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Everything posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. Probably a P2, I hope you have a Q6 on order though
  2. Nice one Callum, sorry, I'm not using you tube much anymore so I've missed them (and the update on here for some reason )
  3. Still, at least Cleverley is going, but a lot of the team still seems under-par
  4. Does anyone have any plans for a GCR goods shed that they could scan for me?

  5. Falcao to United, can't say I'm not happy, but we really need more CBs and a holding midfielder, especially if Rojo can't play
  6. At least you're going to get a decent model of one either way
  7. Now wants to model a NER line in deep winter in the late 1950's

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frappington Jct

      Frappington Jct

      Don't flatter yourself! :)

    3. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      like this :https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10592879_838818619470721_5764924865596591256_n.jpg?oh=df0059114dbbba3f8fa6b0ef2c24d6dd&oe=54614283 but with rails?

    4. hornbyandbf3fan


      I completely blame the photos I've been looking at of snowplough, and then 69843

  8. I think it looks excellent without the back scene, more realistic as the sky looks very stormy and the 'sky' seems to sweep round
  9. I'm kinda missing Moyes, then again he did buy Fellini for a ridiculous sum
  10. I was taken by the tank, but I'd forgotten about it... Until now. Anyone fancy doing a centurion
  11. That J50 looks superb, I've been meaning to have a go at doing up a Lima one with a new chassis
  12. I think Boris might be in the naughty corner

    1. Swifty11


      Well his status is gone...

  13. Im going to after wait 'till tomorrow as my copy of Model Rail still hasn't arrived
  14. You are running my future finances today with this and the Q6, dammit
  15. I was thinking of doing a test in winter, if I get any snow
  16. More great work, sorry I haven't got much time for youtube at the moment
  17. At the NYMR or NNR I hope (J72 or B12)
  18. Thanks mate, I'm trying to get a video done, but I'm struggling to find the time to be honest
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