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Everything posted by Erichill16

  1. This night has opened my eyes. The Smiths
  2. Nearly home, well we’re on the M1, in a queue .
  3. We got parked up at 1:15 (5 hours after leaving Barnsley) so had chance to lubricate the tonsils and voice box before ko. Seem to have lost my voice, swbo will be pleased. Still trying to get out of the wembly part of the smoke. Its going to be a really really late night! The Red Army in full voice. Got a rather pleasing video as well.
  4. Excellent atmosphere but in the end only the result matter and my lucky underpants have let me down. Just hope I'm not involved in an accident on the way home! Going to be long journey home as the De-da’s will be going the same way. Que Sera Sera as the song goes.
  5. Still stuck and are further away from the stadium then when i last posted.
  6. Im currently sat on a bus stuck in traffic.
  7. Morning All, Early riser today through choice, even though I’ve been awake most of the night. Had breakfast etc and waiting to to pick bil and nephew up for trip to the big smoke. We’re going by coaches put on by the football club which are departing from the club at 7.00am for a ko at 3.00. It going to be a long day particularly if the result doesn’t go in our favour. I’m a really bad loser, it’s not the ‘winning’ of the prize (moving up a division), its more not losing to (ie beating) the De-da’s from down the A61. Anyway better get a move on, don’t want to miss the bus!
  8. Canada Street is my favourite layouts (together with Walker Marine) of all time and saw it a Wakefield a few years ago. Very inspirational. Im hoping to build an industrial/dockside layout after seeing it. Better get a more on, time waits for no-one.
  9. Afternoon All, Sat at Costa at Fox Valley, definitely De-da land, plenty of blue and white (Sheffield Wednesday) attire to be seen. Swmbo at B&M getting me some ‘sports mix’ gums for the big day tomorrow. I have noticed that since taking them to the game results have improved significantly. As I’ll be going down the smoke swmbo will insist that i wear my best attire, but i dont want to upset the good run by wearing new underpants etc. Whats the chance of getting run over, ending up in hospital and then dying of embarrassment?
  10. Come on, get it in gear, you’ll regret not going once it’s too late. Your wallet may need some exercise, I’ve head he’s putting on weight!
  11. Morning All, Another poor night’s sleep,again not helped by the heat and again featuring really weird dreams. Anyway, after sorting dogs, nephews and sundry jobs out in the morning work progressed outside in the garden. SWMBO, despite the painful foot, finished off the patio cleaning while I mowed the lawn. After that an hour or so on the book and then tea. I was thinking of doing a bit of the m word but fell asleep whist listening to the football on the radio. By the time I’d taken Hovis for her evening constitutional it wasn’t worth getting the toolbox out. Not sue about todays tasks.
  12. Nice, but doesn’t look like it’s got the ‘grunt’ of the one in the hill climbing video!
  13. He could get a trailer for them! A padded one.
  14. Evening All, Not much to report BUT I have made a start on the bookwork! As one of the nephews is here I’ve been relegated to the spare bedroom which is fine by me. An early night beckons as I need the sleep. I’ve noticed today that I appear to have a bit of backache but it’s really more the top of one of my hips that hurts. Uncomfortable but no more at the minute but with a return journey down the smoke on Monday I’d like to get it cleared up ASAP. No pink pills for me, I’m allergic to them! Goodnight.
  15. A Bezza on full throttle? It flew over our house a few years ago, I think on the way to Derwent reservoir for some celebration. I think it was on that occasion BofB Memorial Flights C47 few over our house and I dashed in to get my camera but missed the photo opportunity. I took the camera back in and just as I came out the Lancaster arrived, flanked by two Spitfires. Tyrdycurses.
  16. Is the Rail Cargo Austria wagon a ferry wagon built to the UK loading gauge?
  17. Just been looking back, the driving trailer was first announced in 2013 and think it’s only very recently been released! I know it’s been on the cards for some time but hadn’t realised is was so long, a record perhaps? Changing the subject a little, it’s about time we got a ‘standard’ driving trailer/second.
  18. Just had a heavy rumble directly over our house. Wish I’d had my proper camera with me!
  19. Morning All, Not a good nights sleep partly due to the heat and humidity. Spent yesterday afternoon on a trip to Penistone to get a few groceries and call off at the old lady opposite for a slice of cake and a cuppa. Ended the day with a bit more cleaning of the patio. Really wanted to get some bookwork done but be the time I’d finished and had my pizza and Italian beer I wasn’t in the mood. I keep saying I’ll get up early and make a start so today seems like a good opportunity. Alas I can’t be bothered and feel tired even though I can’t slept. I haven’t even started Aprils and it’s nearly June. Another ‘could do better’.
  20. Probably a good time for the Good Doctor @iL Dottore to ‘make way’ and take his well deserved trip to Japan.😉 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-65709834
  21. Afternoon All, HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Hroth, enjoy it. Slow day here, tidying/cleaning the patio and arranging the outside furniture. The outside furniture lives in the orangery during the winter so that is now looking a bit bare and in need of a vacuum. That has now been completed. As for the afternoon, who knows. Well actually SWMBO does, I hope. Anyway, better get a move on.
  22. This is my latest acquisition, bought last weekend. The car transporter wagons have been available for decades so it’s about time this was produced.BTW I’ve been told that the transporter wagons are very poor runners but over the length of they’ve been produced there’s probably been some modifications. Anyone able to comment?
  23. Spent 1hour 26 minutes on hold and……… then got cut off. Double pah and turdycurses. Been down to stadium expecting a right old queue to find no queue at, all result. So happy I bought this, he’s Toby Tyke, tickets in hand paw!
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