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      I'd forgotten I'd posted it. It took a couple of weeks from order to delivery; a new Cube arrives on Thursday. The only Easter eggs were chocolate, but there were lots!

  14. Just booked our summer hols to Hafan y M

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. muddys-blues


      What are your dates ? just so I can book our hols at the same time ;-)

    3. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Walked right into that!

    4. muddys-blues
  15. Setting off for Stamford Bridge shortly. Apologies to carefreecfc, GET THEM!!!

    1. bgman


      Flat caps n hot pies and Bovril at half time eeee........

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Get them what? A hot dog and a can of diet Pepsi? Fresh underpants?

    3. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Funnily enough, the gate for away fans is called 'The Bovril'!

  16. I've just bought a chicken coop. How did that happen?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Modelling time and modelling money! Something for the garden railway to meander around - when I've saved up again.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hens wandering around your garden railway landscape - a real attraction for your miniature passengers to gaze out upon!

    4. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Godzilla-esque! I like it.

  17. A block button would be good!

    1. Boris


      There is one,top right hand corner of the screen next to your user name is as upside down triangle, click on that and then click on "manage ignore prefs".

    2. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Got it! Thanks.

  18. About half my collection has sold on eBay, a load more to list. Taken me years to get my hands on some of them. The boss better not change her mind about a garden railway.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Decided the best approach is to be open and honest. I won't easily hide an 18" high wall in the back garden or the cost of a live steam locomotive. It's not like sneaking a Hornby class 50 into the house when you already have a few Bachmann 47s.

    3. Stevelewis


      Garden railways you'll love it, Built my first in '75 contimued for another 35 years!! Now relegated to the shed, new garden too slopey ( thats not messy but inclined!!)

    4. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      I'll be asking for your help in a few months! ;-)

  19. Looking out of the window and imagining a garden railway in the rain. Boss!

    1. Stevelewis


      Dont imagine Do it!

      I did fisrts in 00 for 4 years then in G1 for 30+ years!!

    2. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      We're doing it! A new 4mm trainset for my son is the project leading up to Christmas then start in the garden in the New Year. Been promising me (us?) a garden railway for years, now we have some space.

  20. Moving home today, no Internet until the 11th, laters!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Good luck with the move!

    3. muddys-blues


      Good luck with the move to you and your Family Alun

    4. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Thanks for the kind words, still no Internet, just having a sneaky catch up at work!

  21. Completion date on new home Hallowe'en. Can't wait!

    1. Metr0Land
    2. muddys-blues


      Garden Railway ??

    3. YK 50A

      YK 50A

      Yes indeed. Most of my 4mm stuff will be going to finance it, although I'll be building a new layout for the children. The thought of a fictitious narrow gauge railway somewhere in the UK is liberating, after trying to recreate a bit of the ECML for the past 4 decades!

  22. Beddgelert is winning friends in this house: http://www.roundhouse-eng.com/bedd.htm. Puts Bachmann's price hike into perspective!

  23. Just got back from the Garden Railway Show in Elsecar. Sold on 16mm narrow gauge.

  24. Garden Railway Show this Sunday. Having finally amassed the 4mm collection I have wanted since I was a child, time to move to large scale live steam?

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