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Everything posted by Erichill16

  1. Interesting factoid regarding out of town shopping centres of South Yorkshire. This picture, taken from Fox Valley shopping centre car park (Stocksbridge) this morning, while waiting for mil, shows empty wagons from ‘Samuel Fox’s works’ The wagons will pass the carpark of Kilner Way Shopping Centre where we had lunch. They will travel on part of the Woodhead route, from Deepcar through what, if anything remains of, Sheffield Victoria station.
  2. At least there’s a Smiths and a bookshop at Meadowhall. Marcway, used to go there quite regularly when I was collecting plastic kits to build but only go there now for paints etc.
  3. The place has been recently extended and refurbished and after that, opening hours change. Its not clear on the website so rang up to confirm the shop was closed. Staff obviously busy doing mail order!
  4. As there won’t be many trains about are you and PB going on one of these?
  5. May be tempted to write a book titled ‘Out of Town Shopping Centres of South Yorkshire, a critical review’
  6. Afternoon All, We ( swbo,Hovis, Syd and myself) took mil to dentist and afterwards was asked if I’d like to visit a certain emporium in Sheffield. Well you dont look a gift horse in the mouth so off we set off. 5 mins into the journey i realised they dont open on a Wednesday.Turdycurses number 1. So were now at another out of town shopping centre. Turdycurses number 2
  7. Nellie the Elephant. Toy Dolls
  8. The Damned, first gig i ever went to, at Barnsley Civic Hall. Dont think they played Smash it Up.
  9. Morning All, Breakfast had and now another attempt at some shut-eye. Tuesday, so that means a day with Sydney and mil and the boys for tea. ( not in the Hannibal Lecter way). Paperwork will probably get done and perhaps some emails sent. MRC tonight. Back later.
  10. Love Will tear us apart. Joy Division
  11. Evening All, After taking Hovis out we did go out…. Went to an out of town shopping centre and I bought anM&S sandwich to eat at a chain store coffee shop whilst SWMBO and mil had something from the coffee house’s menu. Of course we had to eat outside in the rain , under a canopy as Hovis was with us. All very exciting and shows our decedent lifestyle. Nothing much else to report so goodnight. Robert
  12. I don’t mind cider, lager and bitter but only with meals any usually only one bottle/can. I’ve got enough killing brain cells as it is! ps thanks for tip on brake fluid, I’ll give it a swerve next time I’m in Halfords!
  13. Girls just want to have fun. Cyndi Lauper
  14. Morning All, Hmmmm….. Bank holidays, we’ll at least Im not pestered by telesales and the like. Also the business is closed so won’t be getting anything ‘ for my attention from’ them. A bit of peace but what to do? Raining here as well and as SWMBO is finding it difficult to walk and unable to wear a shoe things are a bit limited. Just about to take Hovis for a walk and hopefully a cunning plan will have been hatched, even one including mil will be acceptable. Better get a move on, the whole day awaits.
  15. Morning All, Like most, spent much of yesterday watching the old gogglebox and felt very proud of what ‘we’ can put on. Also managed some paperwork and completed the monthly ONS surveys and even managed a bit of the m word. As for today, the last regular match of the season beckons, Hovis will need her walk and I have a feeling domestic engineering may be on the cards. ‘We’ve’ managed quite well with SWMBO’s incapacity, but I fear I have been less than thorough with some of my tasks so a bit of catch-up may be in order. Robert
  16. California Uber alles. Dead Kennedys
  17. Another influential design of the time was the Messerschmitt Me1101 and was used in the development of the Bell X-5 and I’ve read somewhere the Sabre.
  18. Walk like an Egyptian. Th Bangles
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