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Everything posted by Erichill16

  1. Evening All, Been down to Newark today to see Mum.Nothing much else to report, probably as well as speed is glacial tonight. Goodnight.
  2. Thanks, Toy Dolls always make me smile. A couple of my favorites Yul Brynner was a Skinhead https://genius.com/The-toy-dolls-yul-brynner-was-a-skinhead-lyrics and The Kids in Tyne and Wear. ( their parody of KimWilds ‘Kids in America’) https://genius.com/The-toy-dolls-kids-in-tyne-and-wear-lyrics
  3. What time should I come round?
  4. Bit of a long story but basically I had the test for sleep apnea to allow me to have a general anaesthetic. Got all the way to the theatre before someone realised I may have an issue. We hear how much money is wasted on patients wasting clinic/clinician's time by missing appointments. How much money was wasted setting me up for theatre time and then cancelling it due to someone not checking my history until the last minute? I think that counts as a rant. ps Still at mils.
  5. When I go my friends (Nick , Neil knows him) we ‘take tea in the parlour!’
  6. Ive tried that but I toss and turn so much in bed my position is never consistent. I once had a test for sleep apnea but results were inconclusive as I’d tossed and turned so much I’d disconnected from the monitoring instrument., Can you guess from all the posts rubbish coming from me that I’m stuck at Mils?
  7. Reminds me of the episode of Black Adder where in one room he is ‘entertaining ‘ his drinking pals while simultaneously entertaining his Presbyterian extended family in another reception room.
  8. As i said not usually a problem, room usually 18C but having windows will disturb swbo and the dogs. I think the sweating would occur regardless of the ambient temp.
  9. Is that a description of ‘the holiday hovel’, your town house or CC’s Alpine redoubt?
  10. Sorry to hear your sweats but mine arn't that frequent and usually associated with periods or stress. I did used to drink far too much caffeine but now limited but none after 6ish, doc’s orders.
  11. In need of comfort food today. I have been trying to cut down on UPF, but not today.
  12. Morning All, Not a good night, kept waking up sweating and heart racing. No nightmares. Sat here with a coffee trying to make it last as I really need can’t be bothered to do anything today (or any other day really) Preparing for retirement is not going particularly well and having Syd round is more of a challenging than it used to be. Weather not particularly good and mil still a ‘wounded soldier’. Can’t but it off any longer. As @Ian Abelmay say, Onwards.
  13. Just noticed a battery in the box, I wonder if the skeleton’s eye light up. Good night.
  14. Its my sisters, found with her old medical text books. I think it was given to her by a GP friend of my dads. Must admit it was a bit of a shock when I opened up the carrier bag. I have another similar story but thats for later.
  15. Im getting old, I still think of the liveries in the German pictures as being modern!
  16. While clearing my Mums house last year I found this up in the (converted) attic. I thought I’d better not take it to the council recycling depot, didn't want to cause an incident. I took it to sisters to dispose of as it was her property. Syd and Hovis weren’t interested.
  17. Evening All, Things going very, very slowly on here so I’ll leave it at that. goodnight.
  18. The green one, which i do like, reminds me of a hearse and the fact David Vanian, lead singer with The Damned, used to drive round in a hearse. Looks like the kind of a guy that would do his weekly shopping in a hearse.
  19. @monkeysarefun does this class as an ute? Seen at the footie match last week .
  20. Well i dont know how its happened but I’m at Barnsley DG Hospital with the wounded soldier. A bit of physio is in progress. swbo waiting outside with the hounds.
  21. Was going to rate with ‘clapping hand’ but not sure if ‘heart’ would be more appropriate. I think I just add ‘thumbs up’ .
  22. Evening All, Good luck with the operation Dave, I’m sure it will be a success. Not a particularly great bank holiday weekend but a least my team won today. Goodnight
  23. I like classical music too. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hdSfNzvLScI&pp=ygURdG95IGRvbGxzIHRvY2NhdGE%3D
  24. Saw an interesting plate on the way to the match on Saturday. ( no b.s.) FE1’1 DOM Wouldn’t like to get on the wrong side of the owner.
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