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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Morning All, It is a nice bright morning today. The temperature is still quite low, but the sky is clear. I was very relieved to see that much of Notre Dame has survived. I was really wondering what I was going to wake up to this morning! To think that it took over 200 years to build and could be destroyed in an afternoon. Here's a picture I took in 2010. Have a good day everyone...
  2. It's around 5°C here, and no sign of snow. However, we did have a few flakes on Saturday morning.
  3. Morning All, It is a rather pleasant Spring morning today. A little on the chilly side, and somewhat hazy but there is a definite smell of Spring in the air. I too had a little trouble getting on this morning due to the Bad Gateway message. However, I discovered a message from Andy on Twitter, and came in through the "back door" so to speak. Have a good day everyone...
  4. Morning All, It is another fairly chilly morning, but should warm up later on! Time for a coffee. Have a good day everyone...
  5. One of my colleagues came into my office this morning and said "Ok - So now it's Halloween Brexit!" It has become a subject of constant amusement!
  6. Absolutely! However, it is hugely difficult to get a straight answer when everything is in a constant state of flux. There is also a huge amount of conflicting information out there.
  7. For what it's worth, I've had similar information. Although, I must admit that it is very difficult to get concrete information - particularly with the current situation in the UK, the authorities just don't seem to know what is going to happen. However, mixing passports does seem to be frowned upon - and I have also been told that, if you are a British Citizen, you should always enter and leave the UK on the British Passport. Assuming there is no deal (God forbid) then some form of visa arrangement will become necessary (once again, unless there is a waiver, or alternative agreement). That means that British citizens will only be able to stay in the Schengen area for three months, with no return within three months - your passport will then have to be stamped. However, up until now, mine has not been. Presumably, having a second nationality will mean just needing to show your ID, to prove that you can remain in the Schengen area for longer than three months - but like I say, nothing is certain so nobody really knows. Hopefully this will become clearer nearer the time (although how much nearer the time we actually need to be is anyone's guess).
  8. Morning All, It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world. Quite chilly, at 5°C. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  9. My interest in Pirate Radio has more to do with the technology, and to a certain extent the mythology. I still marvel at the engineering required to run a multi-kilowatt broadcast transmitter on a relatively small ship or fort. I've never been involved in commercial radio. I was also fortunate enough to hear many stories about Pirate Radio from my father who worked in the Post Office's Radio Investigation Branch at the height of the Pirate Radio era. Funnily enough, once he retired from BT he went on to a second "career" in horticulture and for some years did a gardening programme on Radio Kent. He took great delight in exchanging yarns and tales of derring-do with some of the former Pirates. The pirate era certainly changed the face of radio, and who knows how things would have developed if Screaming Lord Sutch hadn't set up shop on Shivering Sands.
  10. Were you involved in any way Chris?
  11. Morning All, It is a damp morning today. Quite mild, but we have had heavy rain overnight. There are actually several forts in the Thames Estuary. One of which can be seen in Mike's picture of the windfarm. It is in the right hand side of the picture and looks like a square blob on legs. That's Redsands - one of Maunsells Army Forts. There were comprised of living quarters, a searchlight tower, and various anti-aircraft gun towers. Originally, there were three army forts, Nore, Redsands and Shivering Sands. Nore was demolished after a ship collided with it. Shivering Sands is still standing, but is in a rather sorry condition and is significantly further from the shore. Redsands is currently being restored by a team of volunteers. In additions, there were four navy forts. Roughs Tower, Sunk Head, Tongue Sands and Knock John. Knock John is still standing, but living on borrowed time. Sunk Head was blown up and Tongue Sands collapsed. Most famous is Roughs Tower which is better known as the Principality of Sealand. They were of course made famous by Pirate Radio in the 60s - which is primarily where my interest in these structures stems from! Have a good day everyone...
  12. Morning All, It is a rather misty morning today. Almost autumnal! Time for a coffee. Have a good day everyone...
  13. Morning All, It is a rather overcast morning in this part of the world. Still, it is mild. I made a start on tidying my office over the weekend. There is a lot more to do than I thought there would be! However, the first steps have been made. Have a good day everyone...
  14. Guten Morgen Zusammen, It's a rather grey morning in this part of the world. There is a slight drizzle, but it is relatively mild and the bird song seems to indicate that Spring is still with us! I am looking forward to the weekend. I have quite a lot to do, but a renovation of my office is on the cards and this will hopefully create a bit of space for my layout so that I can finally do some more work on it. It has been a long time! Have a good day everyone...
  15. Morning All, It rained for most of the night. Still, it's good for the garden! It is quite a mild morning, but a bit on the foggy side. Have a good day everyone...
  16. Morning All, It is a rather damp morning in this part of the world. It looks like it is going to be a fairly busy day, so I guess it's time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  17. Morning All, It is a nice Spring morning in this part of the world. A little overcast, and a temperature around 8°C. Have a good day everyone...
  18. Morning All, I am back in the office after a quiet weekend. The temperature is around 5°C, and it is reasonably clear. There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it's time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  19. Morning All, It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world. Now, it's time for coffee! Have a good one everybody...
  20. Morning All, It is a rather overcast and chilly morning today - but at least it is dry! Have a good day everyone...
  21. Morning All, It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world, but pretty cold. On the subject of driving on opposite sides of the road. Having driven for many years, on the left, and the right in both left hand drive and right hand drive cars, I switch fairly automatically. However, the times when you really need to be careful is when you first start out in the morning in unfamiliar territory. Have a good day everyone...
  22. Morning All, Winter seems to have returned this morning! The temperature has fallen to around 0°C and there is a fairly heavy frost. There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...
  23. I missed that the first time Barry - Sorry to hear your news.
  24. Morning All, It started off reasonably bright here, but it now seems to have started raining! I was saddened to read about Mal. Even though it was expected, that doesn't make it any easier to accept. Have a good day everyone...
  25. Morning All, Happy Anniversary to John and Sandy and of course thoughts are with Tony and Aditi. It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world. Still fairly chilly, but the temperature yesterday afternoon got up to around 18°C, so Spring is definitely on the way. Have a good day everyone...
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