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Everything posted by AlfaZagato

  1. I suppose this is a long shot. I was thinking of modelling the Galaxy Express 999 from anime and manga. The franchise portrays a train that travels through space. This is said to be via an invisible 'space bridge' that retains atmosphere enough for an American-style rear observation platform. At least one company (Micro-Ace, I believe) has a set for the train itself. For the space-bridge, I was considering on how to make an 'invisible' track. Has anyone tried cutting grooves in acrylic or plexi to a gauge? That was my line of thinking, grooved plexi with metallic film linings. Has this been done?
  2. Just more finessing of the paint. There truly isn't much more to do. I just didn't do much over the past week. Really, I'll move onto something else soon.
  3. Always disappointing when you can't play with a new toy...I mean tool. I hope you feel better.
  4. Just wondering if you finished the builds. Or maybe if you made the prints available.
  5. I believe one of the Awdry-penned companion volumes state that Thomas was supposed to be an honest E2. Also, Awdry's disagreement with Dalby is not entirely unknown. I imagine both another member posting here would be able to verify the source, and that we are drifting greatly at this point.
  6. The holiday season means I get asked to set up a loop at the office. New office this year means I'm no longer beholden to doubled-desks next to a leaky window. I have two 4'x8' sheets of chipboard laid in our attic, with about a 3'x8' oval. Not as much running as before. I don't like to have it run where I can't hear or see it. I also found out the Japanese caboose I have (code WaMu, I believe?) has automatic directional lights. Absolutely cool. I'm so used to UK outline that lights at all are very novelty, much less on rolling stock. Lastly, I popped for a new set from Kato. N scale Chicago & North-Western '400' set. The '400' was named for covering 400 miles in 400 minutes. Not this same-said train, but I have ridden these cars before, too. I'm waiting to be accused of being a Packers fan due to the colors. I'll have to, eh, correct the opinion.
  7. No, of course it isn't.
  8. The emblem looks so odd on such a bright background.
  9. Highlights, now. Edge or otherwise. I'm still trying to be conservative with the highlights. I don't want to outline everything. All the studio models seem that way, though. I've been using white mostly. I mixed something like 10:1 white to neutral gray for the big armored dude's highlights. Huge puddle of paint I barely used. Still, he will receive further highlights. I mean, I'm getting somewhere. Some corrections will be needed. As always. I picked up some Plastruct textured sheet to use on the bases. I think the packaging was wrong, though. Hardly looks like treadplate in any scale. Translucent, too. I've read elsewhere on this site of a modeler having issues getting translucent plastic sheet to stick to anything. Not confidence inspiring to me. I may have wasted $12.
  10. To be fair, you do yourself no harm in cutting the joint along the courses like that. Extra surface area for the cement is rarely a bad thing.
  11. That's better than the local station I have here...
  12. I think Hatton's may have (fairly) underestimated the work in producing a locomotive in N. When the B-G was first announced, it was implied or outright stated that the B-G was chosen due to the research already having been done. N, admittedly, is more of a watchmaker's gauge than OO/HO. Production strategies used for the larger scale might not apply. Also, while the aforementioned research already existed, Hatton's had worked with Heljan on the OO B-G, which might mean some of the information might still be with Heljan and in some capacity unavailable.
  13. Terrence is a Caterpillar 60, if I remember correctly. TV model used Tiger tracks, though.
  14. OK, different from the ALCO I expected. I think mostly by virtue of being Baldwin.
  15. I've done more work on the Infinity JSA. This past week was washes & beginning the highlights. The tutorial I'm following suggested color-keyed washes, but I couldn't make much use of them. Everything was washed black instead. I am following the recommendations for highlights, though. I don't know where to start, color-wise, with the woman in the kimono. I am trying to emulate the studio scheme for the models. Corvus Belli painted the kimono in a sort of mint color. I really don't know where to start. The tutorial offers no guidance on the matter, either. Sunday was another of my gunpla club's build days. I began work on a new kit, the Master Grade 1/100 Grey Zeta. Naturally, the thing is orange. Interesting build so far. Which isn't very far. The Zeta is a transforming model, either a robot or a sort-of cross of a F-117 & an F-22. Like the past few gunpla, I'll likely only work on this at the build days. I have too many other projects to devote bench space to this. We'll see where I get with the Infinity next week.
  16. Without a picture, I'd wager the 0-6-0 tender switcher is the USRA Standard 0-6-0.
  17. Fencing nearside would also likely be a regular victim to unaware bodies.
  18. I do know the Churchward Counties were rebuilt into 4-4-2 tanks, but I don't think those lasted long either.
  19. I'm not certain we are speaking of the same Counties? I know the Churchward County was retired due to poor running. I don't know much about Hawksworth's Counties.
  20. I think if the Counties had been 4-cylinder, they would have ridden better, and therefore been a better success.
  21. Back to Infinity. I've mostly blocked in the base colors. Lots of gray, but also lots of variety here-&-there. What follows will be a plethora of pinwashes. Highlights will follow suit. I do have to 'invert' some of the base coats, though. The tutorial reversed the call-outs for the armor & the clothing. I'll have to be more careful now, too, so as not to obscure details. Lovely.
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