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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Morning All, It is another dark, but relatively mild morning in this part of the world. My first coffee has already been consumed, and I have already had visits from two colleagues to ask my opinion on the Brexit vote. As you can well imagine, I have my opinions Oh well - better get on. I have quite a long to do list planned for today. Have a good day everyone...
  2. Morning All, It is a rather chilly morning here, but dry. It is still dark, so the weather report is no more precise than that! I don't know if it is any help Chris, but my parents had a travel money card from the Post Office. It seemed to be quite a good deal, and certainly worked for them - although they largely used it to pay the Péage tolls in France. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  3. Morning All, It is a very murky morning in this part of the world. We had quite a storm overnight, but the wind seems to have subsided and it is now just pouring with rain! Great to see Debs back. Time for a coffee - Have a good day everyone...
  4. Morning All, It's pretty chilly this morning. Around 0°C and there is a light sleety-snow falling. Snow is forecast for later, so hopefully we will have the chance to get home before the chaos starts! I didn't think that we would see that much snow down here, but according to the news it has potential to be quite a large amount, so I guess we will have to see. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  5. Morning All, It's dark and cold this morning - but dry. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  6. I wouldn't have thought that C103 and C105 would actually need to be non-polarized - but it certainly wouldn't hurt.
  7. Morning All, We have another damp and chilly morning in this part of the world, but there is only snow on the hills - so nothing down here. There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  8. Good to hear! Hope you get the original problem sorted out. That schematic looks a lot better! It really is 1uF and non-polarised.
  9. Morning All, Dark and damp is the order of the day this morning. It is also rather mild for the time of year. Michael is right, DB are not winning any punctuality prizes at the moment. In fact, there has been a lot in the media of late as to how bad the situation has got. Punctual trains are something that the Germans take for granted! Have a good day everyone...
  10. Morning All, It is a dark, but relatively mild morning today. The weekend was quiet - I wasn't feeling at my best due to this cold, but normal service has more or less resumed this morning. Have a good day everyone...
  11. I agree with Kevin, replace it with what was in there - not what is on the schematic. Often circuits are revised and the schematic may not have been updated. However, a cursory look at the circuit sets alarm bells ringing with me. 1uF is quite a large capacitor to be used in that place. It looks like that is a damping capacitor used to increase the amplifiers stability and I would have expected to see something in the pico-farad range. The capacitor in the picture is a bog-standard 1uF 50v electrolytic. What isn't inconceivable is that the component numbering has changed (difficult to tell without seeing the circuit board). My suggestion would be to put a 1uF 50v Capactor in the same place with the same polarity. By and large, those small capactiors rarely leak (they aren't under enough strain) but they do deteriorate with age, and sometimes they can become partially detached inside, which can lead to the effect you have seen.
  12. I was interested to read this morning that one of the Ferries rumoured to be earmarked for purchase by Seaborne Freight is the former "Nord Pas de Calais". Also previously known as Class 99 number 99001 in TOPS. It's obviously a little difficult to say anything without getting political, but after MyFerryLink collapsed, the Nord Pas de Calais was sold and has been plying its trade in the Southern Mediterranean for the past few years. If this ship comes back to the UK, given its age - I should have thought the company are certainly going to have their work cut out getting it to conform to emissions and safety standards. Of course, this could all be a red herring, but it's certainly interesting.
  13. Morning All, It is a dark and cold morning in this part of the world. I also seem to have a dose of man 'flu. It's still there! Have a good day everyone...
  14. Morning All, We have a rather cold morning in this part of the world. The temperature is down around freezing, but looks fairly clear. There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...
  15. Morning All, and wishing you all a very happy new year! I must admit that I am not unhappy to see the back of 2018 and hopefully 2019 will be a better year. Back in the office this morning, it is yet to get light - but looks like being a cold, but clear day. Have a good day everyone...
  16. Morning All, It is another wet morning in this part of the world. It's also my last day of work before Christmas - then off until the 2nd January. There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...
  17. Morning All, It is dark this morning, very dark - and rainy! I am back in the office today, having had yesterday off for a health check. Everything seems to be in order as far as the Doc can tell so far, but I haven't got the blood test results yet - so fingers crossed. As far as drones are concerned - wretched things. It is such a shame that the actions of a few spoil it for the many. It doesn't take the intellect of a rocket scientist to work out that flying them in Control Zones is not a good idea. There was an Airprox back in the Summer at Stansted - a landing 737 missed a drone by a very small margin at 10000 feet! Have a good day everyone...
  18. Morning All, We had a little snow over the weekend (Sunday), but it is all gone now and the temperature has risen slightly. According to the forecast, the chances of a white Christmas are 0% this year! Have a good day everyone...
  19. Morning All, It is a pretty chilly morning in this part of the world. The temperature is around 2°C, but there was no sign of frost. The current forecast seems to suggest that there is a 0% chance of a white Christmas though. Have a good day everyone...
  20. Morning All, It is a chilly morning in this part of the world. The temperature is down to around 2°C and it is damp. There doesn't appear to be any frost. On the subject if health risks - I've given up listening to all these reports. I am sure that there was an article a couple of years ago quoting all the health benefits of Christmas Pudding. Therefore, it's just another study that has analysed different statistics and come to a different conclusion. It is, after all, a well known fact that 93.723% of all statistics are made up. Everything in moderation, unless it is clearly a known and proven health risk. Have a good day everyone...
  21. Morning All, It is a rather chilly 4°C this morning. Still, I guess that is to be expected for the time of year. It has also been raining overnight - although it is dry at the moment. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  22. Oh John - I'm really sorry to hear that. Wishing you and Sandy all the best.
  23. Morning All, Rain is the order of the day at the moment. We have had several days of more or less continuous rain. I've been absent for a few days due to a trip to the UK to bring my Mum over for Christmas. We had quite an exciting journey back on Saturday, crossing the channel in a force eight gale. Have a good day everyone...
  24. Morning All, It is a mild morning, and it has stopped raining! Everywhere is still pretty damp though. Time for a coffee. Have a good day everyone...
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