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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Morning All, We have another autumnal morning in this part of the world. It is milder than yesterday, but blustery. Thoughts are very much with Debs. Have a good day everyone...
  2. Morning All, It's quite a chilly morning today. The temperature is down to around 2°C for the first time. Good that we have an appointment to get the Winter Tyres put on at the weekend! There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee. Have a good day everyone...
  3. Morning All, We had quite a busy weekend, but managed to get quite a lot done. I spent Saturday doing the washing and also making our patio door shutter work properly again. It is electrically driven, and although it would open and close correctly, the limit switches had stopped working properly. Fine if you happen to be standing right next to the door, but likely to cause problems if one of us forgets, presses the button and walks away! I'm not really sure what the problem was, but having readjusted the limit switches, it is now working. This morning is one of the first really autumnal mornings. It is pretty chilly, and the leaves are now starting to fall. Not before time! Have a good day everyone...
  4. Morning All, It is a rather cloudy morning today - there are definite signs that the indian summer is leaving us. There is also quite a nip in the air. I don't have a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  5. Morning All, It is a reasonable morning in this part of the world. There are signs that it is going to cool down over the next few days though. I think that will probably mean wind and rain, but we do need the rain. I have quite a bit to do today, so I guess I had better get on! Have a good day everyone...
  6. Morning All, It is just starting to get light in this part of the world, and it looks like it is going to be another warm and bright day. In fact, of late, I have found myself wondering if the climate has indeed reached a tipping point. I can't remember a summer as hot and long as this one. We have had very little rain for months, and it was reported on the radio this morning that nearly a third of this year has temperatures which are classed as summer. I still don't have any grass on the lawn, and I haven't mowed since about June! Oh well - time for a coffee. Have a good day everyone...
  7. Morning All, I can't tell if it is going to be a bright morning, because it isn't light yet! However, all indications (the number of stars visible, together with the forecast) suggest that it will be. There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...
  8. Morning All, I am back in the office this morning having been off work for a week. It was the autumn school holidays, so Thomas was at home and we also renovated our bedroom. It is quite a bright morning, with scattered cloud. Have a good day everyone...
  9. Morning All, It is a nice clear autumnal morning here. Had a slight amount of drama yesterday evening. I was sitting in the living room minding my own business when there was a huge crash outside. Turns out, a youngster on a moped had come to grief right outside our front gate. Goodness knows how he managed it on a straight bit of road! I went outside checked him over and he refused an Ambulance, so I scooped him and the moped up. To be honest, he seemed more shocked than hurt - and this probably wasn't helped by the fact that there was a woman (who I presumed to be his mother) balling at him, machine gun fashion, in a language I didn't understand! It makes me wonder in hindsight if he was trying to show off in front of his mother - He managed to put a scratch in the paint on our front wall, and knock some plaster off - but that's nothing that a bit of touching up won't cure. I advised him to see a doctor to check that he hadn't done himself any damage and he went on his way. I'll put that down under "things you don't need of an evening!" Have a good day everyone...
  10. ITT as in International Telephone and Telegraph? I never knew that!
  11. Morning All, Traffic was light on the autobahn this morning. I guess many people are having today and tomorrow off, after the bank holiday yesterday. It is quite chilly (in fact, we lit the fire for the first time last night) but I think it will be quite bright once the sun comes up. We seem to have quite clear skies. What terrible news Chris. I suppose he died on his way to something he enjoyed, but nevertheless that's not a nice way to go. Have a good day everyone...
  12. Morning All, It is quite chilly this morning, Autumn is now firmly upon us. I don't have a lot to report, and another busy day awaits, so I guess I had better get on. Great to hear an update from Debs. Have a good day everyone...
  13. Morning All, It is rather Autumnal this morning, but quite pleasant after the heat of the summer. It looks like a busy week is awaiting, so I had better get on! Have a good day everyone...
  14. Morning All, It is a nice morning today. Rather chilly, but bright, although the forecast threatens that it will cloud over later on. Yesterday we had our team day, which this year involved a walk to the Saalburg Roman Fort in the Taunus. It was a pleasant walk though the forest, and then we looked around the fort and had lunch. Some of us then walked back whereas others made the short walk into the valley and caught the train. All in all, it was around 11 miles. Oh well - time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  15. Morning All, It is a pleasant autumnal morning in this part of the world. Slightly warmer than it was yesterday morning, but not by much! Sounds like our old chimney sweep. Fortunately, we didn't have the sort of problems that Andrew has had - but we'd get bills for other people, or our bill wouldn't come, and then despite chasing it we'd get a final demand months and months later. Eventually, the regulators took his business from him and we got a new sweep. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  16. Morning All, Nice to see Debs visiting us! It is a very chilly morning here, it was down to 3°C - which is a bit of a shock to the system after so many months of warm weather. Time for a coffee Have a good day everyone...
  17. Morning All, It is a nice bright morning, but a chilly 8°C. We had torrential rain, and stormy winds yesterday but it is calm again today. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  18. Morning All, We have a reasonable morning today. However, the weather is set to deteriorate over the weekend. It is certainly a bit cloudier this morning. Which program Brian? I am curious, as I have used quite a few circuit analysis programs over the years. Oh! Yes - I should think that was interesting. Have a good day everyone...
  19. Morning All, It's a nice morning here - just starting to get light. Great news from John! Have a good day everyone...
  20. Morning All, It is a clear morning here, and just starting to get light. It is warmer than the past few mornings have been, but Summer's last gasp is forecast as it is due to get cold, windy and generally autumnal at the weekend. Interestingly enough, the streetlamps were out at home this morning, so I was treated to a much better view of the heavens than we usually have! I agree with Dom on this - there are various money exchange counters available, but you'll have to pay commission. Which may not be worth it, if the sum in question is small. However, you may be able to get one of the banks to do it for you, particularly if it is one of the bigger branches. Sorry I can't be of more help, but it is a bit hit and miss, and probably a case of see what happens! Have a good day everyone...
  21. Morning All, It is a nice bright morning today. Quite chilly, but that is to be expected given that it is now the middle of September. The forecast suggests that the temperature will climb to the high 20s this afternoon. David, it isn't inconceivable that your second cat is over eating because she is stressed. Now that the stress factor has been reduced, her weight may return slowly to normal. It is a shame that the other one has become aggressive, but at least she is going to live with a vet! Time for a coffee Have a good day everyone...
  22. Morning All, It is rather a chilly morning today, but according to the forecast it is going to get up into the high twenties later on. The weather is still a little strange! Have a good day everyone...
  23. Morning All, It is a nice pleasant morning in this part of the world. However, as Autumn approaches, it is certainly getting more chilly! I have rather a lot to do today, so I guess I had better get on! Have a good day everyone...
  24. Morning All, It is still too dark to make a really informed statement on the weather (a sure sign that Autumn is approaching). However, it looks cloudy and there may be some rain later. Have a good day everyone...
  25. I'd agree with David, pop Linux on it, with JMRI and together with a Sprog (or other command station) you've got a very passable piece of DCC kit.
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