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Everything posted by Erichill16

  1. Morning All, Not a bad day yesterday, fish and chips at a local garden centre, a trip out to get some ‘special interest’ comics, a vat return completed and a bit of the m word done. Stayed up longer than usual watching a film but still awoke early. Stomach rumbling so contemplating breakfast.
  2. Something better change. The Stranglers
  3. Morning All, Managed to duck the nephews for tea yesterday but still had to visit mil to visit them and return Sydney to bil. was hoping for a day out, anywhere, but the rain has set in and with SWMBO not being able to wear a shoe on her ‘bad’ foot I think I can kiss that idea goodbye. Looks like taking Hovis out for a walk on my own then either paperwork or domestic engineering. My cup runneth over.
  4. On Lloyds pharmacies- https://www.retailgazette.co.uk/blog/2023/02/lloydspharmacy-sale/ An friend/colleague of mine has been splashing out, he’s bought 15. Thats a lorra lorra Deltics !
  5. Sydney’s been out, quick coffee and next Hovis. Chance nephews might not be coming, will certainly make things easier but it’s only a chance.
  6. I see plenty of these at the football matches!
  7. Morning All, Bettergetamoveon as @grandadbob would say. swmbo, Hovis, Sydney and myself have had breakfast, all made by yours truly and now time to run the bath. Then the dogs will need to go out but I can only manage to take them out individually as they are a real handful when they’re together. That looks like most of the morning sorted.
  8. So cold the night. The Communards. sorry for incorrect last entry ‘twas late.
  9. I get knocked down. Chumbawamba
  10. Evening All, Busy day here. Took SWMBO to A & E first thing this morning as yesterday she had a nasty fall and has got a very swollen, bruised and painful foot. Nothing broken but she’ll not be walking or driving for a week at least. As a result I’m in charge of preparing meals, looking after both dogs and keeping the house tidy. Oh and if I can manage it, keep the business running. She wasn’t in long at the hospital, about an hour and she asked if she wanted to appear on the tv series that being filmed Barnsley DGH, Casualty 24/7. She politely declined but witnessed some people who clearly don’t know what an accident or an emergency is. I feel a rant coming on so goodnight , Robert
  11. Erm, there’s no more carbohydrates in these ‘kids cereals’ than my usual ‘adult’ breakfast. As my teachers often said ‘must try harder’.
  12. Food will be the limiting factor. Not enough fisherman to go round! Happy Birthday Stewart!
  13. This is what I had for my breakfast, fortunately the box is now empty. SWMBO bought me them for a change, thanks but I’ll stick to the cornflakes.
  14. Continuing the Italian interlude heres a picture i found while sorting thing out at my mums house. Its the first car I can remember the family having. It belonged to my mum and was red. The picture is dated June ‘69. It was followed by much less adventurous types like Datsun Cherries and Mk1 Polos.
  15. From Healthline.com Will drinking alcohol through a straw get you drunk faster? Many people think drinking alcohol with a straw will get you drunk faster. One theory is that the straw acts like a vacuum and reduces oxygen, which increases intoxication. Another theory is that alcohol vapor gets trapped in the straw and is absorbed through your lungs. These explanations are purely hypothetical. There’s no scientific evidence to support the notion that a straw changes your body’s alcohol absorption. But using a straw can make you drink more alcohol without realizing it. That’s because it’s more convenient to drink with a straw. As a result, you might get drunk faster due to the increased intake of alcohol. The straw, however, has no effect on your rate of alcohol absorption.
  16. Exactly, thats why I mentioned the sane amount of alcohol. Mil is always coming up with old wives tales and believes them to be gospel.
  17. Cant think of any reason why it should. The amount of alcohol would be the same. Only variable would be how fast you drunk it. Sat out at a picknick table at Fox Calley and its started raining so better move to shelter. Not brought coats and we’ve parked my van further away than usual so we could ‘enjoy’ a longer walk. Ah well…….
  18. Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend Baz.
  19. Staring at the rude boys. The Ruts
  20. Back to the Swiss photographs, the liveries in the pictures seem a lot more pleasing on the eye than the current ones. The early liveries seem to complement the scenery whilst the new ones are just too ‘in your face’. Well that’s my opinion for what it’s worth. At least the Schynige Platte Bahn hasn’t succumbed yet .
  21. Despite sat in my van with Hovis whilst swmbo visits TK max we seem to be making progress today which makes a change. X-ray done, passport application made, item given away of facebook site delivered and three items sold (well just about given away) on ebay. Decided how to repay mate who helped out at work last week and wont accept cash payment. I have negotiated the funds for a small item that runs on parallel strips of metal but need to complete the deal before the tokens evaporate into the ether.
  22. Sounds very, very expensive. I watched enough tv diy shows to know anything not ‘off the shelf’ is disproportionately expensive.
  23. Morning All, contemplating breakfast but even though I have an X-ray appointment at 8:10 I don’t need to get up this early. Early morning sunlight always wakes me up and then find it difficult to get back to sleep. Much to contemplate which also doesn’t help. Robert
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