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Posts posted by Erichill16

  1. Evening All,

    Relatively quiet day at work, managed to get in front for the first time in weeks. Friend of one of our dispenses gave us two boxes faces masks for which we’re very grateful. 
    Was going to do a bit of modelling but having a migraine so vision too bad. Early night I think.

    Good night,


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  2. Evening,

    Hand gel didn’t turn up, promised for tomorrow (again). Gloves turned up but no face masks which is what we really need. Quoted £50 per box of 50 but can’t guarantees when they’ll arrive. Spoke to colleague and he implied that we’ll have to /are expected to do without. Nice!! Don’t get me wrong, I think there are people that need PPE more than us but I don’t think anyone should be going without.

    Dont get me on about energy supplies. Had a email apologising for not answering my email regarding an outstanding bill whilst at the same sending me a txt to say they are sending the dept collection agents onto me. They want me to pay a final bill based on a very inaccurate estimated final reading.

    Anyway, had enough,

    going to bed,




    • Friendly/supportive 19
  3. Tony and All,

    You are so right regarding selfish people, they’re putting themselves and consequently everyone else at risk and jeopardising the little bit of freedom people have .This situation brings the best out of people and the worst. I’m very lucky to have a big garden to relax in. (Not much use at the moment though). I really feel for people who live in ‘tower blocks’ and don’t have a garden.its these people who will be hit hardest if restrictions are increased.

    Anyway, I’ve managed to get a bit of spraying done outside earlier this morning. Nothing to show yet but I’ll  post later  but don’t hold your collective breathe they are only Parkside hoppers that have been on my workbench for far too long.

    Tony and everybody ,

    keep safe and ‘model for England’,’ your country needs you’ to do this and stay in,


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  4. Quote



    you are so right regarding selfish people, they’re putting themselves and others at risk and jepordising the little bit of freedom people have. This situation brings out the best in people but also the worst. I’m very lucky,I have a big garden so can relax in it (if I wasn’t working!)I really feel for people who live in ‘tower blocks’ and don’t have any garden, it’s theses people who will be hit most.

    Ive had ‘substance users’ complaining that service is slower than usual whilst an old(ish) gentleman offering to do some deliveries on his ‘pushbike’.

    Anyway, I’ve managed to get a bit of spraying done outside earlier this morning. Nothing to show yet but I’ll post later but don’t hold your breathe they are only Parkside hoppers.They’ve been on my workbench quite some time and I hate having  too many projects on the go at once. 

    Tony and everybody,

    keep safe and ‘model for England’ ‘your country needs you’ to do this and stay in,


    • Like 1
  5. Morning all,

    No post last night as I fell asleep earlier than usual.Gardening for me as well but may have to do a bit of house chores first.

    Hopefully may get bit of modelling done later.

    Enjoy the day and don’t go AWOL.

    Regard Robert



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  6. The thread is moving quickly, I was going to show off my A3, but posting moved on to K3 but by the time I got chance to look for my K3 thread moved on again! Getting a bit jealous about how much modelling is getting done. By the time this virus business is over my home will need quite a lot of ‘housework’ doing and the garden will be the same so modelling time may be at a premium.

    Anyway it’s encouraging that armchair modellers are beginning   to rise from their Shackletons.

    Goodnight everyone,


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  7. 12 hours ago, jwealleans said:

    I don't believe I've tried repainting these before - I have a feeling I've managed to renumber without excessive damage to the paint and have just varnished over the new transfers.  It's a flaming nuisance, I know that.  

    I seam to remember having an issue when I only renumbered and applied the acrylic varnish to another Bachmann loco. The varnish wouldn’t stay in a film, it formed droplets on the surface. I think I wiped the varnish off whilst still wet and then wiped the body in acyrylic thinner and then the varnish adhered better. 

    Not done much modelling recently but haven’t had that problem with Hornby’s B2 or W4 Peckets.

    Regards Robert

    • Informative/Useful 1
  8. Regarding the Bachmann O4 I had a nightmare when I tried renumbering it. Unfortunately I took too much paint off the cabs sides and exposed the plastic. The paint I used reacted with the Bachmann Finnish, it took ages to rectify. Eventually I got my Yeadon out to select a Mexborough loco and then realised the one Bachmann choose was a Mexborough loco!

    Well at least now it’s been renumbered so it’s not the same one as everyone else’s .

    keep wel


    • Friendly/supportive 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, Tony Wright said:

    And, while I'm at it, raise Lazarus, feed the 5,000, turn water into wine and come back from the dead!


    And what's the combination lever left? Or left the combination lever? 





    and find a cure for Covid-19 infection?

    regards Robert

    • Funny 7
  10. Day of relative rest, went for walk am them did some paperwork in the afternoon and an hours modelling this evening. Was feeling a bit better earlier but after listening to Steven Nolan and Five Live things have gone down hill. Much thinking needed as how to operate pharmacy next week. Me thinks not much sleep tonight. 

    How easy will it be to train people up whilst maintaining a 2m distance ? 

    How can I show a new delivery man the ropes if he has to be 2m away? Train him up using a stretch limo?

    Got to laugh. ( haven’t you?)

    good night


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