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Everything posted by AlfaZagato

  1. OK, thank you gentlemen. I ask mostly to decide whether or not to get Mill Lane Sidings coaling stage kit. Looks neat, but I have to decide whether or not if fits what I plan to do.
  2. Were the coaling stages only found at the largest facilities? I'm used to the American method of a stonking great tower either on the approach to the shed, or randomly out on the mainline. I'll have to see if the one near me is still up.
  3. Need more trains. Why is England so far away?

  4. Need more trains. Why is England so far away?

  5. Dave, if you do start doing unpowered stock, would you consider MoW vehicles in N? Or even 00? English prototype MoW and Breakdown equipment is few and far between RTR. And in N, even the kit selection is slim. Personally, a Crowans-Sheldon 15 ton in N would be amazing, especially if you produced it with the shelter in GWR livery.
  6. Honestly, Dave, I think you should avoid digging into the track market. Most people who are going to be really bothered by the look are likely to build EM or P4 anyways. If anything, I would love if you would start testing the waters with 3.5mm/ 1/87/ H0 scale RTR English prototype, maybe starting with a WD 2-8-0, or something else that found it's way onto the continent and points beyond after the wars.
  7. Shouldn't the 17 only be produced as a dummy, anyways?
  8. Thanks for all the help so far. I'm pretty sure I can get the Mashima through North West Short Lines, which is damnably easy for me to buy from, so that should work, then.
  9. I'm an Anglophile living in the U.S. Through an extended estate sale, I managed to scrounge a handful of locomotive and rolling stock kits. Among them was a Nu-Cast MR Johnson 2F 0-6-0. The kit seems easy enough, but I see no mention at all in the instructions on which motor was suitable for the kit. This would be my first loco kit, and I know few personally who even attempt kits, so I don't know where to start. Directly, I ask in this thread what motor my Nu-Cast Johnson 2F kit needs. Indirectly, though, I hope that others with similar questions would feel comfortable in bringing their queries here, and some enterprising gentlemen (or ladies, as the case may be,) can either answer directly, or send us in the right direction. I've attached a picture of my progress, namely the chassis, if that helps anyone in answering my question.
  10. Didn't sit through the rest of the thread. Now, the silly part of me seconds the LMS Garratt in N, though I know that could never be profitable (though the $250 paperweight I got in the mail a couple weeks ago only reaffirms my desires,) but in all seriousness, I would love a GWR 350hp shunter. Back to silliness, having a RTR Cathedral or some other 'never-was' would be insanely amazing. And I also second the gentleman/lady who suggested supply 'blank' coaches with number transfers. I think it could even allow you to undercut the 'big boys,' by being able to supply bulk packs more easily. Also, as a general idea for if/when you approach major passenger locomotive prototypes, you might want to approach Kato for rights to copy their magnetic headboards. The locos I had with them were absolutely amazing.
  11. I think I missed it somewhere, but does anyone do Pollens in N? Or a Crocodile G? The whole reason I want the Crocodile is so I can do one of the coastal defense guns. Found a picture of it in A History of GWR Goods Wagons and fell in love with it. Or maybe a Totem, too...
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