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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Good Morning Everyone, I thought it was about time I checked in again! All is fine in this part of the world. We are still in "lockdown light" and that has been extended until (probably) Christmas. To be honest, I can't see them relaxing the rules much - we've already resigned outselves to the fact that Christmas is going to have to be scaled down this year. My Mum cannot visit because of the travel restrictions, which means that it is the first time in my life I won't see her at Christmas, and visiting Thomas will probably involve meeting in the garden! Still, if that's what it takes to get this wretched virus under control then so be it. Have a good day everyone...
  2. Morning All, Thought it was about time I dropped in! There isn't a lot to report because I haven't actually been doing a lot except for moving between my home office during office hours and other parts of the house during the "off time". We have done some work in the garden though. We finally decided it was time to get rid of the dreaded ivy hedge and replace it with a fence. It was quite a challenge finding a gardener who was prepared to do it, but we managed eventually and now wish we'd done it years ago. They had a huge challenge though - it took them nearly two days just to remove all of the ivy. I am just very glad that I'll never have to cut the wretched stuff again. It was the one job in the garden that I really hated, and the warm summers mean that I have been having to do it up to three time a year of late. Thankfully everyone in the family is currently healthy - although my cousin's daughter is in quarantine having (presumably) come into contact with somebody at college. They sent everyone at the college home on Friday - but Test and Trace didn't get around to informing her of the need to quarantine until Wednesday. We also have a friend who was very, very poorly - poor chap popped into work for ten minutes to collect something and ended up with catching Corona from a colleague. He spent several weeks in hospital with viral pneumonia - He is on the way to recovery, but it is a very slow process. This thing isn't to be sneezed at (if you pardon the pun!) Strange times we live in. A belated Happy Birthday to Ian. Have a good day everyone.
  3. Morning All! Just a quick message to say good morning. I hope that you are all fairing well. We are well into Autumn now, and it's damp but mild today. There isn't a lot else to report so have a good day everyone...
  4. There's nothing wrong with Excel, when used correctly. However Spreadsheet ≠ Database. Completely the wrong tool for the job.
  5. Morning all, Doing fine thanks! Still working largely from home and trying to avoid the virus. Our area currently has around 36 cases per 100k residents which puts it into the "orange" category. It has also been climbing steadily which isn't exactly what you want to hear. Apart from that, there isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...
  6. Morning All, Thought it was about time I checked in again! Autumn is approaching, although we have had some unseasonably warm days. Yesterday afternoon it was up to 30°C. It is due to cool down towards the end of the week though. I am still working from home - not unsurprisingly infections have increased following everybody returning from their summer holidays. We are currently at level orange as we have around 25.5 new infections per 100k people over the past seven days - but we are well under the 50 required for a lockdown. Thankfully, we are all healthy! Have a good day everyone...
  7. Morning All, Today is the first day of meteorological autumn and we seem to have the first signs! It was definitely quite a bit colder overnight and there is a definite chill in the air this morning. The heating came on for the first time too - quite a bit earlier this year. There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...
  8. Morning All, Where does the time go? We have a very blustery morning in this part of the world and it would appear that autumn is fast approaching. I'm working from home again today, having spent the past three days in the office. Hoping all ERs are staying healthy! Have a good day everyone...
  9. Morning All, After a two week break, I am back in home office again. We didn't go anywhere this year - the original plan was to head down to Berchtesgaden, but we cancelled once the pandemic really started to take off. That part of Germany "sticks out" into Austria which means you are very confined if the borders are closed. We did get a few jobs done around the house which have been pending for a while - but it was rather strange, 2020 looks like being a total write off! Have a good day everyone...
  10. Morning All, We have another nice bright day, rather too warm - but certainly not as bad as it was last year. I was in the office for a couple of days this week, which made a nice change! Have a good day everyone...
  11. Morning All, It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world. The forecast is for around 30°C later this afternoon, with the chance of showers later on. There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...
  12. Morning All, It is rather a muggy morning today. The temperature is due to get up to around 30°C this afternoon, which will match yesterday. Strange however, is that on Wednesday the temperature was down to 10°C and it was decidedly chilly! Thankfully, the forecast has been revised since yesterday. There was talk of a former tropical storm coming up from the South and causing super cell activity over much of Southern Germany. That is still going to happen, but if the forecast is correct it will be further south than we are. If you ask me, we should just cancel 2020! Have a good day everyone...
