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Everything posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. The CDAs looking excellent behind 47306 this weekend
  2. Two interesting sightings this weekend The Midland Pullman at Parkway, was dropping someone at the station and didn't realise this was going to be there And 44871 on the Royal Duchy today
  3. A slightly over sized and out of era visitor to the yard at its last show
  4. Hornby the Northumbrian train pack in mint condition for 95 including postage.
  5. A fruitful couple of minutes in the sun a couple of days a go. Screenshots from a video so not great quality.
  6. Did think watching one of them struggle up the bank out of Parkway that someone needs to do a 00 version. Now to decide whether I want Alfred or Judy. It's a shame that they're not available separately in the light green livery.
  7. Those AI descriptions are awful. Always so much text to say so little.
  8. Taunton and Launceston Castle at Parkway last night
  9. A fun few hours chasing trains around Respryn as the Bodmin & Wendford timetable fell apart
  10. £120 for a loco described as surprisingly working after being dropped is a bit mad https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285516412953?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=jtU0YS_vTr-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=rzldvwtmrse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  11. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335050434868?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=LJMOQvC5Siq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=rzldvwtmrse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY More offended by the postage costs if anything
  12. Not too shabby, dog doesn't mind either. Think I prefer this angle by the bridge though
  13. Yeh now it's Mr **** or Officer Cadet ****, by staff and other cadets. I shudder to think what would have happened if I'd called my CSGT staff RMAS has changed a lot recently, Gurkhas are still the stuff of myth and legend, although the Nepalese I learnt mainly revolved around getting extra scoff at meal times.
  14. Can promise you that at no point do you get called Sir by the instructors at Sandhurst anymore!
  15. Has anyone else had derailing issues with these on 3rd radius curves?
  16. Thank you, could you point out which are the gear tower clips so I know where to start? Instruction manual for this is long gone and it's the first time I've taken apart a Hornby diesel. Thanks
  17. Was just about able to get them The issue I've had with mine is when I try to get it to run, it won't move and makes a humming noise at regular ~ 5 second intervals. Lights still work, direction change works, so I dont think it's the decoder, it just won't move. Should I cut the fan or is it likely to be something else. It has been in storage for a while, but similar models have worked with no problems. There is some corrosion, but this appears to be for the wiring for the cab lights which do work.
  18. Trying to remove the body off a Hornby Class 56 to clip the fan off to hopefully get it running again. There's 4 screws I need to undo, but the bogies are in the way. Tried seeing if part came off to allow access , but it's just snapped off. Is there a way, or do I have to work around the bogies. Thanks
  19. Playing trains, dog suitably unimpressed
  20. Seller has a bundle with an identical loco in it...
  21. A donor chassis would be best, it's a very old model though so I fear I may struggle. Plenty of bodies about though! Got the body off and scraped a lot of rust off, leading to it now somewhat working. Unfortunately part of the valve gear has snapped, but apart from that it is fairly free wheeling now. Unfortunately the video is too big to attatch
  22. Used the pick up service for the first time today and can recommend it. Cheaper and they bring labels, obviously easier if you're at home but I believe they can pick them up from your safe space
  23. Hi everyone I have a very old Hornby 8f tender drive from the eight freight trainset. Unfortunately, it has developed a lot of rust, I think as it was stored in the garage and there was issues with the box. As you can see it's on the valve gear, but as it's tender drive I'm hoping it'll be somewhat fixable. Obviously it won't ever be perfect, but I'm curious to see if it's doable. Does anyone have any tips or ideas, or is it time to consign it to display. Thanks
  24. Have to wait for the sales with hattons and at least you know there's lass hassle if it doesn't work!
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