  13. Morning All, Sorry for not posting recently! As the "normal" routine has been thrown into complete chaos, somehow posting dropped off my radar. Having said that, I have actually been doing some modelling. Not much - but I have a small layout in the offing which I am documenting, but am going to otherwise keep quiet about because usually I never get anything finished (or even properly started!) Baz sent me a PM yesterday to ask if I was Ok, and the answer to that is Yes! Thanks to all of you who expressed concern. I am actually in the office this morning, as we are currently doing some testing - but both Mercedes and I have largely been working from home since March. We are very fortunate - not only are we (and the whole family) healthy, but we still have work and the company have been very good to us. I won't leave it so long next time! Have a good day everyone...
  14. Morning All, I hope that all ERs are fairing well. It has been a strange few days which is why I haven't been posting. We aren't on lockdown (yet) but all non-essential travel have been curtailed, most flights are cancelled and we are being advised to work from home and not go out wherever possible - All non-essential shops (excluding supermarkets, petrol stations, pet stores etc) are closed. I have been in the office, doing a lot on getting the infrastructure ready that I need to work from home. As I work in what is classed as a critical facility - there are still quite a few colleagues around. Last night, I had to visit five supermarkets before I could get everything that we needed for the weekly shop. We didn't stock up on anything because we everyone was being told that it wasn't necessary. However, doing our weekly shop on tuesday night, the supermarket had no loo roll, no eggs, no flour, no pasta, no tinned vegetables, very few frozen vegetables and no sugar. Yesterday, I went around five more supermarkets before I could get everything we needed - except loo roll. That is nowhere to be found. Stay healthy everyone - we live in interesting times... Nevertheless, have a good day everyone... Oh - Nearly forgot. The weather is fantastic! Blue sky and spring in the air.
  15. Morning All, It is a rather dull morning today. Rather too warm for the time of year and there is currently a light drizzle falling. I can report that despite reports to the contrary, I was able to buy a packet of toilet rolls yesterday afternoon! Have a good day everyone...
  16. Morning All, It is a very mild morning today. 14°C and it's still before 07:00. Unusual for March! Time for a coffee. Have a good day everyone...
  17. Morning All, It's a filthy morning today! Heavy rain, and blustery wind. Quite exhilarating, but it wasn't a particularly nice drive to work this morning. Thinking of you, your family and especially your Brother, Mick. Have a good day everyone...
  18. Morning All, It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world. Relatively mild for the time of year, but there is supposed to be another storm approaching. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  19. Morning All, It's a filthy morning in this part of the world. We have heavy rain, but it is reasonably mild. I had a trip to the dentist yesterday afternoon - fortunately everything was in order. Have a good day everyone...
  20. Morning All, First of all, sorry to hear about Lady, Andrew. It is a chilly morning here, but dry. Mercedes went shopping yesterday evening and reported that the chaos of the previous week was not in evidence. It would seem that the panic buying has now subsided a bit. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  21. Morning All, It is a rather murky morning today, with rain on and off. The temperature is down close to freezing, but there doesn't appear to have been a frost. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  22. Morning All, It seems to be a reasonable morning. A little on the chilly side, but at least the mornings are getting lighter. A belated Happy Birthday to Ian! Have a good day everyone...
  23. Morning All, It's a nice bright morning in this part of the world. The weekend was quiet, although I had to drop into the Supermarket on Saturday for a couple of things and the place was absolutely heaving! Many things were also sold out. The media are telling people not to panic about the Coronavirus, but they are also telling people to make sure they have enough food in case they end up being quarantined. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  24. Morning All, We have a reasonably bright morning in this part of the world. It's chilly, but last night's snow has almost gone. It started snowing at around four, and continued until around eight. It did lay, but it quickly melted once it actually stopped snowing. Time for a coffee! Have a good day everyone...
  25. Morning All, I am back in the office this morning having had a trip to the UK over the past week and a half. It wasn't much of a holiday, but then it wasn't supposed to be. I spent most of it tidying out Dad's stuff and helping my Mum with the jobs that she couldn't do on her own. The weather was "interesting" as anyone in the UK will testify. Fortunately, flooding isn't an issue where my Mum lives - but the wind certainly made jobs like re-roofing the shed interesting! Have a good day everyone...
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